Who can sue whom:
Liberalism's unequal playing field
By Bruce Walker
posted August 13, 2001
The specious reasoning and ethical holes of that most pompous of secular
religions -- liberalism -- are so glaring and gaping that even a mild
critique seems overkill. Feminism, for example, finds alleged rapists
like William Clinton and William Kennedy Smith acceptable and unfaithful
men like Gary Condit and Jesse Jackson fine, but the thought crimes of
men like Justice Antonin Scalia or President George W. Bush are heinous.
Equality before the law in this last and lowest incarnation of the civil
rights movement means precisely inequality before the law. And "Ignorance
is Strength."
We conservatives have long said that one step towards curing the malaise
of liberalism is to stop people fighting each other with lawyers and instead
to let the marketplace of economic and social relationships decide what
is fair and what is right. But we have taken this position sometimes in
a manner akin to unilateral disarmament. Liberals will sue, whether we
like it or not. Perhaps our best response is not to limit litigation,
but rather to expand litigation to cover those fortresses liberal orthodoxy
which have been carefully protected by courts and juries in the past.
Tobacco companies have been can be sued ex post facto for unbounded
damages for engaging in commerce which was legal under our system of government.
Their "crime"? Tobacco companies are charged with "misleading"
statements to the public about the dangers of tobacco, a manifestly idiotic
accusation. Why then can we sue those record companies, movie studies,
and Hollywood stars who glamorized the use of illegal drugs for many decades?
How can honest businessmen, like tobacco executives, be subject to torts
when those who have acting much more boldly and recklessly with the lives
of children on matters like promiscuity, cop-killing, and suicide are
immune from liability?
If tobacco companies are guilty of "misleading the public"
when their commercials are patently intended to sell products, why is
CNN and its incestuous major media comrades not accountable for consciously
spiking stories about the morality of Bill Clinton? What makes these social
crimes -- if social crimes may be remedied by litigation -- so much worse
is that so many innocents trust bald faced liars in the AARP, Newsweek,
Washington Post, and other respectable organs and so the likelihood of
real calamity is much greater.
If nefarious organizations like the Boy Scouts and Salvation Army can
be sued for discriminating against homosexuals and atheists (although
the atheists' lawsuits are presumably waiting in the wings) then why cannot
Time/Warner be sued for discriminating against us with bread and butter
sexuality and commonplace theology?
If corporate incompetence may have caused harm to women with breast implants
or motorists with blowouts, then why cannot the vastly more destructive
incompetence of invisible regulators and well camouflaged legislative
staffers whose enormous incompetence kept essential and safe drugs from
suffering and dying victims?
If Gaea worshiping "deep ecology" and "animal rights"
fools can express their unscientific gobbledygook and try to influence
other to do likewise with no consequences for kooky pseudo-science, then
why do much more honest groups -- like Christian Scientists -- face huge
damages for preaching what they make clear are matters of faith? Why can
pinheads with diplomas, who promise an honest and open discussion, fill
the minds of young adults with thin, unnourishing broth or even with noxious
stews -- charging their parents and the taxpayers enormous sums -- without
suffering greater legal sanctions than used car salesmen, whose reputation
is humble?
Just how many lives has Wellesley ruined, judged by those same harsh
standards liberals use towards those who do not conform to the rigors
of their druid faith? How many women, men, and children have had lives
and dreams savaged by Fascism by feminists who view men as Juden "untermenchen"
and do so posing as scholars? At Nurnberg, was there not a special contempt
for those who wore the mantle of judges, professors, and doctors in defense
of the morally and intellectually indefensible? Perhaps we should let
a jury decide how much Wellesley, Harvard, and NOW owe Americans? How
much they owe the men who were "special cases" for their Gauleiters
and Commissars?
Ah, but there -- as Shakespeare once said of life and death -- is the
rub. If we can all sue one another in the most convenient (and sympathetic)
forum for damages produced by any notional wrong for any magical number
of dollars, then who among us is safe?
Liberals are safe! Because (and I want my conservative brethren to sit
down lest they collapse from shock) liberals use a double standard. So,
why the run of the mill multi-billion dollar corporation can be sued for
public statements that are technically honest, but possibly misleading
to the unsophisticated, those vast private engines of propaganda loving
called "the media" can lie, mislead, neglect, hide, ignore anything
and everything because these particular private corporate mega-billion
dollars concerns have anointed themselves our profit-making protectors?
Because the Supreme Court has divided free expression into crass "commercial
speech" and inherently noble "political speech"- with the
caveat that "political speech" actually purchased by political
advocacy groups is not protected, only "political speech" provided
by huge, profit-making and insulated corporations...but we must pause,
because at this point liberal doxology slips out of puerile fibbing and
into full-blown Orwellian Newspeak.
Judges -- however outrageous their contortion of the ordinary words of
the much wiser and better men who founded our Republic -- can destroy
the society and economies with malicious impunity. Colleges charge much
for very little delivered -- consumer gouging at least -- but what is
worse, the product colleges sell is defectively and even dangerous. Why
cannot we sue these nabobs?
Liberals have created a Byzantine system of rules, case law, special
rights, etc. which insure that the tidal waves of social and economic
destruction cause by their nuclear strikes on our culture are protected
from scrutiny and accountability in the legal system.
So, perhaps we should stop fighting them and join them. How about a "Student's
Bill of Rights" to protect the next poor guy who rabid feminists
denounce as a "potential rapist" or who faces the tight faces
of sour feminist faculty bullies? Or perhaps an "Academic Bill of
Rights" to protect all variety of thought and belief on campuses,
and allow students to sue professors who taught them lies or taught them
nothing at all?
How about a "Viewers Bill of Rights" which makes it clear that
the vast resources of Hollywood and New York can overwhelm the small time
viewer or listener. Force programs and movies which make crude caricatures
of different varieties of conservatives to face infinite damages from
juries of the good people of Wyoming or Texas: give all of us in "Flyover
Country" the right to take the corporate bosses and their snooty
anchors to court -- on "a level playing field."
The reform a year or two ago granting the victims of that Grand Office
of the IRS Inquisition had broad popular support. Is it not time to expand
that to other areas? Why are judges immune from clear wrongdoing? Why
can lawyers lie and run away with billions? Why can bureaucrats or secret
allies in the Sierra Club tie up electrical power and financial prosperity
for the average working stiff? Who died and made them King?
So rather that recoil from expanding litigation, maybe we need to begin
our own jihad against the true villains of our age. Who likes bureaucrats?
Lawyers? Judges? Reporters? Hollywood executives? Arrogant universities
bosses and their tenured professors? What if we began to expose and seek
civil remedies, money judgments, and all the other pleasantries that these
goons have inflicted on us and our buddies for decades, they would "get"
the message.
Let's have depositions that show juries, among other things, just how
much money these clowns make, how much of the money comes from the pockets
of taxpayers construction workers and software engineers, and how recklessly
they use the power of their gilded thrones. There are only two likely
results, both of them very good. We could win triumphant after triumphant,
until the bullies became what bullies always are: cowards. Or we could
persuade them that free market decisions and laws passed with the general
consent by public opinion that embraces variety is better than lawyers
and judges to solve our private grudges. Either way, we win.
Bruce Walker is a senior writer with Enter Stage Right. He is also
a frequent contributor to The Pragmatist and The Common Conservative.
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