America, I’m glad I knew ya
By Dr. Robert Owens The Supreme Court refused to accept the Texas case. In effect, ruling that accusations brought by multiple states of clear violations of the Constitution in the theft of an election are not worth their time to review. Justice Samuel Alito issued a statement with the dismissal that was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, arguing that the Supreme Court should take up the case. “In my view, we do not have the discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction,” Alito wrote, arguing that he would grant the motion to file the bill of complaint. The three justices appointed by Trump; Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch joined the long list of people President Trump appointed to high office who stabbed him in the back as soon as the opportunity arose. Across the country court after court refused to allow any evidence to be submitted. The Media then crowed, “There is no evidence.” There are over a thousand signed affidavits detailing election irregularities. There is video of people running the same ballots through counting machines multiple times. But all the media can say is, “There is no evidence.” All the low information voters and other socialist fellow-travelers can repeat believing it is their own personal opinion and not something embedded through repetition is, “There is no evidence.” And the objections to the electoral votes were interrupted by a carefully planned and timed disruption just as the evidence was about to be submitted only to be reconvened in the early hours of the morning when no one was watching and after most of those objecting had been intimidated into silence. And thus, the election fiasco of 2020 climaxes in the official certification of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States. It’s hard to call this changing of the guard a generational shift when the leaders of the incoming regime are mostly senior members of the boomer generation. Although AOC, her Squad, and their ANTIFA/BLM bullyboys claim to be the voice of youth. Every generation since the beginning of time has looked at the next generation and said some variation of, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to this world once the kids take over. The world is going to go to hell in a hand basket.” From ancient Babylon and Egypt through our parent’s generation, seasoned citizens have all said the same thing. And all I can say is, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to this world once the kids take over. The world is going to go to hell in a hand basket.” Speaking of generations; my heart breaks for my granddaughters and those still making their way to adulthood. After years of compulsory state education instilling Democrat talking points and make-believe science as baseline knowledge, they’re now spending their highly formative tween and teenage years browbeaten and terrorized by the specter of Biden’s dark winter in masks and lockdowns spiraling into Venezuela on the Potomac. And while America cowers in the basement over the China virus China Inc. with Biden in the Whitehouse will forge ahead to become the dominant economy and power on earth. Once the Scamdemic/Plandemic set the stage for the universal unsolicited mail-in ballots in Blue states the handwriting was on the wall. Once the counting began and Trump was on track to win the voting was stopped in four swing states all controlled by corrupt Democrat urban machines. On que hundreds of thousands of previously unknown ballots magically appeared from suitcases, election officials running the same ballots through counting machines multiple times, pre-programmed voting machines, and trucks in the middle of the night and Prest-O Change-O Biden is ahead. As if to prove the statists/globalist coalition of socialists and crony capitalists have their sights set on instituting the crushing weight of equality of outcomes and making America miserable again the unflappable descendant of Jamaican slaveholders Kamala Harris recently said, “So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. … Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that — not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So, if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. … Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” (emphasis added) Let that ring in your ears for just a moment, “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” Equality of outcome is the essence of the siren song socialism has been singing for hundreds of years. It has been attempted many places and failed each time. Let’s see how long it takes to transform the greatest economy the world has ever seen into a third world hell hole. Let’s see if socialism can be imposed upon an unwilling and unaware nation without the usual bloodbath that has accompanied it everywhere else. I wonder when the low information citizens who vote for the “D” after a politician’s name because their parents did ever wake up to find section 8 housing projects in their pristine suburban neighborhoods, their children competing against untold millions of immigrants from everywhere, their dollars and 401Ks worthless, and China as the most powerful country on earth will they still celebrate helping to end the America First agenda? Sad to say it appears the swamp has won. They’ve successfully used a thoroughly partisan media in league with the administrative state to squelch the first outsider trying to make good on his promises to drain the swamp. The great unwashed have been driven from the palace and just as after the fiery tumult of the French Revolution when a decadent and ineffective Louis the XVIII tried to restore the monarchy and assure the ruling classes the peasants would never again challenge their rule so too Joe Biden has been anointed by the powers that be to make sure they are forever the powers that be. Those who cherish our constitutionally limited Republic looked to the Senate races in Georgia hoping the same election machine that stole the state from Trump wouldn’t steal it from Loeffler and Perdue. Then again, Wiley Coyote always thought he’d catch the Roadrunner too. Now that Washington has officially become a one-party town again to the cheers of the establishment look for swift action to cement the undemocratic rule of the Democrats for perpetuity. The first step is evident in literally the first bill Nancy Pelosi will ram through the rubberstamp House, H.R. 1. This freedom destroying monstrosity was already passed once by the House with every Democrat voting for it and every Republican against. It was blocked by the Republican majority in the Senate. With addition of the two stolen seats from Georgia it will sail through and become the law of the land. How will this bill known in Washington Newspeak as the “For the People Act,” which should instead be known as the “Steal Every Election Forever Act” cement the progressive party of the deep state in power? According to the Heritage Foundation, H.R. 1 would force states to accept same-day registration and universal vote-by-mail, require states to allow convicted felons to vote, and allow voters to circumvent photo ID requirements in states that have them by signing sworn statements instead of providing ID. In addition, H.R. 1 also mandates countless millions of taxpayer dollars be given to candidates for their campaigns, requiring citizens to fund candidates who those citizens actually oppose for office. It also:
Maybe it’s because he’s a newly minted member of the ruling class but during a recent Democratic Weekly Address, Representative-Elect Joe Neguse (D-CO) spilled the beans about the true target of H.R. 1, when he stated the legislation “Will be the bedrock of everything we do in the next two years, reminding us that when it works, the United States of America has the best form of government ever invented.” And that’s merely the first thing on the progressive agenda. Buckle up and watch for the following to vomit forth like bilge water from the best Congress money can buy:
- Create a nationwide gun registry - Ban almost all semiautomatic rifles - Institute a federal Magazine Ban and require permits to purchase ammunition - Implement national “Red Flag” gun confiscation - Tax guns at 30% and ammo at 50% - Ban people under 21 from exercising their Second Amendment rights - Ration guns by making it illegal to purchase more than one firearm in a 30-day period - Force “Safe Storage” requirements on gun owners - Ban home builds - Ban suppressors - Force FFLs to spend massive amounts of money to comply with new “security” requirements - Expand “Gun Free Zones” One of the unreported commonalities between mass shootings: the vast majority of them occurred in gun free zones. Does anyone actually believe any of these restrictions on gun ownership will be respected by criminals? Their only purpose is to disarm law abiding citizens. Criminals break laws. That’s what makes them criminals. The Supreme Court has definitively joined the DOJ, the FBI, and the rest of the Federal Courts in the Revenge of the Swamp Creatures. The Big Reveal: there is no justice, which brings us to two questions, “How long will the MAGA masses continue to pretend there is? And what do they do when they finally admit that there isn’t?” God destroyed the Northern kingdom of Israel because they worshipped idols. He destroyed the kingdom of Judah because they sacrificed their children. How many Americans worship wealth, materialism, sports, celebrities, fame, or any number of other idols? How many of our children have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience? If we pass from the sunlight of liberty into the Democrat prediction of a long dark winter could this be the judgment of God in answer to our turning away from the cross? Could this be judgment for the innocent blood which cries out for justice? After watching silently or mostly not even noticing as the Progressives have infested and subverted our education, our media, our entertainment, and our politics for over 100 years we have sown the wind and are about to reap the whirlwind. As I stand here on the cusp of History looking into the face of the storm all I aca say is, “America, I’m glad I knew ya.” Without Christ it’s true the world is going to go to hell, if not in a hand basket some other way. Know Jesus know peace. No Jesus no peace. Keep the faith. Keep the peace. We shall overcome. Dr. Robert Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens