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Jimmy Carter: Friend to America's enemies, enemy to America's friends

By Charles A. Morse
web posted July 30, 2001

Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter says he is "disappointed" with President George W. Bush in an interview appearing in the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. He's annoyed that President Bush hasn't stabbed Israel in the back, at this most precarious time, by not insisting, as he did as President, upon the "removal of Israeli settlements on the West Bank." He is critical that Bush hasn't signed on to the Kyoto Protocol, which would devastate our industrial sector. And, most astonishingly, he's upset that Bush has been reluctant to ratify the UN rights of the child treaty, a treaty that would effectively transfer custody of every American child into the hands of the UN New World Order.

The Carter Administration, 1977-1980, as a matter of routine, sold out our allies and aided our enemies. His actions condemned nations to left-wing tyranny, Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship, and war. His policies hurt America's economy, weakened our military, and encouraged the "malaise" that he famously referred to. With the election of Ronald Reagan, America rejected the malaise and began to pull itself out from the rubble. Following is a brief revisiting of the Carter foreign policy.

Carter was complicit in overthrowing the elected government of Anastasio Somosa in Nicaragua. Somosa had been elected President of Nicaragua in 1974 in an election overseen by the OAS, which reported no irregularities. Somosa would be demonized by the international left including their apparatchiks in the American media. On January 23, 1979, the French weekly Valeurs Actuelles reported the following comments by Mexican President Lopez Portillo:

"When President Carter visited me I told him: "I do not particularly like Somosa or his regime, as you know. But if the Sandanistas unseat him and replace him with a Castro-picked Government it will have a profound effect on Nicaragua's neighbors and certainly touch off a slide to the left in my country." It was as though he did not hear a word of what I had said. He told me: "Oh Mr. President, you must do something to help me get rid of this Somosa."

Carter would proceed to strangle our Nicaraguan ally by forcing the IMF and the World Bank to cut off credit, to embargo beef and coffee, and to prohibit weapons sales to the Nicaraguan military. He would force American allies to do the same, as he would pressure Israel to recall a ship with munitions bound for Nicaragua. Once Somosa was deposed, Carter would push through Congress a $75 million aid package for the new Marxist government of Daniel Ortega. Carter held as a crowning achievement of his administration, the selling out of the Panama Canal to the Panamanians who are proceeding to transfer functional authority to Communist China.

Carter sold out the Shah of Iran in a similar manner. Like Somosa, the international left sent down their marching orders to their apparatchiks in the press and the Shah, a rather liberal leader by Middle East standards, would be suddenly transformed into the Great Satan. The Shah was attempting to quell communist supported uprisings by Marxist and Islamic fundamentalist forces. He was stymied in his efforts by the direct intervention of the Carter administration, which forced him, by use of threats, to accommodate the insurrectionists. This led to the collapse of his pro western government in 1979 to be followed by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the hostage crisis in Tehran. Today, Iran is one of the world's most oppressive regimes and is a center of international terrorism.

On December 15, 1978, Carter terminated our relations with Taiwan and recognized Communist China, the most murderous regime in the history of the planet. He did this after Congress had adjourned for Christmas. The Senate, earlier that year, had voted 94-0 on a resolution that it should be consulted before any change in the treaty with Taiwan. Red China would proceed to benefit from a massive transfer of US credit and technology, a process that would reach an orgasmic climax during the Clinton Administration. Carter would remain silent in the face of the genocide performed by the Marxist Pol Pot. So much for Carter as the champion of "human rights."

In Africa, Carter would contribute to the selling out of Rhodesia to the Communist Robert Mugabe, and would maintain silence in the face of Soviet and Cuban military involvement in Africa. In short, Carter barely missed an opportunity to sell out an American ally to the Communists. Domestically, he presided over double-digit inflation and record deficits. Thank God President Bush has "disappointed" Jimmy Carter. He must be on the right track. ESR

Chuck Morse is the author of the upcoming book "Why I'm a Right-Wing Extremist"

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