Gen. Mark Milley should resign or be fired By Mark Alexander In terms of bad decisions, I would rank the Milley appointment only a few notches under Trump's disastrous decision to empower Anthony Fauci with full authority over our nation's domestic response to the ChiCom Virus pandemic. Fauci was a key factor in Trump's 2020 loss, combined with the Demos' bulk-mail ballot fraud. Ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Trump enjoyed significant military support. But after his "personality disputes" with Gen. Mattis and particularly with his former White House chief of staff, Gen. John Kelly, who served the president with steadfast loyalty, Trump's military support waned. That decline was even more pronounced among younger military personnel, who are most susceptible to Leftmedia anti-Trump propaganda. The appointment of Milley, a Massachusetts blueblood educated at Princeton and Columbia, further eroded that support. Recall that Milley and most of the senior flag officers today, were elevated through the ranks under Barack Obama and Joe Biden — which is precisely why Biden retained Milley. For context on Milley's influence, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff serves as the primary military adviser to the president, the secretary of defense, and the National Security Council. The 1986 Goldwater–Nichols Act centralized this military advisory role to the CJCS, while the service chiefs are responsibility for training and equipping the Unified Combatant Commands. Neither the CJCS nor the chiefs have any warfighting chain-of-command authority. That responsibility lies with the Unified Combatant Commands, which have the guns and the mission to use them as directed by the president through the secretary of defense. The chain of command to the Combatant Commands runs "from the president to the secretary of defense," and "from the secretary of defense to the commander of the combatant command." Though the CJCS has no authority over the Combatant Commands, he has enormous influence in his senior advisory role to the president and SecDef, and, by extension, over military readiness and morale. Given that influence, when CJCS Milley makes public statements regarding the president or military policy, as he did before Trump left office and more recently in support of leftist political agendas, he is way out of line. Milley tipped his political hand last month when he advocated for the indoctrination of our military personnel with Critical Race Theory curricula and programs — repackaged Marxism. Milley is in lockstep with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who is dutifully infusing Biden's political agenda down the ranks. Austin has spuriously claimed, "We do not teach critical race theory, we don't embrace critical race theory, and I think that's a spurious conversation." Really? The service academies most assuredly are indoctrinating the next generation of military leaders with CRT at West Point, the Air Force Academy, and the Naval Academy. Austin then deflected from CRT, declaring, "We are focused on extremist behaviors and not ideology, not people's thoughts, not people's political orientation." That is a non sequitur. How do you focus on "extremist behaviors" without focusing on people's ideology, thoughts, and political orientation? Austin and Milley are the military enforcers of Biden's race-hustling agenda, based on his "right-wing extremist" delusion and his "white supremacist" bogeyman. This fusion of politics with military protocols is destructive to military readiness. Moreover, it's constitutionally perilous. For Milley's part, defending the teaching of CRT at West Point despite the SecDef's denial, he declared: "I want to understand white rage, and I'm white. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that?" That was a reference to the 6 January "insurrection" by hundreds of "mostly peaceful" protesters. Of course, most of them thought their unlawful, and in some cases disgracefully violent, actions were in defense of our Constitution, not an attempt to overturn it. Milley's comments were a snap salute to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Capitol theater political agenda, and he will no doubt be a prop in her hyper-partisan House Committee "investigating" the "insurrection." Regarding the "Capitol assault," Milley should have tempered his words, given that the only fatality that day was an unarmed white female unjustifiably shot dead by a black Capitol Police officer — the circumstances of which have been concealed from any public scrutiny. Milley stated further: "I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military general officers, our commissioned [and] noncommissioned officers, of being 'woke' or something else because we're studying some theories that are out there. I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist." Actually, the primary "accusations" are against Austin and Milley for leading the CRT chorus, and as political analyst Betsy McCaughey notes, this isn't about "studying some theories": "Critical race theory isn't taught as one of many ideas to be debated. It shuts down debate. ... The idea isn't to foster debate. It's used only to indoctrinate and compel acquiescence." Milley is not a Marxist. He spent much of his early career serving our nation with distinction and honorably abiding by his oath "to support and defend" our Constitution. But he has been drinking too much Potomac Powerade for too long. He has now most assuredly embraced the socialist Democrat Party agenda. Fact is, CRT and other woke indoctrination will destroy military cohesion from within, but Milley is so drunk on leftist Beltway groupthink, and has so long been insulated from rank-and-file military personnel, that he's lost his moral authority to lead. Military service is deadly serious business. The dust hadn't even settled around Milley's CRT advocacy before evidence emerged that fully demonstrated the extent to which he is unfit for office. In a forthcoming book, I Alone Can Fix It, by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, both of whom suffer from chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome, they detail just how acutely infected Mark Milley is with TDS. The duo document how Milley believed Trump was "the classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose" who was planning a "Reichstag moment," a reference to the attack on Germany's Parliament by Hitler's followers, which he then used to claim absolute power. Milley declared to his aides that Trump's playbook was "The gospel of the Führer." According to Leonnig and Rucker, Milley declared ahead of the January Trump rally that it "could be the modern American equivalent of 'brownshirts in the streets.'" He added: "They may try to stage a coup but they're not going to f—ing succeed. You can't do this without the military. You can't do this without the CIA and the FBI. We're the guys with guns." These comments reveal Milley to be a hysterical partisan hack who was apparently indifferent to the fact that the Democrat Party conspired, twice, to unseat Trump in deep-state coups. For his part, Trump fired back: "If he said what was reported, perhaps should be impeached, or court-martialed and tried. ... There was no talk of a coup, there was no coup, it all never happened, and it's just a waste of words by fake writers and a General who didn't have a clue." As it stands, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was content to characterize his commander-in-chief as Hitlerian and almost half the nation he ostensibly served as "brownshirts" — and he has yet to repudiate that account. Though he fancies himself an educated man, he would have benefited from a quick historical assessment of that comparison, as outlined by National Review's Kyle Smith: "Trump vs. Hitler: Let's Run the Numbers." Recall that last summer, when Milley appeared in a photo with Trump in Lafayette Square ahead of the Secret Service ordering protesters out of that area, Milley apologized for having created a "perception of the military involved in domestic politics." He has since surged far across that line. On 20 January, after Biden was sworn in, the Obamas, who were seated just in front of Milley, asked how he was feeling. He responded: "No one has a bigger smile today than I do." In 1951, President Harry Truman fired a far more distinguished military officer, five-star General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, for creating a constitutional crisis by ignoring the military chain of command. According to Truman, "I fired him because he wouldn't respect the authority of the president." In his inimitable manner, Truman added: "I didn't fire him because he was a dumb son of a b—ch, although he was, but that's not against the law for generals. If it was, half- to three-quarters of them would be in jail." Milley has most assuredly demonstrated his penchant for being a "dumb son of a b—ch." Thus, as a matter of honor and integrity Milley should resign or be fired — but the notion of "honor and integrity" are not guiding beacons of the Biden administration. Milley has demonstrated that he is an infinitely more dangerous threat to American Liberty and constitutional Rule of Law than any of protesters on the Capitol grounds on 6 January. Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.