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They just don’t get it

By Dr. Robert Owens
web posted January 25, 2021

Listening to the predictable prattle of the perpetually re-elected pretend conservative Republicrats talk about how they’ll follow the disastrous first two years of socialist rule with election victories retaking the Congress is like watching people whistle in the wind.  They may think they’re sharing a tune, but no one is hearing the music. 

These professional politicians act as if what happened in November 2020 was another in the long line of American elections.  One side wins and then four or eight years later it’s the other side’s turn.  That is not the case.   

We’ve had one-party rule in Washington before with one party controlling all branches of government.  And at times we’ve seen that power used as an opportunity to effectively push radical agendas.  There were the Republicans from 1860 to 1877 who gave us Radical Reconstruction.  The Democrats had their turn during most of the 1930s and we got the New Deal.  From 2009 to 2011 the Democrats had an undivided government, and they gave us ObamaCare and its mandate.  The Republicans had it from 2017 to 2019 and we got the biggest tax cuts in American History. 

But this time I believe it’s fundamentally different.  The election of November 2020, in my estimation, can best be compared to the elections in Germany in 1932 when the National Socialists gained a super majority in their Congress.  Once they gained power, they began immediately to consolidate it.  Shortly thereafter the infamous Reichstag fire was used as an excuse to impose draconian measures which ultimately stamped out all resistance to their one-party rule.  I believe the riot at the Capital will become America’s Reichstag fire with Donald Trump portrayed as the Snowball on Biden’s Animal Farm: a perpetual symbol of reactionary resistance to the New Regime. 

The Plandemic has already morphed into the crisis that never ends.  Instead of stiff-arm salutes, wearing a mask is the symbol of obedience.  If masks worked so well, why does California which has the strictest quarantine and mask regulations in the country also supposedly have the highest infection rate?  Are required proofs of vaccination far behind? 

The Uniparty will legalize tens of millions of illegal aliens and give them voting rights.  They will open the borders while offering free everything ensuring an avalanche of newly imported voters.  They will add several states so they have a permanent lock on the Senate.  They have threatened to pack the Supreme Court with enough Democrat Socialists to effectively make it a rubber stamp of the Party’s agenda.  Just the threat of doing this by the Democrat icon FDR caused the Supreme Court to cease and desist all opposition to the New Deal.  Look for universal mail-in voting to be established nation-wide.  They pushed it as a response to the Scamdemic and we all know there’s always another crisis right around the corner. 

This isn’t just another in a long series of “Whose turn is it in the barrel?”   

Believing a term Joe Biden used in one of the debates and several times since, America is headed into a “Dark Winter.”  Though Mr. Biden is well known for his verbalistic gymnastics this may not be just some strange wording picked out of the air or an attempt to make a hip cultural allusion aimed at Game of Thrones junkies.   

In June of 2001, the federal government conducted Operation Dark Winter.  This was a massive simulation exercise that focused on a governmental response to a covert biological attack using a super-strain of smallpox.  The strategies used by the government in this exercise included massive lockdowns of the entire population and economy.  To combat rioting, it used military intervention.   

Making this connection will probably be labeled a conspiracy theory, however anyone is free to read an eye opening article in the elitist magazine Foreign Policy entitled America’s Pandemic War Games Don’t End Well.  This article explicitly states, “The exercise presaged the events of COVID-19 that would take place within months of the simulation’s end.  It very clearly showed that a global pandemic would take a global response.  It was uncannily accurate.” 

As we watch our freedoms erode and our economy crumble we may well be headed into Biden’s dark winter, but we cannot say we haven’t been warned. 

As the pampered, privileged, and protected denizens of the swamp on the winning side work feverishly to institutionalize their one-party forever administration and the pampered, privileged, and protected denizens of the swamp on the losing side try to calm everyone down by acting like it’s business as usual all I can say to the winners is, “We get it.”  And all I can say to the never-trumpers and their fellow-travelers trying to make sure we all walk quietly into the camps is, “You don’t get it.”  ESR

Dr. Robert Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 




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