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The City of Lies

By J. K. Baltzersen
web posted January 20, 2025

Soon Donald Trump will deliver his second inaugural address. Although the imagined address below is likely a bit different from what he will deliver, it captures the spirit of Trump, mixed with some hopes some have. Wishful thinking? Perhaps? Or perhaps not?

Donald Trump inauguration in 2016My fellow Americans,

It is with great honor I take on this city of lies that lies before us, this Mordor on the Potomac. This city is based on lies.

We saw Kamala in her closing remarks, referring to King George III as a petty tyrant. Fact was that it was Parliament that was the problem. Before the revolution, taxes were much lower in the American colonies than in Britain, and they started rising here in America shortly after the revolt.

The revolution gave us higher taxes, not freedom. This city is based on lies. American government based on the lie that the government is us is more far-reaching and extensive than King George ever could have dreamt of. King George was not a tyrant. The tyrant is the building behind us.

As I said, this city is built on lies.

The American President known as the Great Emancipator, known for freeing slaves, inherited slaves from his father-in-law. He could have freed them, but he chose to sell them into further slavery. This city is built on lies. That same American President went to a battlefield and declared government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

That same man made war on his own people, a war that crushed federalism as a check on the central government. He created this swamp. This city is based on lies.

Woodrow Wilson, a professor, can't trust them, campaigned on staying out of the war. He took the great America into war. Lies, lies, lies. This city is based on lies. He, Wilson, said liberty does not come from government. Then he created more government than ever. More lies.

He created the income tax from this city of lies. He created the Fed. Then, after the war, the economy crashed. They blamed it on our wonderful capitalism, those liars. It was because of war and the Fed. Bad things!

I'll say it again. This city is based on lies. Keynesian economics rose. Really bad thing. Based on lies.

Wilson created Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. Bad people. Now, the swamp says we must make war to make the world safe from bad people. While this city created bad people. This city is based on lies.

We spend ourselves into debt to protect the world from bad people, bad people this city, this swamp created. It's all lies.

They lie that we can afford this. It's time to put America first, not the lies about the world.

They say it doesn't matter what we spend because we can just print all the money we want. This is a pack of lies. Government is not magic. It is a heavy burden on the backs of the American people, and the people are fed up with being burdened. They are burdened by what has been.

Let us now be unburdened by the lies of this Mordor on the Potomac. Let the world be unburdened by the lies that have been. The liars in this city tell us that big government is to the benefit of the common man, of poor people. It's all lies.

This city is built on lies, based on lies.

Lobbyists come to this town and live it up. They come to get a hold of the hard-earned cash of good Americans, good Patriots out in the vast land that made America great.

This city is not great. This is a city of lies. Mordor on the Potomac. They tell us this city must have more power, but it is only for the good of the lobbyists who can multiply and live it up even more – on the backs of American taxpayers. Lies to benefit themselves.

They say the Deep State is a nutty conspiracy theory. It's all lies to protect themselves. This city is based on lies, in particular the lie that there is no Deep State. And then there is the lie that the government in Washington must grow and grow. With Vivek and Elon – such great Patriots – we will show you that this is a lie.

They say the truth is the first casualty of war. So true. There are so many lies going around when this country goes to war. When this city of lies goes to war. We saw it in Iraq. Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons. Big mushroom bombs. It was all lies. Lies from this city. It was all lies to have a phony reason to go to war. Totally fake.

This city is fake. Lies, waste, and bad people.

We are here to clean out those lies, that waste, and bad people. The Department of Government Efficiency, under the good leadership of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, will expose the lies. They are very good people.

This Mordor on the Potomac persecutes the good people that expose the lies. They make criminals out of the very good people who show us the lies. Edward Snowden is one such example. Very good man.

He should come home as a free man and help make America great again. I will pardon him as one of my first acts as President. We need such great whistleblowers. Very good people. We need them to expose the lies of this city of lies. The city that is based on lies. Built on lies.

We need to stop all this lying. It is very bad. It must end.

It is true that this nation was built by immigrants, but we must stop the lie that all immigrants bring the same to our culture.

We must dismantle the Deep State. We must dismantle this army of lobbyists. Send them home.

We must end the lie that fiat currency managed by the Fed is necessary. We must make sound money great again.

We must end the lie that all climate change is man-made.

And we must end the lie that this big government in Washington is to the benefit of the people.

We will drain the swamp, the swamp of liars in this city of lies. We will drain it because this nation cannot be great with this swamp of lies and liars. And we will make America great again. And America will be great again when we drain this swamp of lies and liars.

My fellow Americans, I am honored to be your President. This city, this nation, and the world will be unburdened by the lies that have been.

We will make America great again!

God bless the United States of America. ESR

J.K. Baltzersen is a Norwegian political commentator and writer. His work has appeared, among other places, in The Washington Times,, and Enter Stage Right.


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