Churches duped by green extremists By Henry Lamb In a March 26, story by John Fialka, the Wall Street Journal reported that churches in 21 states were mounting an all-out attack against the Bush administration's proposal to open the Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. This campaign is coordinated by the National Religious Partnership for the Environment. Few, if any, of the churches realize that the NRPE is the outgrowth of deep ecologists who believe the Bible is obsolete, that the earth, gaia, is the giver of life, that human beings are but individual cells in the gaia organism, and that the United Nations is the evolving "brain" of gaia. Paul Gorman, director of the NRPE, was director of the Temple of Understanding, housed at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. He organized a "Joint Appeal," consisting of 22 scientists and 100 religious leaders that became the NRPE. Mikhail Gorbachev hosted a conference for the group in Moscow, where James Lovelock, author of The Ages of Gaia, was the featured speaker. Dr. Robert Muller, thirty-year deputy Secretary General of the U.N., and Thomas Berry, served on the Temple's board of directors. Writing for World Goodwill, in October, 1989, Robert Muller said:
Muller readily admits that his beliefs are based largely on the writings of Alice Baily, who founded the Lucifer Publishing Company, and whose works are said to be transmitted by an "ascended master," called Djwhal Khul. Thomas Berry's belief system, called "Cosmolatry," is even more bizarre. In his Dream of the Earth, he says:
Berry compares man's belief that God created the earth, to the ancient belief that the sun revolved around the earth. He says both beliefs are wrong, and the truth is only now being discovered through what he calls "enlightenment." Senators Al Gore, Timothy Wirth, and James Jeffords were instrumental in the creation of the NRPE. They arranged Congressional breakfasts with NRPE leaders, helped with funding, and Al Gore delivered a sermon at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which is reported in Cathedral literature this way:
The NRPE avoids telling the participating churches the true nature of their agenda. Instead, they are exploiting the churches, converting them into lobbying machines for their extremist policies. Mikhail Gorbachev, and the U.N.'s Maurice Strong have promoted the Earth Charter, which is expected to replace the Ten Commandments as the basis for social and religious organization. The Earth Charter has been placed in an Ark, and is being ceremoniously conveyed to Johannesburg, South Africa for adoption by the World Summit on Sustainable Development next August. Churches that promote the NRPE are promoting a new, biocentric, Godless, global religion. Most of them have no idea. A thorough, well-documented report on the NRPE was published by the
Environmental Conservation Organization in 1996, and republished by the
Chair of Free Enterprise at the University of Texas. The
Rise of Global Green Religion, and the
2001 update are available to ECO members.
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