The new Five-Year
By Vin Suprynowicz
posted February 11, 2002
Despite rhetoric about curbing wasteful government boondoggles -- subsidy
programs that actually increase the shelf price of groceries to the poorest
Americans -- the U.S. Congress is in the process of unraveling a hard-won
1996 law that would have weaned American farmers off federal subsidies.
(So much for the "Republican Revolution.")
Overall, the new socialist agricultural Five-Year Plan will increase
federal spending on agricultural subsidies, price-supports ... even payments
to grow nothing at all ... by $45 billion over five years.
(Good thing there's no recession ... and no deficit.)
But as a small sop to taxpayers -- to make the whole scheme look slightly
less obscene -- the Senate voted Feb. 7 to cap annual federal subsidies
at $275,000 per "farm family," while also making the nation's
richest farmers ineligible for federal crop support.
"There have to be limits," said Don Nickles, R-Okla. "If
not, we are going to allow people to make millions off of these programs."
Recipients of hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal farm payments
over recent years have included such Fortune 500 companies as Chevron
Corp. and International Paper Co. and wealthy urbanites such as Charles
Schwab, who heads a nationwide brokerage firm, lives in San Francisco
and owns a rice and cotton farm in California's Glenn County, according
to an Internet database set up by the Environmental Working Group, an
environmental watchdog organization.
A Florida real estate developer who controls 130,000 acres of farm and
ranch land received at least $1.2 million in subsidies for his 2000 crop,
The Associated Press reports.
"Capping farm payments will restore integrity to farm programs,"
said farm state Sen. Charles. E. Grassley, R-Iowa, apparently with a straight
With even such multiple winners of the Silver Sow Award thus climbing
aboard, surely no senator would be brazen enough to argue that $275,000
per family wouldn't be enough free government money ... right?
Think again. Thirty-one senators tried to derail this modest restriction
on payments that often go to wealthy urban fat cats who haven't felt black
dirt between their toes since they were in nursery school. Most of the
dissidents were from the South, where cotton and rice interests are particularly
dependent on federal subsidies.
"Do you know what this farm bill says to the South? Hold still,
little catfish, all I'm going to do is just gut you," Sen. Zell Miller,
D-Ga., said.
"Farmers need more support and higher prices because their costs
are forever rising," said Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark. "Farmers
are going out of business and rural towns are heading for the abyss."
Now, a certain number of pro forma "fighting words" to demonstrate
an appropriate level of dedication to the cause for the benefit of the
Folks Back Home are always to be expected. But ironically enough, backers
of the subsidy cap point out that big government payments, by driving
up land prices, have actually been helping large producers push smaller
farmers out of business.
"The single most effective thing Congress could do to strengthen
the fabric of rural communities and family farms across the nation is
to stop subsidizing megafarms that drive their neighbors out of business
by bidding land away from them," said Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D.
The subsidy cap is worth enacting, as a clear case of "better than
nothing." But in fact, there is one far more effective thing
Congress could do: Stick with the plan it OK'd in 1996. Let American housewives
and food processors and textile mills (if there are any left) buy cheaper
imported rice and cotton and sugar (ending the flight of candy manufacturers
and their jobs over the border to Canada, for starters) while giving
American farmers a date certain by which they'll have to shift to crops
which they can successfully grow at competitive, free-market prices.
Isn't that what we keep telling the residents of the former Communist
bloc they've got to do? Comrades?
Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas
Review-Journal. For information on his monthly newsletter and on his next
book, "The Ballad of Carl Drega," dial 775-348-8591.
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