President Trump winning admirers in strange places By Dr. Robert Owens A global pandemic ricochets around the world. Suddenly we find ourselves someplace we never thought we’d be. The world shuts down, millions isolated, separated, and alone. Basic commodities cleaned off shelves by consumers who just yesterday were laughing at preppers who now sit back calmly ready for a world turned upside down for possibly months. Our president spent his life as a real estate developer who has changed the skylines of cities around the world. One skill that any successful Real Estate developer, like any producer of major films, must acquire is crisis management. Even a short course on crisis management will show that President Trump is a master at it. He’s assembled a team of widely accepted experts, he’s taking decisive actions aimed directly at the root and branches of the current Corona virus crisis, and he’s holding regular briefings to keep all major stake-holders up-to-date on what is happening and what is being done. Even though as soon as he’s done with his daily briefing the Democrats who identify as journalists for the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media follow close on his heels often saying he said the exact opposite of what he said the President is winning admirers in strange places. CNN’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash commented on the president’s Oval Office address and Corona press briefing saying, "If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable from the president of the United States. This is a non-partisan — this is an important thing to note, and to applaud from an American standpoint — from a human standpoint. He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today, and yesterday, in tone that people need and want and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump administration’s efforts to handle the Corona virus outbreak on Tuesday, “His team is on it. They’ve been responsive,” Cuomo said at a press conference. “I want to say thank you.” Going further, t he Democrat governor said that he spoke to Trump on Tuesday and that the president is “100 percent sincere” in his desire to work with the state to control the virus outbreak, which has mushroomed in the U.S. over the past week. He added, “The administration is ready and willing to help, especially on the hospital capacity issue.” O n Sunday (3-7-20) Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, a Democrat and one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, at a news conference praised Mr. Trump, saying of the president "He said everything I could have hoped for. We had a very long conversation and every single thing he said, they followed through on ." The governor added, “We are very grateful for this partnership.” Newsom also said he has received "consistent" support from Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the administration's response to the Corona virus outbreak. From a slightly less surprising source, the experts he’s assembled President Trump is also receiving high marks. Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was asked by FOX News whether she was concerned that there could be patients who don't get a ventilator -- or if actual physical equipment that is needed to serve the people who get sick is out there? She answered, “ And that's why the President has taken such bold and decisive action. We're not waiting for this to get worse. We're not waiting for this to be a crisis in our health care systems.” Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accompanied the president to the CDC's headquarters in Atlanta last Friday . When he was asked to address the press h e took the opportunity to lavish praise on the man standing next to him. "First, I want to thank you for your decisive leadership in helping us, you know, put public health first," Redfield said. "I also want to thank you for coming here today and sort of encouraging and bringing energy to the men and women that you see that work every day to try to keep America safe. So, I think that's the most important thing I want to say, sir," Redfield added. On Wednesday 3-17 at his daily presser President Trump called the Corona virus fight “a war against an invisible enemy.” As ever sounding the encouraging note he went on to say, "One day we'll be standing up here and say, 'Well, we won.' And we're going to say that, as sure as you're sitting there, we're going to win. And I think we're going to win faster than people think, I hope." He added, "If we do this right, our country, and the world, frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly. Pretty quickly." All I can add is Amen. Dr. Robert Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens