Hang together By J.J. Jackson A lot of primaries are over though there are still others left to be hard. But one thing is clear and that it is that it is time for Americans that believe in America to unite behind the candidates that will be running and who are preparing to stand up for our Constitution. The problem is that there are a lot of factions that need to come to this understanding. Like in my home state of Pennsylvania for example. Here in November it is going to be Pat Toomey (R) versus Joe Sestak (D) for one of the Commonwealth's U.S. Senate seats; the one currently held by Arlen Specter. Right now I hear grumblings from some "Republicans" that Toomey is, "too conservative," and that they won't support him. Who will they vote for then? A candidate from the Libertarian Party or Constitution Party who are often more "conservative" than your typical Republican? Not a chance in Hell. So will they vote for Sestak who is so liberal he makes Obama look like a moderate? Well, if they do or choose not vote at all and help Sestak win by doing so then they are fools who will get nothing but more bad policy another lap dog of the liberal left. If the RINOs in Pennsylvania won't support Toomey, who even I as one of the most virulent defenders of the Constitution out there can stomach and which is not something I have been able to say very often these days about Republican candidates, are they willing to live under the turmoil that Sestak will help to keep in place and the repeated infringements upon our liberty that he will help to push? Hey, Toomey ain't perfect but no one is. He is plenty good enough and capable enough to serve with constant and watchful eyes upon him to keep him on course on the few issues where he might tend to stray. Another race I would like to point out is the one in Nevada where it has now been decided that Harry Reid (D) will be facing off against Sharron Angle (R) for the seat currently held by Reid. Angle has been the target of a massive smear campaign that petered out over the past couple weeks and it was a smear campaign perpetrated by mostly Republicans who simply did not like her and who were in support of one of the other primary candidates. She, like Toomey, ain't perfect but this woman has balls if I can say that without being politically incorrect. In fact she has more balls than I have seen on many a politician these days and is willing to publicly say she is not only against the socialist federal welfare state but also proposing how to fix it by advising that Social Security be phased out. I'm more of a cold turkey guy myself at this point in time wanting to see the program wholly ended on the federal level and let the States take it up, as should rightfully be done under the Tenth Amendment if they so chose to, but I can respect Sharron Angle for not running away from the issue and presenting solutions. Of course a lot of "conservatives" and "Republicans" are turned off by this sort of talk. That is because they aren't really that conservative and more like RINOs who are willing to accept some infringements of our federal Constitution if they think they can benefit from said infringements either personally or politically. There are a lot of hard feelings that these weak willed moderates who fancy themselves as conservatives are going to have to get over. I am tired of getting emails from people in the state telling me about how there are going to be Republicans for Reid because Angle is just, again, "too conservative." Sue Lowden, the hand picked nominee of the GOP establishment, and her supporters are the ones that I fear the most falling into this ridiculous trap because well we have seen how the GOP is hardly a bastion of conservatism. Tarkanian and his supporters I am a little less concerned about but when you see in fighting among the Tea Party movement like I have seen over Angle versus Tarkanian I cannot help it. With Tarkanian calling the Tea Party Express, a group that had proven able to rally conservatives to support conservative candidates, as "not the Tea Party," I think I am right to worry. He had other not kind words for the group, probably just jilted that he did not get their endorsement, proclaiming that the group did not stand for the constitutionalist wave sweeping the country. Not a way to win friends and influence people if you ask me there Mr. Tarkanian. This kind of infighting is just idiotic if you ask me and not a legitimate claim in the least. It comes from jealousy and nothing else that Angle got a group who spent oodles of money to support her, was constantly on the ball and flatly that he did not get their endorsement. Tarkanian by the way finished third in the primary and behind Angle and Lowden. Recent polls put Angle up on Reid but all it takes is some disgruntled GOPers or Tarkanian supporters to decided to stay home or even, idiotically if you ask me, support Reid for that election not to turn out positively for America. Now listen, I am not saying and never have said that conservatives should rally behind some milk toast Republican just to defeat a far left Democrat who likes to use the Constitution for toilet paper. But when you have quality candidates that can be counted on more often than not to do the right thing when it comes to our liberty conservatives need to unite behind them. If the conservative is not a Republican so be it. But in many races this fall there are going to be a lot of quality candidates running on the Republican ticket. Time to unite and defeat those in Washington selling us down the river for a few pieces of silver. To repeat some immortal words which still ring true, if we do not hang together we will, most assuredly, hang separately. J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the Pittsburgh Conservative Examiner for Examiner.com. He is also the owner of The Right Things - Conservative T-shirts & Gifts. His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at http://www.libertyreborn.com.