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The United Nations and helpers aim to destroy Christianity

By Jane Gaffin
web posted January 19, 2015

A 100-foot-tall statue of Christ the Redeemer, his inviting arms opened 92-feet wide, has kept a kindly presence over his flock from atop Corcovado Mountain since the famous Rio de Janeiro landmark's official lighting ceremony of October 12, 1931.

Somehow, supposedly tampering with the illuminating rods, the icon that reverently symbolizes Brazilian Christianity ended up flooded with garish green lights during the United Nations (UN) 10-day Rio+20 jabberwocky in late June, 2012.

One would think that when ill-mannered Marxist brats are guests in someone else's house they could at least refrain from trashing sacred art objects.

As noted by esteemed writer Alex Newman of New American, shortly before the conference's official opening, green legend James Lovelock — the "scientist" and environmental guru who initially introduced the whole UN "Gaia" concept to be worshipped as a one-world religious symbol — warned that the "green religion" was going to sink Christianity.

Understandably, UN critics and many Christians were outraged. 

Shedding light on the matter, Newman expounded in The Real Agenda Behind UN "Sustainability" Unmasked.  that "Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy advisor to former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and one of the most well-known opponents of the UN's supposed environmental agenda, called it (the green stunt) ‘a kind of childish message that the environmental religion is now replacing Christianity,' " 

More powerful men than James Lovelock and Simon Fish, vice president of Toronto-based BMO Financial Group, have tried unsuccessfully to wipe out Christianity for 2,000 years.

Throughout various pockets of history, Christianity has been pushed underground, even as recently as Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's "Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom" Campaign that flushed out dissidents opposed to party ideology. The clergy was either executed or banished to hard-labour camps where many died.

But Christianity didn't die. The spirit of God lives within people's souls and cannot be killed.

Presently, in China, Christianity is booming, propelling the country toward becoming the world's largest Christian nation

A groundswell of multimillions of Protestants/Catholics/Unknowns out of a possible 1.3 billion population have the momentum going to scare the pants off members of the Communist Party who seem to realize the futility in trying to wipe out Christianity by simply toppling man-made crosses from steeples and razing stone-and-mortar buildings. 

Brave Chinese Christians simply put everything back in place and wait to be arrested or for the next demolition crew to show up. So far, the only imaginative crackdown remedy President Xi could conjure up is the threat to "nationalize" the surging religion to bring Chinese Christianity into compliance with the "party line".

Concurrently, Xi's neighbour, Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be cultivating Christianity into his country's prime religion.

While Christianity gains popularity in Communist-based countries, Canada is hell bent on dumping Christianity.

That fact did not escape President Putin: "We see that many Euro-Atlantic (the Western) States have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilisation."

Canada is "following politically-correct orders" from the United Nations, the international organization that has to destroy Christianity and the Bible to eliminate the supreme, God-based constitutions governing legitimate governments of the Western World that clash with the United Nations Charter.

Under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, an obscure Army manual cites the Christian Bible as one item that can find a person categorized as "terrorist", "racist" or "mentally ill". If not murdered for the transgression, the "sinner" will be forever institutionalized as a certifiable nut case.

Therefore, Christianity has to be eradicated to easily sell the masses on the ideology that national constitutions and their Bill of Rights are outmoded folly. In the Western civilization, people's liberties and freedoms are protected as natural, God-given, inalienable rights, rooted firmly in British Common Law, Bill of Rights of 1689 and the Magna Carta of 1215, which has withstood the test of time for 800 years this June 15th.

However, through brainwashing and the gradual erosion of morality, integrity and spirituality the Marxists intend to break the back of freedom-loving countries. Carrying out the job for the United Nations are innumerable political puppets, the willing types referred to by Russian revolutionist Vladimir Lenin as "useful idiots".

Alex Newman explains the double-dealing that goes on in the UN underbelly in his December 31, 2014 New American piece, UN Seeks to Criminalize Free Speech:

"Even the whole UN notion of ‘human rights' should be viewed for what it is: a tool of tyrants to attack the real rights that have underpinned Western traditions since the Magna Carta. 

"Indeed, unbeknownst to average Americans and humanity as a whole, the UN means something very different when it discusses ‘human rights' than, say, the unalienable, God-given rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

"In the American system, rights such as self-defense, free speech, religious liberty, trial by jury, privacy, and property ownership are endowed by the Creator upon every individual — a truth that America's Founding Fathers viewed as "self-evident."

Everyone -- Christian or not -- has a huge stake in Christianity, declared the sage columnist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in his powerful Christmas: The Greatest Gift for All message "Whether or not we are individually believers in Christ, we are beneficiaries of the moral doctrine…" 

The latest Antichrist travesty has come from the Canadian banks, owned by Canadians, the majority Christian Canadians.

I'm doing my darndest to separate the Bank of Montreal, where I've done business for 48 years, dating back to when banks acted like banks, from the BMO Financial Group.

Bank lawyer, Simon Fish, seems to feel there's nothing that quite needs reforming so much as other people's habits. and beliefs. He is trying to blackmail Christians into changing their conduct code, otherwise the banks and some 70 plus Canadian corporations will see that those people are ban from finding employment anywhere in Canada, starting with professionals such as lawyers, physicians, teachers and trickling down the list to tradesmen, labourers and service workers.

The burr under Fish's saddle started with the private, 4,000-student Trinity Western University (TWU) at Langley, British Columbia, where students practice morality and good character in their daily lives.

The faculty and students believe strongly that marriage is between a man and a woman and are committed to family values. They shun Marxist ideology of "free love" and promiscuous sex.

Fish, who probably received his marching orders from the CEO and Board, attached his signature to a March 26, 2014 letter advising the Law Society of Upper Canada to not grant accreditation to lawyers degreed at Trinity Western University.

The law societies of Nova Scotia and British Columbia, in a backflip, came onside. To date, law societies in all other Canadian jurisdictions are granting membership to TWU law graduates, but not for long if the intolerant Canadian banks get their way.

University of Ottawa-degreed lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos, who holds to Christian beliefs, outlined in his January 9, 2015 article Christian Lawyers and Doctors Need Not Apply 

"TWU, which exists to ‘develop godly Christian leaders' in a variety of marketplaces, requires its students and staff to sign a Community Covenant.

"This pledge, based on religious beliefs, to abstain from certain activities and behaviours during their time at TWU, includes the use of alcohol on campus, viewing pornography, and ‘sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.'

"...a concerted effort to block TWU's law school was engaged by lawyers' professional associations deciding to disapprove of its graduates.

"The Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, the (Ontario) Law Society of Upper Canada and the Law Society of British Columbia each decided to refuse admission to TWU graduates to the practice of law because of TWU's adherence to the biblical view of marriage.

"To do so, these law societies chose to disregard the Supreme Court of Canada's 2001 decision, which ruled that a professional body could not refuse to accredit students from a TWU program because of TWU's Community Covenant."

In rendering the 2001 decision, Canada's top court cited a raftload of passages from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Further, to be brought to the attention of BMO Financial Group and its supporters, is the Mobility Rights 6(2)(b), which was not at issue in Trinity Western University v. British Columbia College of Teachers, [2001] 1 S.C.R. 772, 2001 SCC 31. 

"Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province." 

These politically-correct witchhunters, an extreme madman practice I thought went out of fashion in Salem in 1693, need to view remarks posted by TWU graduates and others in response to certain articles, specifically the Vancouver Sun's Proposed Christian Law School at Trinity Western Under Fire Because of University's Anti-Gay Rules.

Respondents varied in skin colouring; admitted homosexuality; or spoke of following non-Christian religious persuasions. The common denominator, however, was their enjoying and appreciating their time on TWU's campus.

So what's the problem? What's wrong with aspiring to be a good person? 

TWU does not reject applicants as long as they adhere to house rules like the ones by which offsprings must abide as long as they live under their parents' roof. If the applicants don't like the rules, they are free to enroll at any of Canada's public law schools.

Why are the bloodthirsty Marxist busybodies whipping up a frenzy to protect students from discrimination who don't seem to be suffering discrimination? Students posting comments did not sound like they needed or wanted outside interference.

The next time a customer service rep coos sweetly at me, "I see from your account that you don't have a BMO Mastercard, and they're so-o-o handy", I have a souvenir to hand to the rep to read and share with bank colleagues.

It's a three-pager, penned by long-time BMO customer Lou Iacobelli of Toronto, headed "Why I Will Be Cancelling My BMO Mastercard". It spells out the sordid mess that is not a BMO Financial Group banking matter, but starkly defines a discriminatory policy that smacks of Christian bigotry.

Whereas corporations have the right to make whatever internal policies they want, I have the option to obtain a credit card from a source not connected to any of the five major Canadian banks.

The central Bank of Canada has a mandate to hold Canadians' money in Trust, keeping it safe and secure, which is what renders the Canadian banking system the envy of the world.

My gold-plated suggestion is that the banks bow out of meddling in matters of sexuality, ethnicity and religion and get back to tending to the business of banking, thus ensuring that debts incurred gambling on the derivatives, currency and mortgage markets can be covered without having to rob middle-class depositors' accounts and pension funds to cover losses when the bubbles pop.

Goodness is the only investment that will never fail you.

Practice it, BMO! ESR

Jane Gaffin is a freelance writer living in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. She can be contacted at janegaffin@northwestel.net or visit her at www.janegaffin.wordpress.com.






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