A war on the truth By Frank Salvato Have you heard this one? What do you call a law school co-ed who needs $1000 worth of birth control...annually? Evidently, in today's politically correct society – a society devoid of the concept of shame – a women's health advocate. Two of the casualties of the Progressive Movement – the movement that gave us the unyielding mandate of "tolerance," the one-size-fits-all prescription for forced diversity, an American citizenry who, in order to be American must divide itself up based on a multicultural edict, and the shadow set of laws known as political correctness – are truth and the capacity to state truth. The Fluke-Limbaugh faux controversy is a perfect example. A hypothetical (which really isn't but I need to use the disclaimer for our purposes here)... A modern day woman, youthful to middle-aged, frequents a popular local eating and drinking establishment. She is considered a "regular" to many, and is known to the staff and to the other "regulars" who find themselves in that establishment on a more frequent basis. For the purposes of example, let's call her Candra. Now, Candra had a good upbringing. Her parents – upper-middle class and considered successful – were able to save enough money to put Candra through college. She graduated and landed a decent job. She works hard, her co-workers like her and her employers are glad to have her as part of the team. Candra's philosophy about life is "I work hard, so I play hard," and who can blame her. She's in the prime of her life. She's single. She's free. So, Candra enjoys a hearty social life. Now, Candra reaps the benefit of a society changed by the radical feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s. She understands that she is the master of her body and that no man – and no woman – has the right to tell her what she can and cannot do with her body, but for the boundaries of legality. So, when Candra is drawn to someone – or attracted to someone, whether it is because of his looks, his banter, his station in life or (and she's knows this is shallow, but hey, people do worse things) his money – for whatever reason, when Candra is drawn to someone she sees no reason to set personal boundaries; boundaries that have oppressed the sexuality of women through past generations. If she chooses to leave with the man, if she chooses to have sex with the man – whether under the guise of a budding relationship or just for the night – she sees no reason why anyone should deny her that opportunity...or even have an opinion about it. It is her choice. It is her right. The people who know Candra see her leaving at the end of the evening, time after time, with different men. Some of the men return to see Candra again but many don't. And, in the end, everyone knows that Candra has a penchant for being uninhibited where her sex life is concerned and many have identified the fact that she has many sex partners...many sex partners. Now, politically correct or not, in those places deep within us where we foment our unedited opinions; those places that we refuse to acknowledge publicly for fear some intolerant Progressive mind thug will brandish his or her bullhorn to scream "bigot" or "sexist" or even "Conservative," we all know that if a woman is known to have slept with a different guy every few nights, that woman is considered, by an overwhelming number of both men and women, to be "easy"...or "promiscuous"...or, more pointedly, a "slut." I know, I know. But, all the shrieks and gasps, all the condemnation and protest over the use of the word doesn't change the fact that "slut," by definition means:
And, of course, we all understand "promiscuous" to mean:
So, Candra, who – being a modern woman who is liberated of the oppression of discernment where the number of her sexual partners is concerned – is, by all matters of definition, "promiscuous," or, if one employs the thesaurus, a "slut." Hypothetical over... President Obama was correct in at least one thing that he said in the run up to his presidency: words matter. I would go so far as to say not only do words matter, but truth matters, no matter how cutting it may be. In an article titled, In Defense of Slut-Shaming, Cassy Fiano writes:
Wow..."casual sex is a great way to earn respect." Unbelievable. This is what passes for socially relevant intellectualism in today's Progressive compliant society. By that measure, our hypothetical "Candra" should be right up there with Mother Teresa, Abigail Adams and Rosa Parks. After all, Candra's accomplishment isn't just that of attaining "slut" status; of bedding anyone she wants, whenever she wants, without fear of responsibility of consequence, it's that she has achieved it without one scintilla of shame. Now there's a word that went out with the feminist revolution of the 1960s and 1970s..."shame." We should all look that one up... Frank Salvato is the Executive Director for BasicsProject.org a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and education initiative focusing on Constitutional Literacy and the threats of Islamic jihadism and Progressive neo-Marxism. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His organization, BasicsProject.org, partnered in producing the original national symposium series addressing the root causes of radical Islamist terrorism. He is a member of the International Analyst Network and has been a featured guest on al Jazeera's Listening Post and on Russia Today. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel, and was featured in the documentary, "Ezekiel and the MidEast 'Piece' Process: Israel's Neighbor States." He is the author of the series Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam, an educational pamphlet series. Mr. Salvato is a regular guest on talk radio including on The Captain's America Radio Show, nationally syndicated by the Phoenix Broadcasting and ABC Satellite Networks, catering to the US Armed Forces around the world. and is heard weekly on The Roth Show with Dr. Laurie Roth syndicated nationally on the IRN-USA Radio Network. Mr. Salvato has been interviewed on Radio Belgrade One. His opinion-editorials have been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, Accuracy in Media, Human Events, and are syndicated nationally. He is a featured political writer for EducationNews.org, BigGovernment.comand Examiner.com and is occasionally quoted in The Federalist. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be contacted at contact@newmediajournal.us.