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MSM ignores gender gap disappearing in 2024 election with white women

By Rachel Alexander
web posted November 18, 2024

The mainstream media breathlessly predicted for months that abortion would drive out moderate and independent women to vote, warning that Kamala Harris was certain to take states where it was on the ballot in two battleground states. Harris' entire campaign gambled on this being accurate; her platform consisted of really just two things — abortion and hating Trump. 

Instead, the exact opposite happened. Women showed up to vote alright — but they showed up to vote for Trump. White women supported him by a substantial 7 points according to a Fox News exit poll, 53% to 46%. Women without a college degree supported him by 4 points. 

Both the battleground states of Arizona and Nevada went 6% for Trump despite radical abortion measures being on the ballot. In all 10 states that had abortion measures on the ballots, voters supposedly voted for abortion but also for Trump. No one really believes these abortion measures passed honestly. In Arizona, petition signature gatherers were caught many times on video lying to get voters to sign so Prop. 139 would make the ballot, saying things like abortions were illegal in the state so women have to go to Mexico to get them. The campaign was full of all kinds of dishonesty, including ads stating that abortion was banned when it was really legal through 15 weeks.  

There's never been any real evidence that abortion drives women out to vote Democrat. The left uses that as a ruse to hide cheating in elections, claiming in races where they cheated that it must have been due to extra women coming out to vote for abortion. 

The MSM never follows up afterwards to show how their dire warnings were proven false. In 2022, they warned that the reversal of Roe v. Wade earlier that year was going to affect the general election. In Arizona, Kari Lake was running for governor against Democrat Katie Hobbs. While everyone believes the Democrats cheated to put Hobbs in office, an exit poll from the highly accurate pollster Rasmussen Reports revealed that not only did 8 percent more voters choose Lake, but 6 percent more women voted for Lake.

A poll taken that year from The Washington Post/Schar School found that only 52% who thought overturning Roe v. Wade was a loss for women's rights said that they were likely to vote in the fall election. The Hill, which wrote about the poll, admitted, "The numbers are a blow to Democrats, who see abortion as a winning issue and a way to galvanize their base during an otherwise difficult election year." 

Black and Indian women obviously were slanted towards Harris due to her black and Indian background. Trump also lost college-educated women, a traditional demographic of the Democratic Party due to all the indoctrination in academia.  

While white men voted in even higher numbers for Trump than white women, 60% to 38%, white women's support mirrored the overall nationwide vote for Trump. And considering in previous recent presidential elections, support for the Republican candidate has fluctuated from white men, so the difference this year between the genders could easily just come down to something as minimal as a small percentage of women preferring to vote for their own gender. 

Since the minority vote still mostly went to Harris — except Latino males, who barely split for Harris 49%-48%, and Cubans, who heavily went for Trump — their support is likely due to her skin color, not due to preferring her policies. If the Republicans had put forth a minority candidate, especially a minority female candidate, and the Democrats still had Joe Biden or another white male as their candidate, the results would likely have been vastly different. 

In the rare races where Republicans have a minority female candidate, and Democrats have a white male candidate, Republicans have a huge advantage. But since Republicans don't believe in treating people based on their skin color or gender, lumping them in as monolithic groups like the Democrats do, they don't pick candidates based on those criteria.  

The left successfully created the perception in recent years that women support abortion. But it's never been accurate. So many women are also adamantly against abortion that the leaders in the pro-life movement are mainly women. More baby girls are aborted than baby boys due to merely preference, which incentivizes women to oppose abortion, not support it. So many women regret their abortions later, also incentivizing women to want to spare other women the horror. 

The biggest demographic that supported Trump appears to be pro-lifers, with 91% voting for him. This would explain the shift in women voting for Trump. Another poll taken after the Roe v. Wade reversal found that "Americans who say that abortion should be illegal in most or all cases are 11 points more likely to express certainty that they will vote in November compared to Americans who say abortion should be legal," The Hill reported. If anything, abortion is driving pro-life women out to vote more than pro-abortion women.

The ironic result of reversing Roe v. Wade is abortion is now more prevalent and easy to obtain than ever. Due to cheating in red states, abortion is becoming available even there up until partial-birth abortion. Most abortions aren't even done through surgery anymore, but through a morning after pill or Plan B, which are easily available. The left's hyped up incidents about women allegedly suffering due to not being able to obtain abortions under emergency circumstances are proving false. Most women are starting to figure all of the lies out, and so they're becoming less effective.  

Will the left learn from its failed strategy and stop making abortion the central campaign theme? It's doubtful, since the loudest, noisiest members of their party determine their talking points. And maybe we shouldn't dissuade them since the issue is clearly helping us; let them continue their delusion of believing it's helping them. ESR

Rachel Alexander and her brother Andrew are co-Editors of Intellectual Conservative. She has been published in the American Spectator,, Fox News, NewsMax, Accuracy in Media, The Americano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications.


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