When disappointment comes from the right By Frank Salvato As Republicans stand on the precipice of taking back the majority in the United States Senate – that is if (and that's a mighty big "if") they can achieve the remarkable feat of not snatching defeat from the jaws of victory – it is becoming painfully obvious that our rhetorical standard-bearers of the punditry have not only been absorbed into the beltway mentality, but have ingested so much of the elitist Kool-Aid that they are, themselves, becoming the poison that moves the foundation of the Republican Party – and, therefore, Conservatism – incrementally to the Left. It was with great chagrin that I recently listened to Ann Coulter, appearing on FOX News Channel's Hannity, depict those who are calling out "establishment Republicans" shysters. Ms. Coulter, a usually stalwart scion of the Conservative Movement (but for her affection for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who hasn't a clue about the serious threat our country faces from Islamofascism), while seemingly lauding the TEA Party, in the same breath took them to task for identifying Progressives who exist on the Right side of the aisle. In part, Ms. Coulter opined:
Ms. Coulter later opined:
Evidently, and due to the fact that we live in a time when the electorate is about as evenly split as it ever has been; a five to ten percent of the population deciding elections, by Ms. Coulter standards, it is never a time to take a stand against the encroachment of Progressivism in the Republican Party. Each and every one of those so-called "Conservative" pundits (including Ms. Coulter, I am quite sad to say) who attack the TEA Party – which is just as much a part of the Republican Party as Progressive-Leftists are a part of the Democrat Party – should forever refrain from singing the praises of President Ronald Reagan for their complete abandonment of Reagan's 11th Commandment, originally declared by Gaylord Parkinson, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." The demonization of those who the TEA Party grassroots elected to office – be it on the local, county, state or federal level – is inexcusable, as is their defense of those who have made being federally-elected a career, instead of a duty. By defending the status quo in the "establishment GOP," Ms. Coulter and her fellow "top level" pundits, either inadvertently or knowingly, facilitate the incremental political slide to the Left from which our country currently suffers. They do so by their support for those in elected leadership who abdicate the founding principles of the Republican Party for retention of power. As I stated back in a 2009 article titled, The Path to the Future Requires a Return to the Roots:
Each time our modern day national GOP leadership engages into "compromise" with the Progressive leadership of today's Democrat Party; each time they break-off into "gangs" of eight, twelve or sixteen; each time they make excuses not to hold to the promises they made to the electorate during campaigns or try to explain why they voted directly against the founding principles of the party they lead, they prove to care more about retaining power than doing the work they were elected to do: representing their constituents and executing their charge with fidelity to the platforms they ran on. Even a cursory understanding of the tactics used by the Progressive-Left sheds light on the fact – the fact – that they use the word "compromise" in situations where they already have the advantage, so as to "begin" "negotiations" from a position left of true political and ideological center. In using this tactic, they are assured that any perceived "compromise" will always – always – move the issue's end point further to the ideological Left. A perfect example of this is "hate crime" and "hate speech" legislation. As addressed in a recent article, who is the arbiter of the definition of "hate"? Hitler, Stalin and Guevara all had their own definitions of "hate" and those definitions resulted in the mass murders of millions of people. But Progressives manipulate the electorate – and their political opponents – by tapping into "feelings," therefore, a fickle national GOP; a federally-elected Republican Party leadership more concerned with how they are perceived than the principles they were sent to Washington, DC, to defend, will always lose – always, and do so incrementally. Today we have a federal Republican leadership team – or, an "establishment Republican" leadership team (a moniker at which Ms. Coulter grimaces), that: ▪ ...has promised tax reform for decades but has never delivered said reforms, almost always tapping the excuse that it would never fly in an election year, even though Democrats promise the same; ▪ ...has promised a decrease in the size and scope of government but has, instead, presided over a grotesque expansion of government, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (just for snicks-and-giggles, look-up the literal translation of Gestapo or "Geheime Staats-Polizei,"); ▪ ...has consistently, since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), openly and overtly pledged to do "everything possible" to de-rail, de-fund and repeal the law, yet refused to use the full power of the purse allocated to the US House of Representatives by the Constitution to do so; ▪ ...has abandoned the law – the law – that says the southern US border is to be secured physically; instead entering into another round of immigration reform "compromise" that will – again – see the Progressive-Left achieving a mass amnesty for those who violated our laws to exist in our country. I could go on and on and on but I will simply address one more: ▪ ...has abandoned and abdicated their constitutional mandate to provide for the common defense. They have so egregiously abdicated this responsibility that we exist at the point where we cannot, by all accounts formulated by military leadership, wage and win two major conflicts simultaneously. Would the same level of ineptitude have existed in 1941, we would have lost World War II to either the Nazis or the Imperial Japanese...maybe both. Yet, Ms. Coulter and her "establishment Republican" pundit brethren, and it gives me no pleasure to say this, continue to support the status quo incremental slide to the Left by facilitating the mentality of the career elitist Republican politician; the Progressive who has infiltrated the GOP; those who seek to legislate by "gang" and oligarchic elitism. It is for this reason that this statement of Ms. Coulter's is so very misguided and, in fact, dangerous, and it bears repeating: "...the key word here is ‘Republican'...if we don't elect Republicans – I don't care which Republican..." Ms. Coulter, I certain do care about which Republicans are elected. Consider this: a Senate full of Lindsay Grahams and John McCains...It should send shivers down your spine. Frank Salvato is the Executive Director for BasicsProject.org a grassroots, non-partisan, research and education initiative focusing on Constitutional Literacy, and internal and external threats facing Western Civilization. He is featured in Because Our Republic Is Worth It. Mr. Salvato sits on the board of directors for Founders Alliance USA, a solutions-oriented non-profit organization. He also serves as the managing editor for NewMediaJournal.us. Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is a regular guest on talk radio across the country. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be contacted at franksalvato@basicsproject.org.