Recent articles in Enter Stage Right

One billion Americans? When do we end immigration?: How many is enough? You don't need to look too far to hear a pundit opine how large the American population should be. Selwyn Duke takes a look at the question

It's not just TikTok — the social media data-mining solution: Before Donald Trump was for TikTok, he was against it! Mark Alexander says if the US president is serious about promoting free speech on social media platforms, there are a few things he can do

Cdn pol "Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Western Canada -- long a home of political upstarts from both sides of the political aisle

Trump's tariffs aren't going to increase prices, despite the Democrats' fake gaslighting: If the Biden administration proved anything, writes Rachel Alexander, is that tariffs are an effective trade tool and do not increase prices for the country that institutes them

Null and void?: If former President Joe Biden didn't comprehend what he was doing -- something that even many Democrats grudgingly admit may have been the case, asks Paul Driessen, are his laws, orders and regs even valid?

Fed hits pause, tells us what we already knew: The U.S. Federal Reserve is caught in a vicious trap where either lowering or raising rates is simultaneously both a good and bad move. Mike Maharrey wonders which way the central bank will end up taking

Is the end of the Shiite sect as a dominant political force in Lebanon approaching?: Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah argues that Hizbullah -- and the wider Shiite community in Lebanon -- have suffered a series of failures in recent months and may presage a coming to an end of their influence in that country's political scene

The excuses for DEI programs get worse and worse: Over time, the reason why DEI is necessary has changed, writes Stefan Padfield, and the excuses offered for it have only gotten worse

Uncle Sam is hurtling toward a fiscal cliff with his foot on the accelerator: America's economy has racing towards the cliff faster and faster as the years go by and the edge is finally within sight, writes Mike Maharrey

With MAGA in charge, new 'RINO removal project' targets sellout Republicans: Plenty of Republicans over the years have forgotten which party they actually belong to and undermined the cause of the right. Rachel Alexander says a new project is taking aim at them

Catch the left violating their own "book of rules" in the climate debate: Tom Harris continues his series examining how the right and climate skeptics can use Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals against their political opponents to reveal their dishonesty and hypocrisy

Cdn pol "Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Quebec

Joe Biden's disgraceful departure: Mark Alexander believes that in order to clean up the mess Joe Biden made over the past four years, Donald Trump must also clean up the mess that made Joe Biden

In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Four): Mark Wegierski presents a fairly extensive biography, mainly listing here his record of publications over his entire life, and conference participation since 2008

Pandering to Islamist terror and extremism will bring down western Christianity: Pope Francis recently met with an Iranian cleric with heavy ties to the theocratic government in that country and Tirza Shorr argues that his -- and Christianity's increasing -- pandering to Islamism is a big mistake

Mine, baby, mine!: Western and Alaskan mineral exploration is key to American defense, security and resurgence, says Paul Driessen

The Palisades fire and the progressive Überklasse: The fires engulfing parts of California are little different from Mao's Cultural Revolution, argue Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory, with the people paying the price for progressive policies

The City of Lies: Today Donald Trump is once again inaugurated as the President of the United States and J. K. Baltzersen imagines his ideal speech -- greatest speech ever -- delivered by the businessman-turned-politician

Prosecute Michael Byrd for killing Ashli Babbitt: Mark Alexander calls out what he says as the hypocritical proliferation of two-tiered justice, one tier for tens of thousands of Demo rioters and another for the J6 protesters

Cdn pol "Third parties" in Canada – updated to 2025 (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins a series exploring the lower tier of Canadian politician parties with a look mainly at the Reform Party of Canada

To win the climate debate, we must use the same tools that were used to defeat science and common sense: Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals has been used as a club by the left for decades. Tom Harris argues that it's time for climate science skeptics to begin using the same tool set to fight back

Innocence amid corruption: The aesthetic politics of David Lynch: A titan of American cinema died last week and many tributes deservedly flowed from previous collaborators and admirers. Thomas M. Sipos discusses David Lynch's various efforts and the complex, sometimes contrarian themes they explored

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