ESR spotlight on Mark Wegierski

Recent articles by Mark Wegierski that have run in Enter Stage Right


"Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Four): In the final installment of his ongoing series, Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the perennially described "great in theory" left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP)

"Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Western Canada -- long a home of political upstarts from both sides of the political aisle

"Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Quebec

In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Four): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, mainly listing here his record of publications over his entire life, and conference participation since 2008

"Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins a series exploring the lower tier of Canadian politician parties with a look mainly at the Reform Party of Canada

In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Three): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, chronicling his achievements from the 1990s to the 2020s

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the mid-1990s when conservative media in Canada seemed about to begin prospering, and beyond

In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Two): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, looking at his achievements in the 1980s

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part One): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, focusing here on his achievements in the 1960s and 1970s

2024 (65 postings)

"Inter-not" -- Has a Canadian right-wing "blogosphere" had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2024 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some Canadian think-tanks

"Inter-not" -- Has a Canadian right-wing "blogosphere" had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2024 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism at the idea that the online space in Canada has had any real impact on the country's political scene

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2024 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy in Canada as part of his ongoing series of what passes for a conservative sphere in America's northern neighbour

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2024 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or "eco-system" for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2024 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

Looking back thirty years at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his examination of Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States!

Looking back thirty years at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States!

A timely and fair biography of Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative Opposition leader in Canada: Mark Wegierski praises Pierre Poilievre --“ A Political Life, a nuanced and balanced portrayal of Pierre Poilievre

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Fourteen -- Canadian speculative fiction, and conclusion: Mark Wegierski looks at Canadian speculative fiction, and concludes the series

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Thirteen -- A variety of films and TV shows, from aliens to vampires: Mark Wegierski looks at a variety of movies and TV shows

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 40th anniversary of the murder of Father Jerzy Popieluszko: Apolonja (Pola) Kojder and Mark Wegierski reflect on the upcoming anniversary of the murder of a Catholic priest by Polish communist secret police in 1984

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Twelve – Grandmasters of SF: Mark Wegierski looks at some writing and films mostly of the 1940s-1980s

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eleven – The origins of SF and fantasy: Mark Wegierski looks mostly here at H. G. Wells and Fritz Lang's Metropolis

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Ten – Three key works: Mark Wegierski looks at three critically-important dystopias

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Nine -- Alternative History: Mark Wegierski looks at the subgenre of uchronia or "counterfactual history"

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eight -- Some antecedents to cyberpunk: Mark Wegierski reports on a subgenre of resistance to late modernity

Eighty-five years since its outbreak, World War II continues to shape the world: Mark Wegierski offers a précis of some of the ideological consequences of the war

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Seven – Cyberpunk: Mark Wegierski examines the subgenre of "future shock"

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Six – Some notable SF works: Do SF scenarios presage a possible return to tradition in the future, asks Mark Wegierski

Memorializing eighty-five years since the outbreak of World War II: Mark Wegierski recalls a commemorative event from twenty years ago

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Five – Dune and current-day reality: Mark Wegierski examines the sociopolitical implications of Frank Herbert's masterwork

Eighty years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and the aftermath of the war in Poland

Eighty years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Poland under German and Soviet occupations

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Four – Fantasy in pop-culture; military SF; and space opera: Mark Wegierski looks at a broad variety of genres as part of his ongoing series

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Three – Subgenres of fantasy: Mark Wegierski looks at various fantasy subgenres as part of his ongoing series

Eighty years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the beginning of the war, and Poland's contributions to the Allied war effort

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Two -- Utopia, dystopia, fantasy, and reality: Do these genres express a yearning for a better world, Mark Wegierski asks

Eighty years since the establishment date of the People's Republic of Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls two trips to People's Poland in the 1970s

Twenty years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Three): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part One – The "selective" nature of today's world: In honor of the Moon landing 55th anniversary, Mark Wegierski begins a multi-week series

Twenty years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Two): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

Twenty years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part One): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

Fukuyama, thirty-five years after -- some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski argues that the serious critique of modernity is absent from Francis Fukuyama's thesis

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-Three): Mark Wegierski advances a possible major counter-argument to the main points of the series

Fukuyama, thirty-five years after -- some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part One): Mark Wegierski argues that Francis Fukuyama ignored certain important thinkers in his landmark essay The End of History?

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the "dark future" boardgame, Shattered States

Visiting Torun, birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, in 2004: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-One): Mark Wegierski looks at three "dark future" board games as part of his ongoing series

Memories of the summer of 2004 in Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 35th anniversary of the Solidarity victory in the June 4, 1989 national elections: Mark Wegierski offers another piece co-written with Pola Kojder taking a look at Canada's Polish community decades after the victory of freedom in their homeland

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty): Mark Wegierski looks at Twilight: 2000, which is now an alternative-history "dark future"

Returning to the Old Country, twenty-two years ago: Mark Wegierski revives memories of a mostly happier time in East-Central Europe, more than two decades ago

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Nineteen): Mark Wegierski looks at three more "dark future" RPGs as part of his ongoing series

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eighteen): Mark Wegierski now looks at some "dark futures" in gaming

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Seventeen): Mark Wegierski relates RPGs to notions of commodity and Virtual Reality

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Sixteen): Mark Wegierski looks at RPGs as part of the "pop culture wars"

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Fifteen): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the problems of "geeks" in North America – and the wide variety of "geek subgenres"

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Fourteen): Mark Wegierski looks mostly here at trading card games (TCGs) and live action roleplaying games (LARPs)

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Thirteen): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at a broad variety of darker RPGs, including RIFTS and Little Fears

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twelve): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at some darker products of Steve Jackson Games, a major game company

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski looks at Hasbro's marketing efforts for Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition, and the Fading Suns RPG

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski looks especially at Games Workshop's Warhammer universe and roleplaying set within H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at some FASA products, including Shadowrun

Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s: Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney passed away last week and Mark Wegierski offers a sharp analysis of "the Mulroney years"

Memoriam -- Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, 1939-2024: Mark Wegierski looks at former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's main "right-wing" achievement

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks here mainly at White Wolf's World of Darkness

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at the rising tide of dark themes, and points to a more positive Tolkienian series

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Six): Mark Wegierski begins surveying the gaming landscape as it evolved in the 1990s

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Five): Mark Wegierski contrasts historical boardgames with role-playing games

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at issues of artistic realism in popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the "nine-point alignment system" in Dungeons and Dragons

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Dungeons and Dragons, the first major role-playing game

On the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons (1974) -- A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at various science fiction, fantasy, and gaming subgenres

George Parkin Grant and Canada: In this year of anniversaries of three major Grant books, Mark Wegierski asks, has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?

On the 25th anniversary of the initial release of The Matrix (1999): Mark Wegierski recalls this brilliant science fiction film by the Wachowskis and starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss

2023 (52 postings)

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2023 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Canadian media and the country's academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2023 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or "eco-system" for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the end of 2023 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

Thirty-five years since the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Mark Wegierski looks at former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney's main "right-wing" achievement three and a half decades after it came into force

On the 60th anniversary of Aldous Huxley's death -- Herbert Marcuse vs. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World -- a thought experiment: Mark Wegierski makes a highly speculative comparison in attempt to find out what Herbert Marcuse would make of Aldous Huxley's dystopia

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 105th anniversary of the regaining of Polish independence in 1918: Mark Wegierski presents a piece co-authored with Apolonja (Pola) Kojder

What should the legacy of the First World War, and its great battles such as Vimy Ridge, be for Canadians?: With Remembrance Day just around the corner, Mark Wegierski meditates on the possible meaning of the First World War for Canada, 105 years after its end

The professor and the philosopher (Part Two): Mark Wegierski concludes his pithy essay in defence of Canadian conservative political philosopher George Parkin Grant

The professor and the philosopher (Part One): Mark Wegierski's essay this week arose out of a piece defending George Parkin Grant that the Toronto Globe and Mail had refused to publish

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, thirty-five years since his passing (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at how Grant criticizes both capitalism and socialism from a traditionalist perspective

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, thirty-five years since his passing (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the convergences between Canadian political philosophers George Grant and Gad Horowitz

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, thirty-five years since his passing (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Gad Horowitz, an old-fashioned Canadian socialist, whose ideas somewhat overlapped with those of Grant

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, thirty-five years since his passing (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the thoughts of Canadian conservative philosopher George Grant

A quick glance at fashion, cosmetics, and cosmetology in Poland: In this whimsical piece, Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, twenty years ago

Twenty-two years since "9/11"-- the "Fall of Rome" and the "Decline of the West": Twenty-two years since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Mark Wegierski offers a sharp analysis, for the "9/12" crowd

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2023 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of Canadian conservative infrastructures

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2023 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2023 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of "affirmative-action"-type policies in Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2023 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture between Canada and it's southern neighbour

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski concludes by calling for a symbiosis of traditionalism and liberal democracy

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski points to the almost insoluble dilemma of current-day "soft-totalitarianism"

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski argues that liberals have usually been far more successful in politics than conservatives

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at questions of how much force can be legitimately exercised in a society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines some problems with liberal approaches to various types of violence

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks if the dice have been loaded against traditionalists and conservatives in current-day liberal democracy

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at how different definitions of violence can shape society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Two): Mark Wegierski begins his careful look at different types of violence in society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part One): Mark Wegierski attempts to describe notions of the sovereign in traditional societies, and what happens to these when societies become non-traditional

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Six): Mark Wegierski traces the effects of the conflict through the centuries

On the 175th anniversary of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (1848) (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks, can Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity?

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the impact of Oliver Cromwell

On the 175th anniversary of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (1848) (Part Three): Mark Wegierski asks, can Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity?

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at economic/class, country/urban, and "ethnic" divisions in the conflict

On the 175th anniversary of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (1848) (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his series on whether Marx can be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at political, dynastic, and territorial allegiances in the conflict

On the 175th anniversary of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (1848) (Part One): Mark Wegierski asks, can Karl Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity?

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the religious divisions in the conflict

On the 335th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part One): Mark Wegierski introduces the series on the very historically important Glorious Revolution of 1688 -- one that continues to resonate even today

In celebration of twenty years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Four): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, mainly listing here his record of publications over his entire life, and conference participation since 2008

On the 50th anniversary of Soylent Green (1973): Mark Wegierski offers a retrospective review of this great dystopian science fiction film starring Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson

In celebration of twenty years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Three): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, chronicling his achievements from the 1990s to the 2020s

Fifty-fifth anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey and fifteen years since the death of Arthur C. Clarke: Mark Wegierski looks at a classic film, with an epic director, and inspired by a classic science fiction author

In celebration of twenty years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Two): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, looking at his achievements in the 1980s

In celebration of twenty years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part One): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, focusing here on his achievements in the 1960s and 1970s

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2023 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some think-tanks in Canada

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2023 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2023 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks the state of Canadian conservative publications at the mid-1990s, and beyond

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2023 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath in the beginning of his short history of conservative Canadian publications

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2023 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy in Canada both in the past and today

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2023 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2023 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 160th anniversary of the outbreak of the tragic January 1863 Uprising in Russian-occupied Poland: Mark Wegierski presents a piece co-authored with Apolonja (Pola) Kojder

2022 (62 postings)

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum, and its immediate aftermath

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the 1990s, and the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Six): Mark Wegierski points to some possibly contradictory elements of that province’s nationalism

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines more of the historical background

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the appeal of the Action democratique du Quebec in 2007

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Three): Was the political architecture of Confederation flawed from the start, asks Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Has that province’s effect on Canada been generally anti-traditionalist, asks Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2022 (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers extensive historical background to the recent provincial elections

Fifteen years since the Dziekanski tragedy: Mark Wegierski reflects on the incident of Robert Dziekanski, a forty-year-old Polish immigrant to Canada, dying at the hands of the RCMP back on October 14, 2007

Examining the Polish-Canadian community fifteen years after the tragic death of Robert Dziekanski: Mark Wegierski presents a piece co-authored with Apolonja (Pola) Kojder, which was rejected by The National Post (Toronto), and The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

Canada in context (Part Six): Mark Wegierski surveys developments from 2006 to today in Canadian culture and politics

Canada in context (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the rise of the Canadian Alliance out of the Reform Party, and the 2003 merger between the Canadian Alliance and the federal Progressive Conservatives

Higher education in Poland: Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences from twenty years ago

Canada in context (Part Four): Mark Wegierski surveys developments from 1993 to 2003 in Canadian politics, culture and society

Canada in context (Part Three): Mark Wegierski surveys developments from 1968 to 1993 in the Canadian political and cultural scene

Canada in context (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues with his synoptic look at Canadian history, politics, and culture in the second part of his series

Examining paleoconservatism and “modern social conservatism” in Canada: Mark Wegierski references an important article by Michael Taube from 2000 to examine what “conservatism” means in Canada today

Canada in context (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers a synoptic look at Canadian history, politics, and culture

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP)

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Western Canada

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Quebec

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part One): In this first part of a series, Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada

Eighteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Three): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

Do Conservatives want to finally change things, or continue being perennial losers?: Mark Wegierski offers a response to Marjory LeBreton�  �’    �  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   �  �’ �  � ‹—�  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   …—�  �’   �  �’ �  � ‹—�  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   ……≥s recent essay on the plight of Canadian Conservatives

Eighteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Two): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

Eighteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part One): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

On the 45th anniversary of Star Wars (1977): Mark Wegierski offers a retrospective review of George Lucas' great space opera film: Star Wars: A New Hope

On the 155th anniversary of Canadian Confederation -- the case against current-day Canada (Part Three): Mark Wegierski surveys 60 years of conservative failure in Canada

On the 155th anniversary of Canadian Confederation -- the case against current-day Canada (Part Two): Mark Wegierski surveys 60 years of conservative failure in Canada

On the 155th anniversary of Canadian Confederation -- the case against current-day Canada (Part One): Mark Wegierski surveys 60 years of conservative failure in Canada

Visiting Torun, birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, in 2004: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

Memories of the summer of 2004 in Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

Visiting Poland, 2002-2004: Mark Wegierski recalls some trips to Poland, two decades ago

On the 40th anniversary of Blade Runner (1982): Mark Wegierski offers a retrospective review of this great science fiction film

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2022 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2022 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in the United States and Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of “affirmative-action”-type policies in Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2022 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture between American and Canadian conservatives

Earth Day 2022 – tradition and ecology: Mark Wegierski explores some of the affinities between tradition and ecology, appropriate since Easter and Earth Day fall so close to each other this year

What should the legacy of Vimy Ridge, be for Canadians?: Mark Wegierski meditates on the possible meaning of the battle of Vimy Ridge for Canada, 105 years later

What impact will the Liberal-NDP alliance have on the Conservative leadership race?: Mark Wegierski explores what the recently announced alliance between the governing Liberal Party and the socialist New Democrats means for the ongoing Conservative leadership race

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world -- updated to 2022 (Part Six): Mark Wegierski asks: Is Quebec the real enemy of traditional Canada?

The 2007 Shane Doan controversy in Canada: Mark Wegierski recalls a rare Canadian victory over “political correctness” fifteen years ago

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world – updated to 2022 (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at the situation in Canada and how it once defined its nationhood and how that concept plays out today

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world – updated to 2022 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks the question, how truly democratic is the United States today?

A vision is needed, not pragmatism: Mark Wegierski responds to a recent article in Toronto's The National Post by Mark Towhey which argued that Canadian conservatives needed to stop focusing on how conservative they were and instead be more pragmatic

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world – updated to 2022 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at some examples from twentieth-century Polish and Soviet history

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Because of Joseph McCarthy, America has become very skittish about accusations of treason, argues Mark Wegierski

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world – updated to 2022 (Part One): Treason isn’t -- like many things today -- what it used to be, argues Mark Wegierski

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some Canadian think-tanks

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2022 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism whether Canada's blogging and independent commentary community has managed to accomplish much

A program for Conservatives: In the wake of the ouster of Erin O’Toole from the Conservative Party of Canada leadership last week, Mark Wegierski outlines some policy options for the CPC

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the mid-1990s, and beyond, when it comes to what remains of Canada's conservative publications scene

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2022 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

Looking back at a 1977 game about Canadian civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media: Mark Wegierski looks at Canadian Civil War, a game first published 45 years ago and explores the political side of the eternal push-pull of English-French relations in Canada

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2022 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at what remains of the conservative media and the academy in Canada these days

Just how liberal is Canada today?: Mark Wegierski argues that the situation of conservatives -- regardless of whether they are religious, economic, cultural or all of the above -- in Canada is desperate indeed

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2022 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives in Canada

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2022 (Part One): A conservative political and cultural infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

2021 (58 postings)

Examining the difficult situation for conservatives in Canada: Mark Wegierski offers some suggestions for Canadian conservatives

Examining the Polish-Canadian community forty years after the declaration of martial law in Poland (December 13, 1981): Mark Wegierski presents another piece co-authored with Pola Kojder, which was rejected by The National Post (Toronto) and The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

Selected verse memorializing forty years since the declaration of martial law in Poland: Mark Wegierski reaches way back into his archives

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski criticizes the so-called “rainbow coalition” approach, but also rejects a “unimodal” view of community

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski points to certain dilemmas of current-day Canadian multiculturalism

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the question of nations’ evolution over time – and if modernity rather than premodernity is more prone to genocide

Frank Herbert’s Dune and current-day reality: Mark Wegierski examines the sociopolitical implications of Frank Herbert’s masterwork Dune

New directions for conservative ideas -- a sketch of future possibilities: Mark Wegierski offers advice to the Conservative Party of Canada after their September loss at the polls

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Five): Mark Wegierski suggests a dialogue among different definitions of community and identity today

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Four): Is current-day society ruled by a liberal oligarchy, asks Mark Wegierski – and are there similarities between conservative and social democratic critiques of the system

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at questions of the particular vs. the universal, and at the morality of nations

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the discourse of decadence, whether socialization determines people entirely, and “global civil society”

Community and identity in late modernity – updated to 2021 (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his sociological-type look at current-day society

Fifty-five years of Star Trek – a cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Five): Mark Wegierski wonders where the future of Star Trek – and of the real world – is headed

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 65th anniversary of the Polish October (1956): Mark Wegierski presents another piece co-authored with Pola Kojder, which was rejected by The National Post (Toronto) and The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

Fifty-five years of Star Trek – a cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at Star Trek’s very enthusiastic fans, and at various “alternative-Treks”

Fifty-five years of Star Trek – a cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks again at various aspects of Star Trek’s liberalism and notes some real-world parallels

A quick glance at fashion, cosmetics, and cosmetology in Poland: In this whimsical piece, Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eighteen years ago

Fifty-five years of Star Trek – a cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the less and more liberal aspects of Star Trek, especially in Deep Space 9 and Voyager

Twenty years since “9/11”-- the “Fall of Rome” and the “Decline of the West”: Twenty years since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Mark Wegierski offers a sharp analysis, for the “9/12” crowd

Fifty-five years of Star Trek – a cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his article series on Star Trek

George Grant’s children -- lament for Canadian lives: Mark Wegierski expresses pessimism about the future prospects of Canada

The long defeat -- where the Canadian Right went wrong (Part Five): Mark Wegierski suggests routes to revival for conservatism in Canada

The long defeat -- Where the Canadian Right went wrong (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks, just how liberal is Canada today?

The long defeat -- Where the Canadian Right went wrong (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the failure of three-time Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 77th anniversary of the tragic Warsaw Uprising of 1944: Mark Wegierski presents another piece co-authored with Pola Kojder and examining the relatively recent history of Poles in Canada

The long defeat -- Where the Canadian Right went wrong (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the years 1972-2002 for the conservative movement in Canada

The long defeat -- where the Canadian Right went wrong (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins another series on Canadian politics

Looking back forty-five years at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Three): Mark Wegierski completes his look at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Looking back forty-five years at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict �  �’    �  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   �  �’ �  � ‹—�  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   …—�  �’   �  �’ �  � ‹—�  �’  �  �’ �  в�‚�„–—�  �’   ……“ exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Looking back forty-five years at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2021 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of Canadian conservative infrastructures

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2021 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both the United States and Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of “affirmative-action”-type policies in Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2021 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture between the US and Canada

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP)

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski continues his series by looking mainly at “third parties” in politically fertile Western Canada

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Quebec as part of his series on third parties in Canada

“Third parties” in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada

Examining the Polish-Canadian community on the 230th anniversary of the Polish Constitution of 1791: Mark Wegierski presents a piece co-authored with Pola Kojder, which was rejected by The National Post (Toronto), and The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at an important question – in what sense is Canada a nation?

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the Atlantic region, which has an ambiguous relationship with Ottawa

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines Stephen Harper’s policies towards the regions, as well as the emerging new Western separatism

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the long struggle of Western Canada for a serious voice in Ottawa

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between Ottawa and Western Canada, especially Alberta

For a new cultural criticism – thirty-five years since the Pet Shop Boys’ Please: Mark Wegierski offers a “retro review” of a classic 1986 recording

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the role of Toronto in Canadian history

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part One): Mark Wegierski will be examining the tensions between different regions in Canada

Thirty-five years since George Parkin Grant’s Technology and Justice (1986): Mark Wegierski tries to gauge what of Canadian political philosopher George Grant’s ideas has remained today

The Polish-Canadian community in decline: Mark Wegierski laments the fading of Polish-Canadians in Canada today

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the mid-1990s, and beyond

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2021 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some Canadian think-tanks

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2021 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2021 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2021 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2021 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

In celebration of eighteen years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski: Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive “biogram”

2020 (60 postings)

Some Christmas dreams for the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski proposes an ambitious agenda for Polish-Canadians

Politics vs. apoliticality: Mark Wegierski takes a deep dive into the philosophy of history in trying to describe contemporary society and its problems

In search of a voice for the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski describes the unhappy weakness of an attenuated European fragment-culture in current-day Canada

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski calls for a truly transformational politics

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski asks a big question – is there a future for conservatism in Canada – or elsewhere?

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the flaws of socialism as a critique of late modernity

Fading blues -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at what a reflective conservatism and more thoughtful social democratic ideas may have in common

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Seven):  Mark Wegierski looks further at the thought of Gad Horowitz, and compares “British” to “WASP” identities

Fading blues -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the thought of Gad Horowitz, a social democrat who criticizes multiculturalism and defends English-Canadian nationalism

Fading blues -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today (Part Five):  Mark Wegierski looks at different definitions of Canadian nationalism

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Four):  Mark Wegierski argues that until the 1960s, Canada was a more substantively conservative society than America

Populism vs. Elitism: Mark Wegierski examines some of the history of populism and elitism since the Eighteenth Century

Fading blues -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Three): Mark Wegierski asks, who have been the real conservatives within the Conservative Party

Higher education in Poland: Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences from eighteen years ago

Fading blues – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the various factions in the Progressive Conservative party of the 1980s

Fading blues -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part One):  Mark Wegierski begins a series of pieces looking at the “Centre-Right Opposition” over the last four decades

In search of a conservative sociology: Mark Wegierski argues for the efficacy of introducing social science to conservative thinking

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec? – updated to 2020 (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at different scenarios for the future of Quebec

Sixteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Three): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, sixteen years ago

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum, and its immediate aftermath

Sixteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Two): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, sixteen years ago

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the 1990s, and the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum

Sixteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part One): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, sixteen years ago

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Six): Mark Wegierski points to some possibly contradictory elements of that province’s nationalism

On the 153rd anniversary of Canadian Confederation (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at developments in Canada from 2003 to today

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines more of the historical background of Quebec and its politics

On the 153rd anniversary of Canadian Confederation (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at developments in Canadian politics from 1972 to 2002

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the appeal of the Action democratique du Quebec in 2007

On the 153rd anniversary of Canadian Confederation (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the origins and development of Canada

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Three): Was the political architecture of Canadian Confederation flawed from the start, asks Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part Two): Has that province’s effect on Canada been generally anti-traditionalist, asks Mark Wegierski

Visiting Torun, birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, in 2004: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, sixteen years ago

The past, present, and future of Québec – updated to 2020 (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers extensive historical background to the recent provincial elections

Memories of the summer of 2004 in Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, sixteen years ago

Visiting Poland, 2002-2004: Mark Wegierski recalls some of his trips to Poland, close to two decades ago

Seventy-five years since its end, World War II continues to shape the world: Mark Wegierski offers a précis of some of the ideological consequences of the war

Seventy-five years since V-E Day in 1945 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and the aftermath of the war in Poland

Seventy-five years since V-E Day in 1945 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Poland under German and Soviet occupations

Seventy-five years since V-E Day in 1945 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the beginning of the war, and Poland’s contributions to the Allied war effort

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2020 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the mid-1990s, and beyond when it comes to the sad history of conservative publications in the Great White North

Ecology – a long and difficult path ahead: Mark Wegierski quite pointedly looks at various possible convergences of ecology and traditionalism, on the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day (1970)

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2020 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

Did the 2010 Polish plane tragedy at Smolensk have an impact on Canada?: Mark Wegierski recalls a day of tragedy for Poland

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2020 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some think-tanks

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2020 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism about the real impact that Canadian conservatives have made on politics when it comes to the web

George Grant’s vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Four): On the 55th anniversary of George Grant’s Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 55 years of Canadian history

George Grant’s vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Three): On the 55th anniversary of George Grant’s Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 55 years of Canadian history

George Grant’s vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Two): On the 55th anniversary of George Grant’s Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 55 years of Canadian history

George Grant’s vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part One): On the 55th anniversary of George Grant’s Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 55 years of Canadian history

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2020 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

Getting the Canadian Right, right – revised and expanded: Mark Wegierski presents a re-worked version of a piece unsuccessfully submitted to the “Right Now” series in The National Post (Toronto)

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2020 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2020 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of “affirmative-action”-type policies in Canada

Getting the Canadian Right, right: Mark Wegierski presents a piece unsuccessfully submitted to the “Right Now” series in The National Post (Toronto)

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2020 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture between Canada the United States

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2020 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Canadian media and the academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2020 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2020 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

2019 (64 postings)

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Fourteen – Canadian speculative fiction, and conclusion: Mark Wegierski looks at Canadian speculative fiction, and concludes the series

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Thirteen -- A variety of films and TV shows, from aliens to vampires: Mark Wegierski looks at a variety of movies and TV shows over the past decades

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Twelve – Grandmasters of SF: Mark Wegierski looks at some writing and films from the true greats of science fiction and fantasy, mostly of the 1940s-1980s

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eleven – The origins of SF and fantasy: Mark Wegierski looks mostly here at H. G. Wells and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Ten – Three key works: Mark Wegierski looks at three critically-important dystopias

The passing away of traditional Canada (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the 2015 and 2019 Canadian federal elections in the final entry of his three part series

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Nine – Alternative History: Mark Wegierski looks at the subgenre of uchronia or “counterfactual history”

The passing away of traditional Canada (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at developments from the late-1980s to today when it comes to conservatism in Canada

The passing away of traditional Canada (Part One): On the heels of a Canadian election that returned the Liberal Party to power, Mark Wegierski presents his own “lament for a nation”

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eight – Some antecedents to cyberpunk: A subgenre of resistance to late modernity, Mark Wegierski asks

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Seven – Cyberpunk: Mark Wegierski examines the subgenre of “future shock”

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Six – Some notable SF works: Do SF scenarios presage a possible return to tradition in the future, asks Mark Wegierski

Canadian Thanksgiving 2019 – how bountiful is Canada for most of its citizens?: Mark Wegierski argues that the extent of Canadian prosperity has been exaggerated

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Five – Dune and current-day reality: Mark Wegierski examines the sociopolitical implications of Frank Herbert’s masterwork

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Four – Fantasy in pop-culture; military SF; and space opera: Mark Wegierski looks at a broad variety of genres

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Three – Subgenres of fantasy: In the third part of his fourteen part series on the subject of science fiction and fantasy, Mark Wegierski looks at various fantasy subgenres

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part Two – Utopia, dystopia, fantasy, and reality: Do these genres express a yearning for a better world, Mark Wegierski asks

Tradition and liberty in science fiction and fantasy: Part One – The “selective” nature of today’s world: In honor of the Moon landing's 50th anniversary earlier this summer, Mark Wegierski begins a multi-week series

George Parkin Grant and the fading of conservatism in Canada: In this year of anniversaries of three major Grant books, Mark Wegierski asks, has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?

Will there ever be a conservative uprising in liberal, post-Sixties' Canada?

Eighty years since its outbreak, World War II continues to shape the world: Mark Wegierski offers a précis of some of the ideological consequences of the Second World War

Labour Day 2019 -- Who speaks for the working classes?: Mark Wegierski argues that left-wing intellectuals have betrayed the workers

Eighty years since the start of World War II -- recalling a commemorative ceremony at Nieszawa, Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls an event sixty-five years since the start of World War II

Seventy-five years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and the aftermath of the war in Poland

Seventy-five years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Poland under German and Soviet occupations

Feliks Wegierski, artist and World War II veteran: Pola Kojder and Mark Wegierski write about Feliks Wegierski, who was born in Dzialdowo, Poland, 1923, and died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2019

Seventy-five years since the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the beginning of the war, and Poland’s contributions to the Allied war effort

Seventy-five years since the establishment date of the People’s Republic of Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls two trips to People’s Poland in the 1970s

Fifteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Three): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

Fifteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part Two): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

In search of Canadian identity: Mark Wegierski notes the problematic nature of current-day Canadian identity

Fifteen years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated at Czestochowa, Poland (Part One): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

Fukuyama, thirty years after -- some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski argues that the serious critique of modernity is absent from historian Francis Fukuyama’s thesis

Fukuyama, thirty years after -- some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part One): Mark Wegierski argues that American political scientist Francis Fukuyama ignored certain important thinkers

Visiting Torun, birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, in 2004: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

Memories of the summer of 2004 in Poland: Mark Wegierski recalls a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part Five): Mark Wegierski asks if even a withering of technology may follow the social and cultural decline of some current-day societies

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part Four): Mark Wegierski defends nature and history as vital for a truly humane future

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part Three): Mark Wegierski asks whether technological advance will be likely to continue if Western civilization collapses

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at issues of language and religion in the future

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part One): In honor of the Moon landing 50th anniversary, Mark Wegierski tries to predict the future of humanity in space in a 5-part series

Earth Day 2019 – tradition and ecology: Mark Wegierski explores some of the affinities between tradition and ecology

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2019 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2019 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2019 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of “affirmative-action”-type policies in Canada

Comparing the Canadian and the American Right – updated to 2019 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture between conservatives of the United States and Canada

Examining the chances of the Right in Canada: Mark Wegierski expresses skepticism about the possibilities of the Right in Canada -- once a strong force and today a shell of its former self

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at an important question – in what sense is Canada a nation?

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the Atlantic region, which has -- to be charitable -- an ambiguous relationship with Ottawa

The failure of the Canadian Right (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines “the managerial-therapeutic regime” in Canada

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s policies towards the regions

The failure of the Canadian Right (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at various signposts of this failure, from Brian Mulroney’s “defeat in victory” to the torpedoing of Stockwell Day to Stephen Harper’s flop in 2015

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the long struggle of Western Canada for a serious voice in Ottawa

Canada – a country with an attenuated Right (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines the left-liberal hegemony in Canada today

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski examines the ever present tensions between Ottawa and Western Canada, especially Alberta

Canada – a country with an attenuated Right (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the luckless Canadian right-wing in a country which tends to swing towards the left these days

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the role of Toronto in Canadian history

The need to challenge bad art: Mark Wegierski examines the crisis in art today

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – another reassessment (Part One): In his latest series on Canadian politics Mark Wegierski will be examining the tensions between different regions in Canada

Private colleges could revive the humanities in Canada: Mark Wegierski argues that Canada needs more private colleges

Looking back twenty-five years at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his examination of 1994 political board game Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States!

Looking back twenty-five years at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines 1994 board game Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States! -- one that was perhaps more insightful than readers at the time knew

“Third parties” in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at Canada's left of centre/socialist New Democratic Party (NDP)

“Third parties” in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Western Canada -- long a hotbed of new parties challenging the existing political order

“Third parties” in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his series with a look mainly at “third parties” in Quebec

2018 (61 postings)

“Third parties” in Canada – yet another reassessment (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada in the first of this series

The professor and the philosopher -- Thomas Hurka and George Grant: Mark Wegierski offers a piece defending George Parkin Grant that originally arose in 1992

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2018 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy -- or rather perhaps the lack thereof when it comes to conservatism in Canada

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2018 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives in Canada

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2018 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure on the Canadian political scene is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

Herbert Marcuse vs. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World  -- a  thought experiment: Mark Wegierski speculates what philosopher Herbert Marcuse would say about the famous dystopian world created by English novelist Aldous Huxley

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the regaining of Polish independence amidst the megapolitan world-city: Mark Wegierski shares some recent Polish experiences in Toronto

Thirty years since the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Mark Wegierski looks at former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s main “right-wing” achievement, the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement

George Parkin Grant in Canadian context: Mark Wegierski places Canadian philosopher George Grant against the backdrop of Canadian history since 1963

What should the legacy of World War I, and its great battles such as Vimy Ridge, be for Canadians?: Mark Wegierski meditates on the Great War’s possible meaning for Canada, 100 years after its end

The Internet - assessing its main social, political, and cultural impacts in America (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the five main “visions” of the Internet

The Internet -- assessing its main social, political, and cultural impacts in America (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines whether the Internet can be a healthy outlet for dissidents

The Internet -- assessing its main social, political, and cultural impacts in America (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at “displacement syndromes” and “escapisms” today

The Internet – assessing its main social, political, and cultural impacts in America (Part Two): Mark Wegierski identifies the media “New Class” -- those who work hard using the world wide web to condition the rest of the population

The Internet -- assessing its main social, political, and cultural impacts in America (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Internet and the tremendous, all-encompassing influence it's had on our world

Commemorating the centenary of George Grant’s birth, and thirty years since his passing: Mark Wegierski asks, what remains of George Grant’s ideas in current-day Canada?

In Memoriam, Richard (Dick) Field, 1924-2018: Mark Wegierski offers a tribute to a stalwart Canadian patriot

Are both America and Canada currently in decline?: Mark Wegierski offers a reprise of an essay that was “spiked” from the Internet some years ago

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, on the centenary of his birth (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at how Grant criticizes both capitalism and socialism from a traditionalist perspective

A quick glance at fashion, cosmetics, and cosmetology in Poland: In this whimsical piece, Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, fifteen years ago

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, on the centenary of his birth (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the convergences between Grant and Gad Horowitz

Some notes on Polish higher education today, based partially on a trip in 2002: Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences sixteen years ago

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, on the centenary of his birth (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Gad Horowitz, an old-fashioned Canadian socialist, whose ideas somewhat overlapped with those of conservative philosopher George Grant

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant, on the centenary of his birth (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the thought of Canadian conservative philosopher George Grant

Returning to the Old Country, sixteen years ago: Mark Wegierski revives memories of a mostly happier time in East-Central Europe, more than a decade-and-a-half ago

Cuspers – a new generational category proposed – updated to 2018 (Part Two): Cuspers, a new generational category between the Baby Boomers and Gen X, have mirrored the anxieties of the late-modern era, argues Mark Wegierski

Cuspers – a new generational category proposed – updated to 2018 (Part One): Mark Wegierski proposes a new generational category between the Baby Boomers and Gen X

“Third parties” in Canada – another reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the left-of-centre/socialist New Democratic Party (NDP)

“Third parties” in Canada – another reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Western Canada, another region in the country where third parties have had quite a bit of influence

“Third parties” in Canada – another reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at “third parties” in Quebec, long a fertile ground for new parties that have made major waves in La Belle Province's political scene

“Third parties” in Canada – another reassessment (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada in the first of his multi-part series on the vibrant history of "third parties" in Canadian political history

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2018 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the history of Canadian conservative media efforts -- both traditional and online -- during the mid-1990s and beyond

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada – updated to 2018 (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2018 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at some Canadian think-tanks

“Inter-not” -- Has a Canadian right-wing “blogosphere” had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? – updated to 2018 (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism on the notion that Canada's political bloggers have had a real impact on the Canadian intellectual scene

Comparing Canadian and American Right (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

Comparing Canadian and American Right (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

Comparing Canadian and American Right (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of “affirmative-action”-type policies in Canada

May Day 2018 -- In search of an independent left and right (Part Three): Might there be some sort of convergence between authentic left and right, Mark Wegierski asks

May Day 2018 -- In search of an independent left and right (Part Two): Fiscal probity and lower immigration are not solely right-wing policies, Mark Wegierski argues

Comparing the Canadian and American Right (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Six): Mark Wegierski traces the effects of the conflict through the centuries

May Day 2018 -- In search of an independent left and right (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines what the “anti-system opposition” may hold in common

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the impact of English military and political leader Oliver Cromwell both during and after the English Civil War

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at economic/class, country/urban, and “ethnic” divisions in the conflict

Earth Day 2018 -- trying to define a conservative Green philosophy: Mark Wegierski looks at what conservative and Green ideas may have in common

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at political, dynastic, and territorial allegiances during the English Civil War

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the religious divisions in the conflict

On the 330th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution -- the historical significance of the English Civil War (Part One): Mark Wegierski introduces a new series which explores the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its preceding English Civil War

Fiftieth anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey and ten years since the death of Arthur C. Clarke: Mark Wegierski looks at the ground-breaking 1968 science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey and its creators

On the 170th anniversary of Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto – can Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity? (Part Three): Mark Wegierski argues that the Old Left was mostly socially conservative

On the 170th anniversary of Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto – can Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski applies Marxist class analysis to the Sixties and East-Central Europe

On the 170th anniversary of Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto – can Marx be re-interpreted as a critic of late modernity? (Part One): Mark Wegierski argues that Marx might have serious disagreements with the current-day Left

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at an important question – and one long debated by Canadians of all stripes – in what sense is Canada a nation?

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the Atlantic region, which has an ambiguous relationship with Ottawa

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines Stephen Harper’s policies towards the various regions in Canada

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the long struggle of Western Canada for a serious voice in Ottawa

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between Ottawa and Western Canada, especially Alberta

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the outsized role of Toronto in Canadian history and how the nation's largest city has changed over the decades from a Tory stronghold to what it is today

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – a reassessment (Part One): In his latest series Mark Wegierski will be examining the long-standing tensions between different regions in Canada

In celebration of fifteen years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski: Mark Wegierski has been writing for ESR for a decade and a half and figured it was time he finally presented a fairly extensive “biogram”

2017 (52 postings)

Examining the historical defence of Christendom as the conceptual template for the defence of “Westernesse” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (Part Three): Mark Wegierski concludes his essay

Examining the historical defence of Christendom as the conceptual template for the defence of “Westernesse” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (Part Two): Mark Wegierski draws parallels to European and British history

Examining the historical defence of Christendom as the conceptual template for the defence of “Westernesse” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines a traditionalist aspect of Tolkien

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2017 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2017 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2017 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

Looking back at a 1977 game about Canadian civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media: Mark Wegierski looks at Canadian Civil War (by Simulations Publications, Inc. – SPI), a game first published 40 years ago

Alternative history: Mark Wegierski looks at the science fiction subgenre of uchronia or “counterfactual history” and its possible conservative/traditionalist aspects

Canadian speculative fiction: Mark Wegierski looks at possible definitions of a distinctly Canadian “speculative fiction”

Dark futures and cyberpunk (Part Three): Mark Wegierski suggests some possible traditionalist implications of these subgenres

Dark futures and cyberpunk (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines a variety of works within these subgenres

Ten years since the Dziekanski tragedy: Mark Wegierski remembers the incident from October 14, 2007

Dark futures and cyberpunk (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the subgenres of "dark future" and "cyberpunk" and their critiques of current-day society

Articulation needed for “small-c conservatism” in Canada: Mark Wegierski argues that the case for conservatism has not been well-articulated in Canada

Structural issues of the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski argues that the Polish-Canadian community must somehow build up significant infrastructures – or find itself fading away

Sixteen years since “9/11”-- the “Fall of Rome” and the “Decline of the West”: Mark Wegierski offers a sharp analysis of the Western world in the aftermath the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks for the “9/12” crowd

Polish language knowledge and Polish-Canadian identity: Mark Wegierski asks, can there exist a Polish-Canadian identity with declining Polish language knowledge in Canada?

In search of new “cadres” for a Canadian renewal: Mark Wegierski asks, can the mutual interests of the regions lead to a decentralized Canada?

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski calls for a truly transformational politics

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski asks a big question – is there a future for conservatism in Canada – or elsewhere?

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the flaws of socialism as a critique of late modernity

Shades of quickly fading blue -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at what a reflective conservatism and more thoughtful social democratic ideas may have in common

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Seven):  Mark Wegierski looks further at the thought of Gad Horowitz, and compares “British” to “WASP” identities

Shades of quickly fading blue -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at the thought of Gad Horowitz, a social democrat who criticizes multiculturalism and defends English-Canadian nationalism

Shades of quickly fading blue -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today (Part Five):  Mark Wegierski looks at different definitions of Canadian nationalism

On the Sesquicentennial of Canadian Confederation -- the “managerial-therapeutic regime” in Canada, an insoluble dilemma for real democracy?: Mark Wegierski examines the arrival of  “soft-totalitarianism” in Canada on the eve of its 150th birthday

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Four):  Mark Wegierski argues that until the 1960s, Canada was a more substantively conservative society than America

Shades of quickly fading blue -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Three): Mark Wegierski asks, who have been the real conservatives within the Conservative Party?

Shades of quickly fading blue – the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the various factions in the Progressive Conservative party of the 1980s

Shades of quickly fading blue -- the decline of the Tory tradition in Canada since the 1980s (Part One):  Mark Wegierski begins a series of articles looking at the “Centre-Right Opposition” over the last four decades

Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the importance of “governing strategically”

Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the importance of the media and several key weaknesses that Brian Mulroney suffered from as a politician and prime minister

Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the importance of the federal bureaucracy

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part Six): Mark Wegierski asks if Quebec is the real enemy of traditional Canada

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the situation in Canada

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks the question, how truly democratic is the United States today?

The 2007 Shane Doan controversy in Canada: Mark Wegierski recalls a rare Canadian victory over “political correctness” ten years ago

What should the legacy of World War I, and its great battles such as Vimy Ridge, be for Canadians?: Mark Wegierski meditates on the meaning of Vimy Ridge, 100 years later

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at some examples from twentieth-century Polish and Soviet history

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part Two): Because of Joseph McCarthy, America has become very skittish about accusations of treason, argues Mark Wegierski

Treason and patriotism in Canada and the current-day world (Part One): Treason isn’t what it used to be, argues Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec? (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at different scenarios for the future

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum, and its immediate aftermath

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the 1990s, and the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Six): Mark Wegierski points to some possibly contradictory elements of that province’s nationalism

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines more of the historical background of Québec and its historical grievances against the rest of Canada

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the appeal of the Action democratique du Quebec in 2007

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Three): Was the political architecture of Confederation flawed from the start, asks Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part Two): Has that province’s effect on Canada been generally anti-traditionalist, asks Mark Wegierski

The past, present, and future of Québec (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers extensive historical background to the recent provincial elections

2016 (50 postings)

Seventy-seven years since its outbreak, World War II continues to shape the world: Mark Wegierski offers a précis of some of the ideological consequences of the war

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski

On the 200th anniversary of the founding of the University of Warsaw (November 19, 1816): Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences

"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the New Democratic Party (NDP)

"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Western Canada

"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Quebec, a hot bed of alternative political parties

"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Six): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Five): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Four): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Three): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Two): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part One): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000

Is it time for a new decentralism in Canada?: Mark Wegierski argues that Harper's failure in Ottawa may lead to decentralist alternatives

Presidential insurgency-candidacies from 1992 to 2016: Mark Wegierski asks, why has Donald Trump done better than Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?

Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution

Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at elves in the Shadowrun and Castle Falkenstein role-playing games

Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the variety of elves in the Warhammer Fantasy role-playing game

Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the unusual elves of Terry Pratchett's Discworld

Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part One): Mark Wegierski takes a break from politics, with this off-beat topic

Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks more closely at the rankings

Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Polish academy and some of its history

Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski recalls various trips to Poland

Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his look at the Polish college rankings

Thirty years since George Parkin Grant's Technology and Justice (1986): Mark Wegierski tries to gauge what of philosopher George Grant's ideas has remained today in the modern nation of Canada

Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the community's main authors

Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality -- the Polish-Canadian case (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and cultural environment

Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the political and cultural history of the community

Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his look at an attenuated community

For a new cultural criticism -- thirty years since the Pet Shop Boys' Please: Mark Wegierski offers a "retro review" of a classic 1986 recording

In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the cultural life of the Polish-Canadian community in North American context

In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at English-language Polish-Canadian writing

In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some prominent Polish émigré writers and professors in Canada

In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at Apolonja (Pola) Maria Kojder, representative of a fragmentary tradition

Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the perils of globalization

Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at some problems with Polish-Canadian identity

Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at some possible resistance to mass-media

Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the Polish presence in U.S. and Canadian pop-culture

Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins a cultural analysis

In search of a voice for the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski describes an attenuated fragment-culture

A fragmented fragment-culture: Mark Wegierski offers a brief sociological sketch of the Polish-Canadian community

Creative writing and the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski reminisces about a major Canadian writers' conference he attended a few years back

2015 (49 postings)

Examining the "right-wing Green" critique of current-day America (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at some broader bases of support for these ideas

Examining the "right-wing Green" critique of current-day America (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the concerns about America running out of space and resources

Examining the "right-wing Green" critique of current-day America (Part Two): Mark Wegierski notes the criticism of both consumerism and the welfare-state

Examining the "right-wing Green" critique of current-day America (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his look at a little-known school of ideas

Examining the space opera/star empires subgenre (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at space opera/star empires in FASA's BattleTech future-history

Examining the space opera/star empires subgenre (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at space opera/star empires in three "mini" board wargames

Examining the space opera/star empires subgenre (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at space opera/star empires in the Traveller/Imperium future-history

Examining the space opera/star empires subgenre (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at two space opera/star empires board wargames

Examining the space opera/star empires subgenre (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at space opera/star empires in literature, film, and television

Board wargames – an introduction (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at various subgenres of the hobby, and examines it from a sociological standpoint

Board wargames – an introduction (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some near and distant relations of historical boardgames

Board wargames – an introduction (Part One): Mark Wegierski first explains, for those of you who aren't old school grognards, what are historical boardgames?

A quick glance at fashion, cosmetics, and cosmetology in Poland: In this conclusion to several "Polish articles" of 2014-2015, Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, 12 years ago

George Grant's vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Four): On the 50th anniversary of George Grant's Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 50 years of Canadian history

George Grant's vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Three): On the 50th anniversary of George Grant's Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 50 years of Canadian history

George Grant's vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part Two): On the 50th anniversary of George Grant's Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 50 years of Canadian history

George Grant's vision of Canada increasingly attenuated (Part One): On the 50th anniversary of George Grant's Lament for a Nation, Mark Wegierski traces the last 50 years of Canadian history

Remembrance of things past: Mark Wegierski revives memories of a mostly happier time in East-Central Europe, more than a decade ago

360 years since the Swedish siege of Czestochowa, and 11 years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated there (Part Five): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eleven years ago

360 years since the Swedish siege of Czestochowa, and 11 years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated there (Part Four): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eleven years ago

360 years since the Swedish siege of Czestochowa, and 11 years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated there (Part Three): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eleven years ago

360 years since the Swedish siege of Czestochowa, and 11 years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated there (Part Two): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eleven years ago

360 years since the Swedish siege of Czestochowa, and 11 years since a 60th wedding anniversary celebrated there (Part One): Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, eleven years ago

Examining the future of the "broader right" in Canada and the United States (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

Examining the future of the "broader right" in Canada and the United States (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

Examining the future of the "broader right" in Canada and the United States (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of "affirmative-action"-type policies in Canada

Examining the future of the "broader right" in Canada and the United States (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the differences in society, politics, and culture

Who owns Canada? (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at an important question – in what sense is Canada a nation?

Who owns Canada? (Part Six): Mark Wegierski now looks at the Atlantic region, which has an ambiguous relationship with Ottawa

Seventy years since V-E Day – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and the aftermath of the war in Poland

Seventy years since V-E Day – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Poland under German and Soviet occupations

Seventy years since V-E Day – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the beginning of the war, and Poland’s contributions to the Allied war effort

Who owns Canada? (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines Stephen Harper’s policies towards Canada's regions

Ecology – a long, difficult path ahead: Mark Wegierski quite pointedly looks at various possible convergences of ecology and traditionalism, on the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day

Who owns Canada? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the long struggle of Western Canada for a serious voice in Ottawa

Who owns Canada? (Part Three): Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between Ottawa and Western Canada, especially Alberta

Who owns Canada? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the role of Toronto in Canadian history

Who owns Canada? (Part One): In this series of articles, Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between different regions in Canada

A brave sortie against political correctness (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines Marxism, Multiculturalism, and Free Speech, a critique of political correctness by Frank Ellis, whose own career was undermined by his dissent from its strictures

A brave sortie against political correctness (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines Marxism, Multiculturalism, and Free Speech, a critique of political correctness by Frank Ellis, whose own career was undermined by his dissent from its strictures

A summary of the dilemma of hypermodernity: Mark Wegierski presents a précis of one of his most salient, earlier-published essays

A collection of essays questioning Canada's high-immigration consensus: Mark Wegierski notes that the Fraser Institute goes beyond economics into social and cultural questions in The Effects of Mass Immigration on Canadian Living Standards and Society, edited by Herbert Grubel

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the mid-1990s, and beyond

A brief history of conservative publications in Canada (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the Mulroney Years and their aftermath

"Inter-not" -- Has a Canadian right-wing "blogosphere" had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some Canadian conservative think-tanks

"Inter-not" -- Has a Canadian right-wing "blogosphere" had an impact on politics, society, and culture in Canada? (Part One): Mark Wegierski expresses some skepticism

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2015 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2015 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or "eco-system" for conservatives

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2015 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure is still lacking, says Mark Wegierski

2014 (46 postings)

Looking back at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his examination of Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States!

Looking back at a 1994 game and magazine about U.S. civil conflict (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines Crisis 2000: Insurrection in the United States!

Conflicts of notions of freedom, order, and security in a globalized world (Part Four): Mark Wegierski lays out two alternatives for the West – either return to tradition, or dissolve into the global culture

Conflicts of notions of freedom, order, and security in a globalized world (Part Three): Mark Wegierski philosophically asks if – after "9/11" – our own situation has become similar to that of Israel

Conflicts of notions of freedom, order, and security in a globalized world (Part Two): Mark Wegierski asks the question, what is this freedom we're fighting for?

Conflicts of notions of freedom, order, and security in a globalized world (Part One): Mark Wegierski tries to give a deeper context to the recent Canadian tragedy

A poisoned imagination? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the atrophy of real imagination in a media-dominated "cyberworld"

A poisoned imagination? (Part Three):  Mark Wegierski looks at the extremely important subgenre of cyberpunk

A poisoned imagination? (Part Two):  Mark Wegierski looks at some of the "darker" role-playing games

A poisoned imagination? (Part One):  Mark Wegierski examines the excess of "late modern" imageries in various subgenres of the fantastic

George Parkin Grant and Canada: In this year of anniversaries of three major Grant books, Mark Wegierski asks, has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-Three): Mark Wegierski advances a possible major counter-argument to the main points of the series

Examining two possible strategies for success today -- networking vs. "borderdwelling": Mark Wegierski offers some strategic, sociology-based advice for persons of any defined outlook

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the "dark future" board game, Shattered States

Seventy years since the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Uprising, and the aftermath of the war in Poland

Seventy years since the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Poland under German and Soviet occupations

Seventy years since the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 – a précis of the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the beginning of the war, and Poland's contributions to the Allied war effort

What should the legacy of World War I, and its great battles such as Vimy Ridge, be for Canadians?: Mark Wegierski meditates on the war's possible meaning for Canada, 100 years after its outbreak

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty-One): Mark Wegierski looks at three "dark future" boardgames

Visiting Torun, birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus: Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, ten years ago

Polish-American relations – "American Day" in historic Polish town: Mark Wegierski revives memories of a happier time in East-Central Europe, ten years ago

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twenty): Mark Wegierski looks at Twilight: 2000, which is now an alternative-history "dark future"

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Nineteen): Mark Wegierski looks at three more "dark future" RPGs

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eighteen): Mark Wegierski now looks at some "dark futures" in gaming

A voyage to a land of history and deep meaning: On the 10th anniversary of Poland's accession to the E.U., Mark Wegierski recalls a nation steeped in remembrance of things past

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Seventeen): Mark Wegierski relates RPGs to notions of commodity and Virtual Reality

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Sixteen): Mark Wegierski looks at RPGs as part of the "pop culture wars"

On the 650th anniversary of the founding of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow – some notes on Polish higher education today: Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Fifteen): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the problems of "geeks" in North America – and the wide variety of "geek subgenres"

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Fourteen): Mark Wegierski looks mostly here at trading card games (TCGs) and live action roleplaying games (LARPs)

Cuspers – a new generational category proposed: Mark Wegierski suggests a new generational category that would fit in between two older ones

Tradition and ecology: Mark Wegierski explores some of the affinities between traditionalist and ecological thinking

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Thirteen): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at a broad variety of darker RPGs

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Twelve): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at some darker products of Steve Jackson Games, a major game company

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski looks at Hasbro's marketing efforts for Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition, and the Fading Suns RPG

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski looks especially at Games Workshop's Warhammer universe and roleplaying set within H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at some FASA products, including Shadowrun

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks here mainly at White Wolf’s World of Darkness

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks at the rising tide of dark themes, and points to a more positive Tolkienian series

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Six): Mark Wegierski begins surveying the gaming landscape as it evolved in the 1990s

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Five): Mark Wegierski contrasts  historical boardgames with role-playing games

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at issues of artistic realism in Dungeons and Dragons

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the "nine-point alignment system" in Dungeons and Dragons

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Dungeons and Dragons, the first major role-playing game and one celebrating its 40th anniversary this year

A dark turn in the pop-culture? (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at various science fiction, fantasy, and gaming subgenres

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2014: A conservative infrastructure is still lacking in Canada, says Mark Wegierski

2013 (31 postings)

Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at Romantic resistance to late modernity, and two classic dystopias

Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at cyberpunk

Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Three): Mark Wegierski wonders whether neo-traditionalism is a future possibility, or if it is mostly confined to alternative-history

Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at "feudal values plus high technology"

Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at high fantasy and sword-and-sorcery

George Parkin Grant and Canada in process: 25 years since the passing of George Grant, Mark Wegierski asks, has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?

Labour Day: More to the left – more to the right: Mark Wegierski says that both the genuine left and the genuine right can celebrate Labour Day

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski concludes by calling for a symbiosis of traditionalism and liberal democracy

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski points to the almost insoluble dilemma of current-day "soft-totalitarianism"

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski argues that liberals have usually been far more successful in politics than conservatives

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at questions of how much force can be legitimately exercised in a society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines some problems with liberal approaches to various types of violence

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks if the dice have been loaded against traditionalists and conservatives in current-day liberal democracy

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at how different definitions of violence can shape society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Two): Mark Wegierski begins his careful look at different types of violence in society

Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part One): Mark Wegierski attempts to describe notions of the sovereign in traditional societies, and what happens to these when societies become non-traditional

Can there be today a properly balanced society and psyche?: As the warm exuberance of late-Spring arrives, Mark Wegierski looks at the sociology of romantic affinities

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Six): Mark Wegierski traces the effects of the conflict through the centuries

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the impact of Oliver Cromwell

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at economic/class, country/urban, and "ethnic" divisions in the conflict

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at political, dynastic, and territorial allegiances in the conflict

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the religious divisions in the conflict

On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part One): Mark Wegierski introduces his new series

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the exemplars of a media-tized society

The emergence of media: Humanity’s endgame – a précis (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the resistance to media

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Three): Mark Wegierski suggests that media has undermined traditional literary-humanistic culture

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines various aspects and dimensions of media

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part One): Mark Wegierski outlines a concerted critical theory of media

Viewpoints on technology and society (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at "rather pessimistic" and "very pessimistic" approaches to technology

Viewpoints on technology and society (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at "very optimistic" and "rather optimistic" approaches to technology

Viewpoints on technology and society (Part One): Mark Wegierski theorizes with a broad sweep about the interrelationships between technology and society

2012 (50 postings)

In search of an independent left and right (Part Three): Mark Wegierski examines the convergences between authentic left and right

In search of an independent left and right (Part Two): Lower immigration and fiscal probity are not necessarily solely right-wing policies, Mark Wegierski argues

In search of an independent left and right (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at what the "anti-system opposition" may hold in common

Whither Québec? (Part Eleven): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future of Quebec and the rest of Canada

Whither Québec? (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski continues to look at different scenarios for the future

Whither Québec? (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski looks at different scenarios for the future of Québec and Canada

Whither Québec? (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski looks at the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum, and its immediate aftermath

Whither Québec? (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski looks especially at the 1990s, and the 1995 Quebec sovereignty referendum

Whither Québec? (Part Six): Mark Wegierski points to some possibly contradictory elements of that province's nationalism

Whither Québec? (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines more of the historical background which has seen Québec and the rest of Canada at loggerheads

Whither Québec? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the appeal of the ADQ in 2007

Whither Québec? (Part Three): Was the political architecture of Confederation flawed from the start, asks Mark Wegierski

Whither Québec? (Part Two): Has that province's effect on Canada been generally anti-traditionalist, asks Mark Wegierski

Whither Québec?  (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers extensive historical background to the recent provincial election

George Grant and Canada in process: Eleven years after '9/11' Mark Wegierski reflects on the question -- has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?

Fukuyama, twenty-three years after: Some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski argues that "the critique of modernity" is largely absent from Fukuyama

Fukuyama, twenty-three years after: Some still unanswered philosophical questions (Part One): Mark Wegierski questions whether Fukuyama has seriously looked at dystopias such as Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"

Computers and society from the 1980s to today (Part Four): What kind of values will there be in a hyper-technological society, Mark Wegierski asks

Computers and society from the 1980s to today (Part Three): Technological advance might lead to dystopia, argues Mark Wegierski

Computers and society from the 1980s to today (Part Two): What is the relationship between society and technology, Mark Wegierski asks

Computers and society from the 1980s to today (Part One): Mark Wegierski argues that the computer and electronics revolution could lead to a totalitarian society

Comparing the texts and "realworld" contexts of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings and Frank Herbert's Dune (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the influences of the two works on pop-culture

Comparing the texts and "realworld" contexts of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings and Frank Herbert's Dune (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some possible origins of the two creative visions

Comparing the texts and "realworld" contexts of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings and Frank Herbert's Dune (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at two of the greatest imaginative works of the Twentieth Century

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part Six): Have library institutions truly defended intellectual freedom, asks Mark Wegierski

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part Five): Mark Wegierski sees a society similar to Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" possibly taking shape today

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the pitfalls of technologization, politicization, and popularization

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at some defenders of the traditional library

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part Two): Mark Wegierski sounds a warning – technology might undermine "the Library"

The library and modern society in the 1980s – and beyond: Responses to mass media, mass society, and technology (Part One): Mark Wegierski presents his 2012 "Foreword" to an essay originally from 1985

The professor and the philosopher (Part Two): Mark Wegierski concludes his pithy essay in defence of George Parkin Grant

The professor and the philosopher (Part One): Mark Wegierski's essay arose out of a piece defending George Parkin Grant that the Toronto Globe and Mail had refused to publish

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at how Grant criticizes both capitalism and socialism from a traditionalist perspective

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant (Part Three): Mark Wegierski continues his look at the ideas of Gad Horowitz, an old-fashioned socialist, and how they overlap with those of Grant

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the ideas of Gad Horowitz, an old-fashioned socialist, and how they overlap with those of Grant

An introduction to the thought of George Parkin Grant (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the complex Canadian critic of technology and America and his possible appeal to social democrats

Thoughts out of season – the future of traditionalism (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the apocalyptic-dystopic potentialities of current-day liberalism

Thoughts out of season – the future of traditionalism (Part Four): Mark Wegierski lays out the stark choices before us

Thoughts out of season – the future of traditionalism (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at various genres of resistance to late modernity

Thoughts out of season – the future of traditionalism (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his look at the 1980s – an unhappy time for conservatives in Canada

Thoughts out of season – the future of traditionalism (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks back to the 1980s – a highly frustrating time for Canadian conservatives

Traditionalist social philosophy – a sketch of an idea (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the apocalyptic-dystopic potentialities of left-liberalism

Traditionalist social philosophy – a sketch of an idea (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the crucial concept of "the Vital Center" in his continuing series

Traditionalist social philosophy – a sketch of an idea (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at culture and virtue

Traditionalist social philosophy – a sketch of an idea (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his look at traditionalist philosophy

Traditionalist social philosophy – a sketch of an idea (Part One): Mark Wegierski offers his thoughts on a synthesis of traditionalist philosophy

Resisting "soft-totalitarianism" in Canada? (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the third main pillar, the mass-education system and its attitudes towards Christianity and its followers

Resisting "soft-totalitarianism" in Canada?  (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the second pillar of the system, the juridical environment and its attitudes towards Christianity and its followers

Resisting "soft-totalitarianism" in Canada?  (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the first pillar of the Canadian system, the media environment and its attitudes towards Christianity and its followers

Resisting "soft-totalitarianism" in Canada? (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the ethical challenges for sincerely-believing Christians of living in accord with their faith in current-day Canada

2011 (35 postings)

A comparison of the conservative traditions in America and Canada (Part Four): Mark Wegierski contrasts the trajectories of social change in Canada and the U.S., as well as the possible resistance

A comparison of the conservative traditions in America and Canada (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the years from the late-1990s to today in Canadian conservatism and the earthshaking events that changed everything

A comparison of the conservative traditions in America and Canada (Part Two): Mark Wegierski surveys the Canadian political scene from 1963 to the 1990s

A comparison of the conservative traditions in America and Canada (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at the divergent paths of development of American and Canadian flavours of conservatism

Separatist tendencies in Canada: Their origins, development, and future (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at separatist tendencies outside Quebec

Separatist tendencies in Canada: Their origins, development, and future (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at developments in Quebec after 1984

Separatist tendencies in Canada: Their origins, development, and future (Part One): Canada's liberalism may actually encourage separatism, argues Mark Wegierski

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part Six): Mark Wegierski concludes his series by examining the rise of Stephen Harper, the current prime minister of Canada

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines the rise and fall of Stockwell Day

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mostly at the 1990s in Canada and Ontario

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at Canadian political icons Liberal Pierre Trudeau and Progressive Conservative Brian Mulroney

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part Two): Mark Wegierski argues that Canada has been undergoing revolutionary changes since the 1960s

Political, constitutional, juridical, and socio-cultural aspects of the origins and development of the Canadian State (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins a long series of articles about Canada

The 'Fall of Rome' and the 'Decline of the West': Mark Wegierski offers a sharp-edged look at current-day problems, for the "9/12" crowd

The crisis in art and culture, ten years after '9/11': Mark Wegierski brings attention to the critical importance of the cultural struggle in "the West"

Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism: A conservative infrastructure in the Great White North is still lacking, says Mark Wegierski

The Internet: Boon or bane to serious discourse? (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to look at the question, can the Internet generate real resistance to current-day trends, or does it mainly just accentuate them?

The Internet: Boon or bane to serious discourse? (Part One): Mark Wegierski asks, can the Internet generate real resistance to current-day trends, or does it mainly just accentuate them?

A cogent look at Hitler and Stalin – as mega-killers and mutual enablers: Sixty-seven years since the launch of the fateful Warsaw Uprising of 1944, Mark Wegierski offers a somber review of a very important book, Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin

A comparison of the prospects of the 'broader right' in Canada and the United States (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the weakness of the Canadian conservative infrastructures

A comparison of the prospects of the 'broader right' in Canada and the United States (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at mass education and mass media in both countries

A comparison of the prospects of the 'broader right' in Canada and the United States (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at multiculturalism and varied types of "affirmative-action"-type policies in Canada

A comparison of the prospects of the 'broader right' in Canada and the United States (Part One): Despite the fact that they have formed a majority government in the May election, Mark Wegierski still sees little hope for the Canadian Right

The lost Dominion: Mark Wegierski examines Canada's massive repudiation of its traditions

Some thoughts on the search for balance in society, personality, and romance: As the sultry summer begins, Mark Wegierski looks at the sociology of romance

`Third parties' in Canada (Part Four): Mark Wegierski continues his look at "third parties" in Canada, especially the NDP, which won 103 seats in the 2011 Canadian federal election – thus becoming a "second party"

Third parties' in Canada (Part Three): In this installment of his latest series, Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Western Canada

`Third parties' in Canada (Part Two): Continuing his overview of the outsiders of Canadian politics, Mark Wegierski looks mainly here at "third parties" in Quebec

`Third parties' in Canada (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at "third parties" in Canada, especially Preston Manning's Reform Party -- which some consider to have effectively become the "first party" in the 2011 Canadian federal election

In search of true federalism in Canada: Old Canada, New Canada, and `Canada Three': As Harper begins policy planning for the Tory majority government, Mark Wegierski argues that an uplifting synthesis of the Old and New Canada is needed

"Death or Victory" now await: Mark Wegierski notes that after winning a parliamentary majority after decades of negativity, the right in Canada now faces a "world-defining" struggle

More to the left – more to the right: In this week following May Day, Mark Wegierski argues that Canada's social-democratic NDP has mostly fallen away from its old roots

Nesting ecological issues within notions of culture and tradition: Mark Wegierski notes some of the affinities between traditionalist and ecological thinking

The longstanding Liberal hegemony in Canada – and the challenges to it: As the 2011 federal election campaign is underway, Mark Wegierski says that the hopes for real change in Canada are rather thin

In Memoriam: Katyn (1940) and Katyn (2010): Oskar Chomicki and Mark Wegierski present a translation from Polish to commemorate the Polish plane tragedy of April 10, 2010

2010 (9 postings)

A Bush "post-mortem" – Part Three: With the release of Dubya's new book Decision Points, Mark Wegierski voices again the conservative case against George W. Bush

A Bush "post-mortem" – Part Two: As Dubya releases his book Decision Points, Mark Wegierski re-states the conservative case against George W. Bush

A Bush "post-mortem" – Part One: As Dubya releases his book Decision Points, Mark Wegierski re-articulates the conservative case against George W. Bush

What remains creative in the heritage of Marx's thought -- Part Three: Mark Wegierski argues that the Old Left was largely socially conservative

What remains creative in the heritage of Marx's thought – Part Two: Mark Wegierski applies Marxist class analysis to the Sixties and East-Central Europe

What remains creative in the heritage of Marx's thought – Part One: Just in time for the G8/G20 summits, Mark Wegierski calmly begins his review of Marx's ideas

Some thoughts on Herbert Marcuse vs. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World: Mark Wegierski hypothesizes what Frankfurt School thinker Marcuse could say about Aldous Huxley's dystopia

Some notes on East Asian cosmology, society, and economy – Part Two: Mark Wegierski speculates about the future of China, Japan, and the world

Some notes on East Asian cosmology, society, and economy – Part One: In the first of a two-part series Mark Wegierski looks eastward

2009 (32 postings)

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Seventeen – Conclusion: Mark Wegierski asks whether serious SF may play a heuristic role in regard to suggesting different future scenarios

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Sixteen – Canadian Speculative Fiction: Mark Wegierski looks at possible definitions of a distinctly Canadian speculative fiction

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Fifteen – Pop-culture, from aliens to vampires: Mark Wegierski looks at everything from a popular SF role-playing game to several very divergent subgenres of movies

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Fourteen – A variety of films and TV shows: Mark Wegierski looks at a variety of movies and TV shows, including the spy thriller subgenre

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Thirteen – Olaf Stapledon; 1968 cinema; and four women's main speculative worlds:

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Twelve – Grandmasters of SF: Mark Wegierski looks at some writing and films mostly of the 1940s-1980s

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eleven – The origins of SF and fantasy: Mark Wegierski looks mostly here at H. G. Wells and Fritz Lang's Metropolis

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Ten – Three key works: Mark Wegierski looks at three critically-important dystopias through the eyes of three major works

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Nine – Alternative History: Mark Wegierski looks at the subgenre of uchronia or "counterfactual history"

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Eight – Some antecedents to cyberpunk: Mark Wegierski looks at a subgenre of resistance to late modernity

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Seven – Cyberpunk: Mark Wegierski examines the subgenre of "future shock"

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Six – Some notable SF works: Do SF scenarios presage a possible return to tradition in the future, asks Mark Wegierski

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Five – Dune and current-day reality: Mark Wegierski examines the sociopolitical implications of Frank Herbert's masterwork

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Four – Fantasy in pop-culture; military SF; and space opera: Mark Wegierski looks at a broad variety of genres

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Three – Subgenres of fantasy: Mark Wegierski looks at various fantasy subgenres

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part Two – Utopia, dystopia, fantasy, and reality: Do these genres express a yearning for a better world, Mark Wegierski asks

Traditionalist and libertarian themes in science fiction and fantasy: Part One – The 'selective' nature of today's world: In honor of the Moon landing anniversary, Mark Wegierski begins a multi-week series

Have late modern values and technology made great art impossible?: Part Two: Mark Wegierski searches for signs of hope amid the ruins

Have late modern values and technology made great art impossible?: Part One: Mark Wegierski looks at current-day art as a reflection of current-day societies

Down with the therapeutic left and the managerial right! (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the question, is capitalism conservative?

Down with the therapeutic left and the managerial right! (Part One): Mark Wegierski examines what authentic conservatism and genuine social democracy may hold in common

Star Trek: Cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Five): Mark Wegierski wonders where the future of Star Trek – and of the real world – is headed

Star Trek: Cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at Trek's very enthusiastic fans, and at various "alternative-Treks"

Star Trek: Cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks again at various aspects of Star Trek's liberalism and notes some real-world parallels

Star Trek: Cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the less and more liberal aspects of Star Trek, especially in Deep Space 9 and Voyager

Star Trek: Cultural vector and Hollywood cash-cow (Part One): Just in time for the new Trek movie, Mark Wegierski takes a closer look at the whole phenomenon

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity: Part Five: Mark Wegierski asks if even a withering of technology may follow the social and cultural decline of some current-day societies

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity: Part Four: Mark Wegierski defends nature and history as vital for a truly humane future

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity: Part Three: Mark Wegierski asks whether technological advance will be likely to continue if Western civilization collapses

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity: Part Two: Mark Wegierski looks at issues of language and religion in the future

Space exploration, technology, and the possible futures of humanity (Part One): Mark Wegierski tries to take a very long-run view of humanity’s future

2008 (16 postings)

Work, holidays, leisure, recreation, and the search for meaning in late modernity: Part Three: Mark Wegierski points to the curiously uneven dictates of the current-day "market"

Work, holidays, leisure, recreation, and the search for meaning in late modernity: Part Two: Mark Wegierski criticizes a society of consumption and "de-industrialization"

Work, holidays, leisure, recreation, and the search for meaning in late modernity: Part One: Mark Wegierski begins his look at creative labor and meaningful recreation

Megatrends and megatraumas: Mark Wegierski offers a quick sketch of some of the major world-issues – technology; urbanization and migration; media; tribalism; and violence

The dilemma of hypermodernity and problems of left/right (Part Two): Is there a convergence between the true right and the better aspects of social democracy, asks Mark Wegierski

The dilemma of hypermodernity and problems of left/right (Part One): Mark Wegierski tries to grapple with the conceptual implications of the financial crisis, suggesting there are difficulties with conventional views of Left and Right

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Eight: Mark Wegierski criticizes the so-called "rainbow coalition" approach, but also rejects a "unimodal" view of community

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Seven: Mark Wegierski points to certain dilemmas of current-day Canadian multiculturalism

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Six: Mark Wegierski looks at the question of nations' evolution over time – and if modernity rather than premodernity is more prone to genocide

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Five: Mark Wegierski suggests a dialogue among different definitions of community and identity today

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Four: Is current-day society ruled by a liberal oligarchy, asks Mark Wegierski – and are there similarities between conservative and social democratic critiques of the system

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Three: Mark Wegierski looks at questions of the particular vs. the universal, and at the morality of nations

Community and identity in late modernity: Part Two: Mark Wegierski looks at the discourse of decadence, whether socialization determines people entirely, and "global civil society"

Community and identity in late modernity: Part One: Mark Wegierski begins his sociological-type look at current-day society

Remembering Arthur C. Clarke and 2001: A Space Odyssey: While a brilliant speculative thinker, Clarke’s understanding of the role of religion in history was a bit thin, argues Mark Wegierski

Presidential insurgency-candidacies from 1992 to 2008: Mark Wegierski examines the recent history of insurgent candidates in American elections and wonders if Ron Paul can still have an impact on this election

2007 (45 postings)

The emergence of Media: Humanity's Endgame (Part Three): Mark Wegierski raises the uncomfortable question if pop-Americanization through media is attenuating the sense of true humanity?

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame (Part Two): Are the advertising, entertainment, and information functions converging, asks Mark Wegierski

The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame (Part One): Mark Wegierski takes a look at mass-media today, with a grand theoretical sweep

Transgressive technologies: Part Four: Mark Wegierski notes an element that is often ignored in dystopian scenarios of the future – the possible intensification of current-day political-correctness

Transgressive technologies: Part Three: Environmental degradation and nanotech are both part of the war against Nature, argues Mark Wegierski

Death world: Just in time for Halloween, Mark Wegierski presents a review of T. P. Bragg's The White Rooms -- a tale of the courageous fight for humanity in a baroque, post-apocalyptic setting of a medical and genetic engineering catastrophe

Transgressive technologies: Part Two: With a wide theoretical sweep, Mark Wegierski looks at some further perils of technology

Transgressive technologies: Part One: With a wide theoretical sweep, Mark Wegierski examines some of the main questions concerning technology today

Freedom, order, and security in a globalized world: Part Three: The possibly emerging global culture society will be far from utopia, argues Mark Wegierski

Freedom, order, and security in a globalized world: Part Two: Modern technology has greatly intensified a sense of dire threat to world politics, argues Mark Wegierski

Freedom, order, and security in a globalized world: Part One: The planet faces vast cultural struggles over definitions of freedom, order, and security, argues Mark Wegierski

A look at Canadian toryism vs. American neoconservatism: Before the Internet, notes Mark Wegierski, dissenting ideas "outside the consensus" simply couldn't publicly appear anywhere in Canada

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – Part Five: Mark Wegierski looks at an important question – in what sense is Canada a nation?

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – Part Four: Mark Wegierski now looks at the Atlantic region, which has an ambiguous relationship with Ottawa

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – Part Three: Mark Wegierski looks at the long struggle of Western Canada for a serious voice in Ottawa

Regionalism and Nationalism in Canada – Part Two: Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between Ottawa and Western Canada, especially Alberta

Regionalism and nationalism in Canada – Part One: In this new series of articles, Mark Wegierski examines the tensions between different regions in Canada

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Seven: Mark Wegierski asks a big question – is there a future for conservatism in Canada – or elsewhere?

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Six: Mark Wegierski looks at what a reflective conservatism and more thoughtful social democratic ideas may have in common

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Five: Mark Wegierski looks further at the thought of Gad Horowitz, and compares “British” to “WASP” identities

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Four: Mark Wegierski looks at the thought of Gad Horowitz, a social democrat who criticizes multiculturalism and defends English-Canadian nationalism

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Three: Mark Wegierski argues that until the 1960s, Canada was a more substantively conservative society than America

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part Two: Mark Wegierski looks especially at the various factions in the Progressive Conservative party of the 1980s

The Tory tradition in Canada from the 1980s to today – Part One: Mark Wegierski begins a series of articles looking at the "Centre-Right Opposition" over the last three decades

In search of a long-range education policy and strategy for Ontario: Some traditionalist remnants in education will be of vital importance to the future of society, argues Mark Wegierski

Shane Doan fights for freedom: The political attacks on hockey player Shane Doan point to both Quebec Liberal mischief and the increasing incoherence of Quebecois nationalism, argues Mark Wegierski

Québec!: Part Five: In this fifth piece, Mark Wegierski looks at different scenarios for the future of Canada and Québec

Québec!: Part Four: In this fourth piece in the series, Mark Wegierski looks especially at the 1990s, and the 1995 Québec sovereignty referendum

Québec!: Part Three: Québec has long defined itself in opposition to what is referred to as "TROC" – the rest of Canada – and Mark Wegierski says that has to ensure its survival

Vimy Ridge: Standing on guard for a more traditional Canada: Considering the recent events in France and Afghanistan, Mark Wegierski turns to address the most pressing issues of the moment

Québec!: Part Two: In the second piece of the series, Mark Wegierski looks at different definitions of Canada and nationalism, and concludes that the ADQ today, although non-separatist, is more substantively Quebec-nationalist than the PQ

Québec!: Part One: Beginning a new series of articles, Mark Wegierski lays the groundwork towards demonstrating that the recent events in Quebec are finally some good news for conservatives

Fight the future! The next federal election will be one of the most important in Canadian history: With virtually all trends working against conservatives in Canada today, the next federal election is probably their last-ditch chance, argues Mark Wegierski

Are we trapped in the modern high school forever? – The idealism of traditionalist dissent: Looking at the typical modern high school setting and its societal extensions, Mark Wegierski argues that conservative resistance can be truly idealistic

In search of new "cadres" for a Canadian renewal: Whether one calls them infrastructures or cadres, conservatives in Canada are greatly in need of them, argues Mark Wegierski

The Canada – U.S. Free Trade Agreement: The be-all and end-all of Brian Mulroney’s achievements: Brian Mulroney won two elections and should have a sizable complement of accomplishments to his name. That unfortunately isn't true, says Mark Wegierski

Education really is the key to society and the future - Part Two: Towards "normative" totalitarianism?: Mark Wegierski continues his look at the philosophical ramifications of the Canadian education system

Education really is the key to society and the future - Part One: A crisis from ECE to post-grad: If a nation can be characterized by the values that inform its educational systems, writes Mark Wegierski, then Canada is in dire circumstances

Conservative green philosophy and its implications: The managerial welfare-state is indeed very anti-ecological: Ecological and environmentalist thinking may have elements that are very deeply traditionalist, argues Mark Wegierski

Canada's identity crisis: Looking back to the mid-1990s: Although Canada has always seemed to suffer a crisis of identity Mark Wegierski believes that the nation did indeed have one until fairly recently

Lessons from the past: Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s: Mark Wegierski continues his two-part series on the missed opportunity for Canadian conservatives that were the Mulroney Years

Lessons from the past: Brian Mulroney and the failure of Canadian conservatism in the 1980s: In the first of a series, Mark Wegierski traces the failure of Canadian conservatism today to former prime minister Brian Mulroney, a conservative in name only

Canadian media bias: A sketch from the 1980s to today (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues his look at the liberal bias which has Canada's media unable to truly allow intellectual diversity in its reporting

Canadian media bias: A sketch from the 1980s to today (Part One): American conservatives aren't the only ones that have to deal with media bias. In Canada, writes Mark Wegierski, the Fifth Estate works against the movement as well

Canadian conservatism at the dawn of 2007: Where is the infrastructure?: New Year, same problem. Mark Wegierski reports that Canada still lacks an eco-system for conservatives and that the movement can't thrive until one exists

2006 (5 postings)

There is a diversity of people in Canada -- but what unites them?: Canadian intellectuals and politicians have succeeded in their goal of diversifying the formerly British/French nation but Mark Wegierski wonders what ties the new country together

Shades of fading blue: Canadian conservatives' quest for a "National Review North" publication has mostly failed: In the United States the National Review helped spark the modern conservative movement. Up north, writes Mark Wegierski, Canadian conservatives are still waiting for a national, enduring conservative magazine

A return to the national question in Canada and Quebec: As predictable as snow in November "the question" as returned in Canadian politics, namely Quebec sovereignty and whether Canada is really a coherent nation, writes Mark Wegierski

Conservatives win only a slim minority government in Canada: The recent victory by the Conservative Party in Canada likely won't mean much for the future of conservatism in Canada, argues Mark Wegierski

The end of Canadian conservatism?: Is conservatism in Canada on its last legs? Mark Wegierski believes that all the signs are pointing to its eventual death

2005 (1 posting)

Some advice for Canadian conservatives: Without an intellectual infrastructure, social conservatism in Canada is likely to fade away, writes Mark Wegierski

2004 (15 postings)

Is the Canadian economy headed for a crisis?: It may very well be. Mark Wegierski takes a look at some possible structural flaws in the Canadian economy

Can the Internet challenge today's informational and cultural monopoly?: Mark Wegierski is far less convinced that the Internet and it's pajama posses of amateur journalists will ever seriously challenge the dominant players

Tories choose new leader in Ontario: Although an provincial election is years away Mark Wegierski believes that a strong conservative party in Ontario could lead to changes across Canada

The Canadian federal election of June 28, 2004 in context: So what really happened to get Canada's Liberals re-elected with a minority government? Mark Wegierski explains all

Historical boardgames vs. role-playing games and electronic shoot'em-ups: If you know what the word 'grognard' means you'll know why Mark Wegierski misses the days when you could wargame on a board. Anyone for a game of Russian Front?

A new line of critique for Nader's anti-system coalition: It wouldn't take much, writes Mark Wegierski, for Ralph Nader to begin making inroads into the conservative ranks, such as tying some hot button issues from the right and linking them to leftist policies

Thoughts out of season in Canada: Today's federal election in Canada likely won't solve any of that country's problems but that won't stop Mark Wegierski from cataloguing some of them

The dilemma of Canada and Québec: When it comes to Canadian elections, says Mark Wegierski, Quebec always plays a prominent role in who gets elected and that's rarely good news for conservative political parties

The Liberal regime in Canada today: A social-scientific critique: Mark Wegierski argues that the real advantage that the federal Liberal Party holds is the ability to define the debate, making it very difficult for others to express their opinions without being attacked

In search of Canadian identity: The National Question in Canada and Quebec: Nations often use elections in order to explore who they are but in Canada's case, argues Mark Wegierski, most of the country really doesn't have an answer to the question of national identity

Victoria Day and the life and death of traditional Canada: For most people in Canada Victoria Day is a statutory holiday that gives them an extra day at camp. For Mark Wegierski it's a day to mourn the lost of what Canada used to be

Traditionalist conservatism and the dignity of labor: With May Day coming up in just a few days Mark Wegierski has some thoughts about conservatism and the Marxist notion of the dignity of labour

Canadian dilemmas: The biggest challenge facing Canadian conservatives is simply existing as a coherent force. As Mark Wegierski tells it, Canadian society has been designed to ensure their eventual extinction

Beyond left-right: Nader coalition's possible appeal to traditionalist conservatives: Mark Wegierski argues that Ralph Nader's appeal may extend to a group that would surprise many: conservatives who share many of the same concerns as the independent presidential candidate

When worlds collide: Mark Wegierski examines Robert Sawyer's Hominids, a science fiction exploration of what could have been had Neanderthals not died out

2003 (7 postings)

The long road for the Canadian right: Despite the obvious strengthening of the Canadian right, writes Mark Wegierski, the new Conservative Party of Canada faces an uphill battle against the Liberal Party and the extra-parliamentary Left

Some Canadians hoping for "regime-change" in Ottawa: Mark Wegierski reports that some Canadians are hoping for a conservative revolution in Canada. History, however, indicates that none shall be forthcoming

The different styles of conservatism in Canada: Canada itself may tend towards the center-left but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a legitimate conservative movement. Mark Wegierski investigates some of the varieties

The search for wholeness in society, personality, and romance: Mark Wegierski examines the concept of romance and how we look at it in both rational and irrational terms

On the 136th anniversary of Confederation: Canadian identity and its predicaments: After 136 years you'd think some questions would be resolved by as Mark Wegierski aptly illustrates, Canada is a unique situation

Notes from Canada about education: Tuition tax credits could be a vehicle for true pluralism in Ontario: The Canadian educational scene isn't all that healthy either. Mark Wegierski looks at Ontario government's attempts to fix the system with tax credits

Canada's socialist "third party": The NDP's influence in Canada: It's a popular notion in Canada that the socialist New Democratic Party is irrelevant in Canadian politics. Mark Wegierski says that's hardly the case


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