Killer of permanent tax cuts
By Paul M. Weyrich Remember those Bush tax cuts of last year? Remember that many of the cuts won't even go into effect until the out years. Well, in order to get the tax cuts passed in the first place, the White House and Senate and House leaders had to agree to a sunset provision for the tax cuts after 10 and 11 years. So unless the tax cuts are made permanent, in 2011 and 2012 Americans will be socked with the largest tax increase in American history. If things stand the way they are now, in 2012 Americans will be paying $354 billion in increased taxes. House Speaker Denny Hastert wants to have the tax cuts made permanent and he intends to send over to the Senate one bill after another doing just that. He could have sent a single bill with all the tax cut provisions in it to the Senate, but he and his leadership colleagues believe that different members might want to vote for or against different components of the tax bill, although he says he is confident that he has a majority in his body for each of the provisions.
Just about all of the Senators who voted for the tax cut bill, which was very modest in comparison to those pushed through by President Kennedy and President Reagan, would do so again. The problem is that with Daschle in control of the Senate calendar it takes 60 votes to vote on anything. So Speaker Hastert is going to be sending a stack of bills over to Senator Daschle, who has made it clear he will sit on the measures. In the Senate, any Senator can pull up a bill but unless that Senator has 60 votes in his pocket, it would be a futile effort to do so. Consider some of the tax increases that will go into effect if the status quo prevails:
Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) , the Chairman of the Republican Study Committee in the House, has pointed out that of the 31 Senate Democrats who voted against the tax cut last year, 17 of them voted to make the 1993 Bill Clinton's massive tax increase permanent. So tax increases are permanent but tax cuts are temporary. Every radio or television talk show that tackles the subject has experts who stress the necessity for individuals to plan for their own retirement. But how can anyone plan for retirement with these kinds of tax increases hanging over their heads? When the tax bill was being considered last year some of the Senators in the then-majority party wanted to make the tax cuts permanent. But the group of 12 swing Democrats who voted for the ultimate compromise made it clear that they couldn't vote for a bill with permanent tax cuts because then too much of the projected surplus would disappear. At that point the Senate leadership had to decide if it was better to pass temporary tax cuts then to pass none at all. I recall speaking with a Member of the Senate leadership at the time who said, "Oh, when the time comes, we'll have no problem getting the votes we need to make them permanent." Well, at that point this Senate leader didn't understand that future leader Daschle would require 60 votes on every issue and the net result is that the Senate has voted on almost none of the House-passed measures. In fact in the three and a half decades I have seen the Senate up close, I have never seen it operated this way. Not even George Mitchell, one of the toughest Democrats ever to have held the position, was as bold as Daschle. So when Daschle tells Speaker Hastert the permanent tax bills are dead on arrival, he can be believed. At best proponents of permanent tax cuts have 58, not 60 votes. I have no idea how closely voters will follow an issue like this or whether
it can easily be made an issue, but it seems to me that the electorate
at least ought to be asked if they like Speaker Hastert's approach to
tax cuts or do they agree with Majority Leader Daschle. The outcome of
that debate would surely settle many other questions as well. Paul M. Weyrich is president of the Free
Congress Foundation.
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