The biggest Biden/Harris lieBy Mark Alexander After the greatest comeback in presidential history by Donald Trump, the Biden/Harris regime is nearing its final curtain. However, we are acutely aware that, as Trump laments, "[They are] doing everything possible to make the transition as difficult as possible, from lawfare such as has never been seen before, to costly and ridiculous Executive Orders on the Green New Scam and other money wasting hoaxes." As you well know, it will be an enormous challenge for Trump, JD Vance, and their administration to clean up the domestic and foreign policy disasters that the Biden/Harris regime is leaving in its wake. In addition to cleaning up the mess Biden and Harris made, Trump et al. will be tasked with cleaning up the mess that made Biden and Harris. As Victor Davis Hanson surmised, "Après Biden, 'L'audace, l'audace, encore l'audace, toujours l'audace!' To paraphrase mixed French 18th-century memorable quotations: After Biden, follows not the deluge, but now daring, and still more daring, and always more daring." He explains why: "A combination of two self-evident truths. Joe Biden's inept administration proved an ungodly disaster, not just for America but for the West as well, who looked abroad for a stronger America but found it weaker. And second, Trump Invictus is now liberated... He is without worry over another election, or a discredited and defanged media, much less a third Nancy Pelosi-contrived impeachment." As the Trump administration endeavors to restore the well-documented success of his domestic and foreign policy strategies, the Demos will redouble their efforts to thwart his administrative directives and will continue to suppress American Liberty on all fronts. However, as a wise elder once advised me in the midst of a disaster, "Start where you are and move on from there." We are prepared to do just that in order to, as Ronald Reagan originally declared, "Make America Great Again."
First, despite the endless stream of lies perpetrated by his staff and mainstream media to cover up his degraded mental capacity, let's recall a few of his "senior moments." These were indicative of the degree of his non compos mentis status — and revealed the resulting peril we faced as a nation. Compliments of The Washington Free Beacon: As William Voegeli asked in his comprehensive essay, All the President's Mental Lapses, when considering those who got their information about Biden's mental capacity from conservative news sources like The Patriot Post, versus Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes, Which news consumer would have been better informed about the realities of Biden's cognitive decline? You were. It was not until after his June 27th dazed and confused debate with Trump that the charade to prop Biden up collapsed, leading three weeks later to the official end of his campaign and his endorsement of Kamala Harris. But as our readers are aware, long before other conservative analysts predicted Biden's demise, we had staked out our position in October 2022: Biden Will (NOT) Be the Demo Nominee in 2024. Moreover, we noted when Harris stepped in that they were executing a long-planned strategy to Kick Biden to the Curb. Of course, in mid-2022, 75% of Demo voters said they wanted another candidate. Anyone observing the rapid decline of Biden's mental acuity since 2020 should have joined us in our assertion that he would not be the nominee. In the end, Biden's withdrawal was scripted long before July of last year, and his departure was a concern because we believed Trump could handily dispense with Biden. Indeed, in the weeks after Harris entered the race, her polling surged. Thankfully, the longer she was the center of media attention, the more independent voters determined they did not like her. By Election Day, Trump managed to win a narrow plurality of votes, 49.9% to Harris's 48.4%, just shy of a popular vote majority. As political statistician Nate Silver says regarding the popular vote, Trump went from 63 million votes in 2016 to 74.2 million in 2020 to 77.3 million in 2024 ... seems like he's getting more popular! Many Demos offered post-election opinions that Biden should not have dropped out, pretending that Trump was not already on track to win a far more decisive victory over Biden. Our nation deserves a full accounting of who lied about Biden's mental incapacitation while president. For his handlers, who were deceiving the public about his decline even prior to his candidacy in 2020, there should be consequences. That deceit included propping him up through the 2024 primaries just to do a handoff to Harris afterward, ensuring she would face no Demo primary rivals and, thus, not risk creating division within their party. Likewise, we should never forget the mass media clowns who collaborated with the Demos to pull off this deceptive election-year charade. Yes, Biden has always been a prolific liar and the leader of the Demos' lying dog-faced pony soldiers, and Harris was Biden's lying dog-faced pony soldier 2.0. But they must share their BIG Lie award with the chorus of puppeteers who pulled Biden's strings until it was time for Harris to step in. Furthermore, now that the magnitude of media participation in this deception has been exposed, some conservative analysts suggest the mainstream media is on its last legs. However, let me assure you, to paraphrase Mark Twain after errant reports of his death, The reports of the MSM's death are an exaggeration. In a series of closing thoughts on Joe Biden, The Washington Post, one of the big propagators of the Biden is fully capable lie, offered editorial assessments of his presidency by its columnists. Typical of those was this from Matt Bai: In the long run, we tend to remember one-term presidents more for their principled stands than for their ultimate failures. ... That won't be Joe Biden's legacy. After a lifetime of noble service, he will be chiefly remembered — like so many in his generation — as a man who didn't know when to leave. To be clear, only in the deepest leftist echo chamber is one-term president Jimmy Carter being remembered for his principled stands rather than his ultimate failures. And asserting Biden had a lifetime of noble service is just laughable. Still, Bai is correct on one point — his assessment that like so many in his generation, Biden didn't know when to leave. This is true of too many members of the House and Senate on both sides of the aisle. However, it is important to understand this about all of them: It is not so much the officeholders who refuse to accept they are well beyond their expiration dates as it is all those power circles around them whose claim to Beltway status and influence is tied to their names. Finally, is there any hope that Joe Biden might be prosecuted for his corruption while in office given that he awarded Hunter Biden a blanket pardon? Probably not, but the bigger question is this: Will the Biden Crime Syndicate be disbanded or just merged with the next Demo iteration of Godfathers? Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.