seize Enter Stage Right Got a bone to pick with us? Did we get something really wrong? Did we get something right? Need to vent? Then write a letter to ESR for publication! Names withheld by request and all letters are subject to editing for length, clarity or language. Letters from anywhere on the political spectrum are welcome and will be printed. Please state whether you wish your name to appear with the email. Send your hate-filled vitriol or love-filled praise to web posted March 22, 2004 Re: Stem cell restriction is a mistake by Steven Martinovich (March 22, 2004) People do not oppose destroying human embryos because they are potential life. It is obvious that sperm cells are potential humans, and that even inanimate matter is potential life, since that is what all actual life is made out of. If anyone opposes anything on these grounds, I haven't heard from them for awhile. There is a case to be made that human life begins at conception, and that even if an infant is extremely small, it is criminal to puree it. This is essentially the position of the opponents of unrestricted human fetal cell experimentation. The case that your editorial argues against is a straw man. William Munger Re: Outsourcing The widespread condemnation of American companies for outsourcing their operations has no legitimate moral basis. American companies have the moral right to cut their costs and maximize their profits by doing business with anyone anywhere on earth (excluding, of course, people or businesses in countries that threaten or are at war with America). The claim that outsourcing jobs hurts Americans misses the big picture. If companies that need to outsource to be competitive won't do it, they won't remain in business for long, and thus won't be able to offer Americans any jobs. Moreover, while true that Americans who would have taken the outsourced jobs will have to look for work elsewhere, the fact is that all American consumers benefit from the lower production costs and prices that result from outsourcing. Just as Americans are right to shop for the best deals, American companies are right to shop for the best hires. And just as Americans have no moral obligation to buy American goods, American companies have no moral obligation to employ American workers. David Holcberg web posted March 15, 2004 Re: Immigration's cost by Kimberley Jane Wilson (March 8, 2004) The illegal immigration crisis is unsolvable? Not by a long shot. Illegal immigration is about incentives. Remove the incentives and most illegal aliens will return home on their own. First make employer verification by Social Security number mandatory (the program that will go into effect at the end of the year is voluntary). Levy substantial fines on companies and individuals that knowingly hire illegal aliens with numerous infractions resulting in the loss of business licenses. When it becomes too dangerous and costly to hire illegal aliens they will no longer be able to get jobs. Since assets accrued through illegal labor are obviously obtained unlawfully make them subject to forfeiture. If the wealth an illegal alien makes in the US will just be taken away what's the point of illegally amassing assets. Verify eligibility for all government programs through verification of one's Social Security number. The fact is that many persons illegally in the country do receive public assistance that they would not receive in their own country. Fraud proofing the system would remove another incentive. Allow local law enforcement to ascertain immigration status during the course of their duties. Once incentives are removed local law enforcement will be able to arrest those who do not leave of their own accord. Fines and short terms of incarceration would be imposed after most illegal aliens had left the country. I defy the Congress to try this strategy for even six months. Once illegal aliens find it is impossible to get a job or public assistance they, as well as future illegal aliens, will know illegally immigrating to the U.S. is a waste of time. Legal immigration will again be the preferred manner of coming to the United States. Timothy Petrie web posted March 8, 2004 Re: Rationing by price: The liberal bugaboo by Kevin Gabriel (March 1, 2004) Kevin Gabriel suggests that I'm totally opposed to our market economy, and that I support a health care system that is "equally cruddy for everyone." That's not really true. I was the chairman of the board of a very successful community bank. Our success was due in part to our higher quality services offered in a competitive marketplace environment. My son has co-founded two very successful IT startup companies, also competing in the marketplace. Marketplace dynamics have certainly served us well. Also, our model of health care reform preserves the private health care delivery system, unlike socialized medicine in which the government owns the facilities and employs the physicians and other providers. Although we do support universal insurance, our model provides freedom of choice in health care, as opposed to our current marketplace system which locks individuals into plans with limited provider lists, or, at best, assesses significant financial penalties for using non-contracted providers. The issues are much more complex than simple free market dynamics versus government control. The government always plays a role in any health care system. The goal should be to find the best balance between the government and the private sector. Rationing does occur in all health care systems. Ours is the most expensive system and has the worst rationing. Two recent reports on rationing (queues for elective surgery) are available on the OECD website ( Reading them will provide a better understanding of the nature of rationing. And keep in mind that the OECD is an organization of countries that share a commitment to the market economy. Our health care system is unstable. This is a time to improve communication. All concepts need to be on the table. And we shouldn't attempt to arrange them into only two stacks: one for government solutions and one for marketplace solutions. Tens of thousands of people are dying for lack of coverage while we are debating these narrow options. Let's look for solutions that we can all support. Don McCanne, M.D. Re: Get real with God Couldn't help but notice a book featured on this site which mentioned something about "the civilized world and terrorists who hope to destroy it." One might believe that this exact same circumstance could be said concerning the traditional, time-honored concept of marriage, and the homosexual crowd who, after years of keeping basically to themselves, now seek to mock, demean, and undermine all of the virtuous beliefs and ideas surrounding the joyous occassion when a man and woman come together to share their lives, flesh, and hearts as "one"; a union which God instituted at the beginning. Americans have, for decades now, followed after the immoral tide of other nations (lesser nations, at that), the peoples of which have soaked themselves in the sweltering sewage of immorality and darkness. Many in this nation seek to take that which has in generations and civilizations past been associated with spiritual darkness and rebellion against the commandments, laws, and teachings of the God of Jews and Christians. and turn it into "acceptable" before the eyes of the world. The ways and sins of the world have always been popular with the "in-crowd", while the ways of righteousness have been ridiculed, yet the evil which men have called "good" has always come back to haunt them, because the "god" of this world (Satan) sees' the darkness in mens minds, and seeks to encourage those peoples to act on the perverse lusts which flow within the depths of mens and womens deceived souls.This is his snare for those who choose wickedness over holiness. Would that the film "The Passion of the Christ" have some impact in warning people of their need to repent of their wickedness, and turn to Christ before the hour of God's mercy comes to a close. Do people not know that Jesus endured all of that torment on behalf of all of us? Sin is real, and will be punished. The tme to "get real" with God is today. Consider these thoughts. William G. Smith web posted March 1, 2004 Re: The Passion of the Christ As this is being written, it is the day of the release of Mel Gibson's much
anticipated film "The Passion of The Christ". It is well documented
that the film has drawn criticism and alleged accusations of anti-Semitism
towards the Jewish people. The biggest controversy seems to be about just who is to blame for Jesus Christ being put to death on the cross. In truth, the answer is every last one of us upon the Earth. This all reminds me of a few lines from one of Christian singer Ray Boltz' classic songs, "The Hammer"; in reference to the crucifixion of Jesus: "Who nailed Him there?/This child of peace and mercy/Who nailed Him there?/Come and face me like a man/Who nailed Him there?/Then the crowd began to mock me/I cried "Oh, my God, I just don't understand/Then I turned and saw the hammer in my hand." A thought-provoking song, and a powerful truth! William G. Smith |
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