Lingua publica The good and the bad... web posted May 24, 2004 "Those who are wringing their hands and shouting so loudly for 'heads to roll' over [the Iraq prison abuse] seem to have conveniently overlooked the fact that someone's head has rolled -- that of another innocent American brutally murdered by terrorists. Why is it that there's more indignation over a photo of a prisoner with underwear on his head than over the video of a young American with no head at all?" -- Sen. Zell Miller "Terrorists are attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction. If they get them they will try to use them. Their brutal slaying of a single American with a knife is a demonstration of what they are eager and planning to do to millions of innocent Americans with such weapons." -- The Washington Times "You would have thought that the discovery of an actual weapon of mass destruction in Iraq would be big news, especially since it was aimed at American soldiers. But apparently not in the eyes of most U.S. newspaper editors and network television producers, who chose largely to ignore one of the major stories coming out of Iraq this week." -- Linda Chavez "In discrediting the war, the Democrats have pushed the idea that neither dangerous weapons nor terrorist networks existed in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. How do they explain that terrorists Hussein harbored are beheading American civilians and trying to kill American soldiers with poisons he spread?" -- George Neumayr "To illustrate a fraction of the bias problem, we counted the number of prisoner-abuse stories on NBC's evening and morning news programs... from April 29, when the [Abu Ghraib] story emerged, through May 11. There were 58 morning and evening stories. Using the Nexis news-data retrieval system, we counted the number of stories on mass graves found in Iraq from the reign of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and 2004. The number of evening and morning news stories on those grim discoveries? Five." -- Media Research Center "I think it's very useful for you folks (reporters) to try your damndest to be precise. And don't repeat things that are inaccurate if you can possibly avoid it. And when you see things that are inaccurate, knock them down -- because there's a bucket of it floating around." -- Donald Rumsfeld "But I do wonder, did they [conservatives now going weak in the knees over Iraq] ever really think America could transform the Middle East with fewer than 750 American deaths? Did they really think the elites in the chattering classes would sit back passively and be proven wrong again by George Bush, just like they were proven wrong by Ronald Reagan in the Cold War? And did they really think America could bring freedom to the most tyrannical country in the world on the cheap? I hope not, because this war is not about saving American lives or Iraqi lives overseas. This war on terrorism is about saving American lives at home in this war on terror. We've got to win this war, liberate Iraq from terror, and make the Middle East and the world unsafe for terrorists wherever they may roam." -- Joe Scarborough "The price of gas is up about 50 cents a gallon since George Bush took office. Already that translates to an extra $499 a year for the average American household." -- DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, willfully ignoring John Kerry's attempts to raise the gas tax by 50 cents a gallon "The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy,'... "They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win." -- Michael Moore "Congress is the third branch of government... which makes every one of the 535 members of Congress 1/535th of that important one-third, which works out to, hmmm, well, someone else can do the math. You wouldn't think such little wheels could make so much noise." -- Wesley Pruden "President Bush was in Little Rock Tuesday to hail the success of his No Child Left Behind policy in Arkansas. Bill Clinton would never have made a speech like that. People there are still debating how many children he left behind in Arkansas." -- Argus Hamilton "They asked President Bush today why we didn't observe the Geneva Convention in Iraq and Bush said, 'That's easy, we weren't in Geneva.'" -- Jay Leno web posted May 17, 2004 "Just because somebody has an interesting accent, a nice suit, and a good table at a New York restaurant doesn't make him a foreign leader." -- U.S. President George W. Bush on John Kerry's claim to have support from foreign leaders "Foreign policy experts now say this Iraq prison abuse scandal could be a real setback in relations between America and the Arab countries in the Middle East. And things were going so well." -- Jay Leno "It's a grotesque and timely reminder of who our real enemies are. Ted Kennedy, take note." -- James Taranto, on the execution of Nicholas Berg "Do you suppose there is a single prisoner being held by any of the countries in the President's listening audience in the Middle East who wouldn't eagerly switch places with a detainee in the custody of the American military? In their much-vaunted oversight role, Congress failed to detect almost every recent development, from al-Qa'ida's domestic threat to the crippling structural problems in our intelligence agencies, corrupt corporate accounting, and the vulnerabilities in our electricity grids. Little wonder that these all escaped Congress's notice when press releases are ignored by the public's watchdogs." -- Kate O'Beirne "The fact is that there is now, we know well, a proliferation of nuclear weapons, and that many weapons that Saddam Hussein had, we don't know where they are. That means terrorists have access to all of that." -- Canadian PM Paul Martin web posted May 10, 2004 "As long as judges tinker with the Constitution to 'do what the people want,' instead of what the document actually commands, politicians who pick and confirm new federal judges will naturally want only those who agree with them politically." --Justice Antonin Scalia "After all that's been in the press this past week, The Poodle still hasn't told the truth about what happened to his Vietnam war medals... 33 years, several different stories. Which one do you believe? And what else is he lying about? We have six months to find out." -- Neal Boortz "When it comes to politicians, you may think you've seen 'em come and you've seen 'em go, but Bill Clinton refuses to go. And now, just in time for the Democrat national convention in July, he's coming out with a book and all the attendant foofaraw. Once again he'll have a half-nelson on the American consciousness. John Kerry won't stand a chance. Can't you see the caption under their picture when they pose together at the Democrat convention? ('Former President Bill Clinton with unidentified man.')" -- Paul Greenberg "This guy [Kerry] changes his mind so much and so fast he must bump into himself when he turns a corner." -- Alan Cauba "I don't know if it's a stream of consciousness or stream of unconsciousness." -- Democratic political operative John Weaver on Kerry's public speech utterings and mutterings "Teresa Heinz, the wife of Senator John Kerry, is on the cover of 'Newsweek- magazine this week. In fact John Kerry said he first noticed her when she was on the cover of another magazine, 'Fortune'." -- Jay Leno "The Concord Coalition in Virginia complained about pork projects and wasteful spending in the federal budget. Consider the Senate chaplain's salary. As occupations go, only mind readers in Los Angeles have fewer things to do all day." -- Argus Hamilton web posted May 3, 2004 "The problem with the idea of a liberal talk radio network is that they believe there is a conservative talk radio network. They think there is some conspiracy by conservatives to dominate the airwaves, when in all reality it comes down to serving the market and giving people what they want." -- Neal Boortz "[T]he AP reports Kerry may own a 'gas-guzzling SUV' -- depending on what the meaning of own is: 'Kerry thought for a second when asked whether his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, had a Suburban at their Ketchum, Idaho home. Kerry said he owns and drives a Dodge 600 and recently bought a Chrysler 300M. He said his wife owns the Chevrolet SUV. 'The family has it. I don't have it,' he said. Kerry also 'said it's important for his family to buy American cars.' But that Chrysler 300M of his turns out to be made in Canada." -- James Taranto "The nation waits with bated breath to see if, this term, the court will strike 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance. Liberals are so desperate for this to happen that some of them are actually praying for it." -- Ann Coulter "Heinz executives were reported Tuesday to have donated to President Bush and given nothing to Teresa Heinz Kerry's husband. Everyone is surprised that Heinz doesn't support John Kerry. He has fifty-seven varieties of positions on every issue." -- Argus Hamilton "As we mark the one-year anniversary of the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, it is useful to recount why we have fought. ... Americans do not come easily to war, but neither do Americans take freedom lightly. But when freedom and self-government have taken root in Iraq, and that country becomes a force for good in the Middle East, the rightness of those efforts will be just as clear as it is today in Korea, Germany, Japan and Italy. ... Today, as we think about the tens of thousands of United States soldiers in Iraq -- and in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world fighting the global war on terrorism -- we should say to all of them: 'You join a long line of generations of Americans who have fought freedom's fight. Thank you'." -- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld "[D]rawing up 'secret war plans' for a possible attack on Iraq wasn't irrational. The low-level war against Saddam was 12 years old, with no end in sight. American and British pilots were getting shot at, sanctions weren't working, and Bush was getting warnings that Saddam had all those terrible weapons and would use them against America. Bush would have been a fool not to draw up plans. Gee, wait till the critics find out that FDR, without ever informing the media, was plotting to fight Japan and Germany before Pearl Harbor." -- John Leo "Is it just me, or does this weaponry arriving [to Jordan] via Syria -- explosives, detonators and poison gas -- sound like those fabled weapons of mass destruction? ...Former Iraq Survey Group chief David Kay named Syria as a likely repository for Iraq's missing WMD. 'We know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD programs,' Kay told the London Telegraph in January. I wonder: Did these al-Qa'ida chemical bombs come from Syrian 'components' of Iraq's WMD programs?" -- Diana West |
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