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The Harris body-count warning

By Mark Alexander
web posted September 2, 2024

So, Kamala Harris was the mastermind behind Joe Biden's deadly Afghanistan surrender and retreat. At the time, Harris gloated that she was the "last person in the room" with Biden as he formulated his plan, adding, "This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage."

Only a cackling idiot would not hope to retract those words, but Harris stands by their deadly decision.

She doubled down last week, declaring, "Biden made the courageous and right decision to end America's longest war." Actually, Biden did not do that. Donald Trump set up the terms, and Biden/Harris discarded his requisite conditions for political expedience. Harris is proving to be every bit as magnanimous a liar as her lying mentor.

Recall that a year before this deadly debacle, Barack Obama declared, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up." That goes double for Kamala.

As for Biden's chronic malfeasance, recall that Obama's former defense secretary, Robert Gates, noted that Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

Given that context, now that Post Turtle Harris has been coronated queen of the Demos, along with her stolen valor sidekick, that "folksy socialist" Gov. Tim Walz, it's time to count the bodies left in Harris's wake over her tenure as vice president.

The bodies in question are those of the now-countless men, women, and children slaughtered in Afghanistan, and then in Ukraine and Israel.

None of those deaths would have occurred under a second Trump administration, and the cumulative body count is a bloody testament to the boundless Biden/Harris ineptitude.

Fact is, the United States and the rest of the free world would not be under dire national security threats from Vladimir Putin, the ChiComs, North Korea, Iran, and reemerging Jihadi terrorists if not for the feckless foreign policy of the Biden/Harris regime.

But let me be clear: The current body count is just the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" of the corpses that will pile up if the Harris/Walz low-information voters elevate that dullard duo to the executive branch. The failed policies of the current duo is just a warm-up for Harris/Walz.

Last week was a stark reminder of the bloody Afghanistan body count, both Americans and Afghan civilians. It was both the anniversary of the murder of 13 American military Patriots at the Kabul airport and the anniversary of our final military exfil on 30 August 2021 — with then-Army Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne, being the last soldier on the ground.

invite you to read my comprehensive column on this debacle: "The Deadly Biden/Harris Afghanistan Surrender and Retreat — Trump Was Right." It is a must-read not just for a thorough contextual understanding but also to fully refute all the historic revisionism coming from Biden and Harris.

Notably, the Biden/Harris compressed timeline was predicated on their desire to take a victory lap while claiming they ended the war before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 Islamist attack on our nation. The only victory lap was the one taken by the Taliban celebrating 9/11 in our abandoned Kabul embassy.

Fact is, Trump, despite his unorthodox methods, or perhaps because of them, was our nation's strongest domestic and foreign policy leader since Ronald Reagan. His terms and conditions for the Afghan exfil, all of which were discarded by Biden, constituted the right way to make an exit.

Anyone — ANYONE — who believes that the resurgence of the Taliban and their ISK and al-Qa'ida thugs would have occurred under a second Trump term is so deeply deluded as to be in a state of complete denial.

When Trump left office, we had about 3,000 troops left in Afghanistan. There had not been an American military death in some 18 months prior to Biden's failed exfil, when our nation suffered the worst loss of American lives in a decade. Those deaths, and those of more than 150 civilians, were carried out by an ISK terrorist who was released from Bagram Air Base once Biden ordered it abandoned.

This week, in memory of the 13 Americans killed three years ago, President Trump attended a solemn ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, along with family members of the slain Americans. He was joined by former Marines Tyler Vargas-Andrews and Kelsee Lainhart, both of whom were among the dozens of Americans wounded that day. Trump later issued strong rebukes for the failed Afghan exfil: "Caused by Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, the humiliation in Afghanistan set off the collapse of American credibility and respect all around the world."

And recall that the strike Biden ordered in retaliation for the Kabul attack killed 10 innocent Afghans, not Islamic terrorists. That sealed any questions about his ineptitude.

The families of slain service members also rebuked Biden and Harris, some confirming they never heard from either of them after the bombing.

Said the father of Marine SSgt Darin Hoover, who was killed in the blast: "I want to know why this current administration is unable to take responsibility for their actions in the days, the weeks, and the months leading up to this fatal fateful day."

Paula Knauss Selph, mother of Army SST Ryan Christian Knauss, said, "Several presidents preceded Mr. Biden in this 20-year war, but none of them are to be held accountable for the withdrawal. That is he and he alone. That is his burden."

Cheryl Juels, whose 23-year-old niece, Marine SGT Nicole Gee, was killed, said: "There's never even been condolences [from Biden or Harris]. They just want to pretend it didn't happen. They want to take credit for ending the war, but they don't want to take any responsibility for the way it all went down. The only person who has reached out to our family over and over again — and all 13 families — is Trump."

Meanwhile, Biden this week finished a vacation in California and flew to Delaware for another vacation. And Harris was AWOL.

Marine Veteran and Republican vice president nominee JD Vance concluded, "The fact that Kamala Harris can't even bring herself today to offer any real answer for what happened [is] insulting to the families who gave their loved ones in service of this country."

Notably, the disgraceful retreat from Afghanistan has been very hard on Veterans and their families, who sacrificed so much, especially those whose family members perished. As the Biden/Harris retreat was underway, Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter, who as a young Marine was severely injured in Afghanistan, offered a brief but compelling message to his fellow Veterans and all Americans. In short, he notes: "Was it worth it? ... As I search my own thoughts for the answer as the news plays in the background, I see the most clear and heartbreaking answer to that question as I watch a man fall from the sky, unable to hold onto a military plane leaving Afghanistan."

Never, ever, ever forget the deadly consequences of abject foreign policy ineptitude.

Again, let me remind potential Harris/Walz voters that they can stop the bloodshed.

The slaughter of thousands of men, women, and children in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel is the direct result of the Biden/Harris regime's lethal foreign policy ineptitude. The violent assaults on thousands of Americans by illegal aliens are the direct result of the "border czar's" lethal open border policy. The dramatic surge of violent crime across America is the direct result of the Biden/Harris war on cops and appeasement of thugs.

The blood of all those victims is on the hands of the Biden/Harris regime, and those who voted for them.

Next time you vote for a president, vote as if the lives of our Military Patriots and tens of thousands of innocent civilians depend on it. ESR

Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.


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