A great time to be alive By Greg Strange If you're looking for some kind of positive news in the wake of the latest Islamic perpetrated bloodbath in one of the world's great cities, then perhaps you will gain some comfort from this. The colossal, stupendous 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference proceeded as scheduled in Paris. Well, thank goodness, because without this conference the terrorists clearly win. Of course, no Parisian can ever feel safe again at a sporting event, concert, restaurant or really any public place, but that pales in comparison to the possibility of a slight change in global temperature. Societies can adjust to the omnipresent threat of Islamic terrorism, but not, apparently, to a change in the weather. The conference was being held, said French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, "because it's an essential meeting for humanity." And don't worry because we were promised that security for this essential meeting is heightened in light of the most recent merciless attack on innocent civilians by Islamic terrorists. That's very comforting, but here's a question. Why would Islamic terrorists attack a climate conference? Shouldn't they be happy for infidels to be preoccupied with such arcane nonsense? Why would they interfere with anything that conveniently distracts infidels from the real threats in the world, like the metastasizing cancer of Islamic radicalism? Actually, the one reason might be because many of the world's important Western leaders are there. And, come to think of it, where else would they all be gathered? Certainly not at a conference on fighting Islamic terrorism. They'd rather display their postmodern enlightenment by fighting a trendy war against a theoretical opponent – the climate! That's what all the cool kids are doing. So they fiddle with carbon emissions while civilization burns. And if the terrorists are smart they'll let the infidels fiddle without interference rather than risk a serious backlash for killing their leaders. So what are we to make of this state of affairs? There is only one conclusion. If you are an Islamic radical, what a great time it is to be alive! Or, for those of you who passionately pursue martyrdom, a great time to die. But alive or dead, either way you can't lose right now because everything is going your way. You actually get to participate in what might turn out to be the greatest civilizational shift in 500 years. While centuries ago the West supplanted Islam as the world's preeminent civilization, you are now witnessing the West as it drowns in its own decadence and stupidity. Having completely lost its civilizational confidence, and despite its spectacular history of progress and achievement in every field of human endeavor, it demonizes itself like an emotionally disturbed teenage girl who engages in "cutting." To make up for its self-perceived sins, it subjects itself to a form of multiculturalism so extreme that it allows in alien hordes whose own beliefs are not only incompatible with, but hostile to, Western values. And to top it all off, a guy who is least likely to put up a fight against Islamic jihad (since he refuses to acknowledge its existence) presides as President of the United States. When the cowboy Bush was president you were all on the run and being decimated. Now the star and crescent of Islam is clearly in ascendancy. Your jihadi tentacles reach everywhere, no infidel is safe from your attacks and the American president is singularly uninterested. Despite your constant declarations to the world that you fight in the name of Islam, the feckless President Obama denies any connection. Despite your declarations that your terror operatives are embedded among the countless Syrian refugees, Obama accuses fellow Americans of bigotry for cautioning against letting them in due to the impossibility of proper vetting. Such "rhetoric," Obama said, is a "potent recruitment tool for ISIL." Obama even compared the Syrian refugees to the pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower, though any other time his world view would insist that the pilgrims were genocidal colonialists intent on wiping out the noble indigenous peoples of the new world and stealing their land. So rejoice, Islamic radicals, and give praise to Allah because the stars have all aligned perfectly! Throughout the West stupidity and spinelessness reign supreme. The world is your oyster, at least for now. Your only real concern is who will become the next American president. Will it be another leftist who believes that American withdrawal from the world is desirable or prudent? Will it be another useful idiot who believes that climate change is the greatest threat to mankind? Will it be another denier of any connection between terrorism and Islam? If so, your prospects for a larger caliphate are excellent. Greg Strange's web site can be found at http://www.greg-strange.com. (c) 2015 Greg Strange.