January 2005 - December 2005

January 2005

Churchill on democracy revisited: Winston Churchill has long had the reputation as one of democracy's fiercest defenders. Jorn K. Baltzersen believes it's an undeserved reputation for the man who died forty years ago today
The law's greatest advocate: Scalia Dissents: Writings of the Supreme Court's Wittiest, Most Outspoken Justice is a potent argument for why Antonin Scalia should be respected by every American, writes Steven Martinovich
Simms on football: The NFL's season is one game away from completion but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pick up Sunday Morning Quarterback: Going Deep on the Strategies, Myths & Mayhem of Football, says Steven Martinovich
The open door: Last week Canada's justice minister proclaimed that same-sex marriages would not inevitably lead to the legalization of polygamy. Steve Martinovich has heard that one before
China's Martin Luther King Jr. is dead: Okay, his timing was a little off but Michael Moriarty's prediction was pretty well correct: something big happened in China
Rock star judges usurp power for fame: Why are America's judges becoming increasingly activist? John T. Plecnik says it's natural when you achieve enough status to have groupies
Dowd's your mommy: Bernard Chapin couldn't let go unanswered a recent column by Maureen Dowd arguing that that men do not want to marry their equals
Who are you calling mommy?: Kimberley Jane Wilson isn't any bigger of a fan of Maureen Dowd's essay. She argues Dowd did a disservice to both men and women
Today, Ariel Sharon is irrelevant: Ariel Sharon once famously declared Yasser Arafat "irrelevant" but Ariel Natan Pasko argues that label only describes the Israeli prime minister these days
Butler a pleasant surprise: Contrary to what we would have suspected, Lady Liberty thought highly of both The Phantom of the Opera and the remake of Assault on Precinct 13
Student vouchers invite government involvement: Nancy Salvato says it's a good thing that the battle over school vouchers has mostly been a losing one because the second a private school accepts public money is the same second the government effectively takes them over
Taking oaths and stealing freedoms: The president's oath at the inauguration was the focus of a minor battle over the separation of church and state. Lady Liberty says she's had it up to here with both sides
Presidential idealism possibly at odds with conservatism: Paul M. Weyrich liked George W. Bush's inauguration speech though he believes some of his promises were a bit utopian...not to mention that they raised a number of questions
A speech for the ages: Carol Devine-Molin believes there are no ifs, ands or buts about it: George W. Bush's inauguration speech was a smashing success
Peggy, you missed the point: Keith D. Cummings likes Peggy Noonan but he thinks she might not have gotten what George W. Bush was trying to say during his inauguration speech
Mexico's undeclared war on America: Alan Caruba believes that the only explanation for the massive number of illegal immigrants in the United States is that its neighbour to the south is fighting a silent war
The saga of SpongeBob SquarePants: David M. Huntwork says that the media completely made a mess at what Christian groups were really trying to get at when they brought up the involvement of cartoon characters in a so-called campaign for tolerance
End social security: In the latest of our series of articles on America's Social Security system, Alex Epstein argues that the program doesn't need to be reformed, it needs to be demolished
Complex issue requires complex solutions: Wendy McElroy's argument that the Violence Against Women Act shouldn't be renewed prompted plenty of reaction. This week McElroy elaborates on her position
Reassuring the right: Social Security questions ahead for Bush: George W. Bush may be eager to reform Social Security but the rest of the party is worried about the fallout. W. James Antle III says the administration needs to produce a comprehensive proposal to explain why reform is necessary and how it's to be undertaken
The rise of the American empire: Steve Martinovich hails The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed as the best criticism of America's interventionist foreign policy to come from either the left or right in recent years
Enemy of the state: My Father's Rifle: A Childhood in Kurdistan tells the story of a Kurdish boy who discovers far too early in life how difficult simply existing can be, writes Steve Martinovich
Failing to make the case: Rachel Alexander argues that Michael Scheuer's Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror is a one-sided and unconvincing affair
Just say "No!" to the middle: Steve Farrell is exasperated with those on the right who could make a difference but are afraid of making waves at the same time. The middle road is the path to hell, he argues
Poor execution dooms Elektra: Elektra, which stars Jennifer Garner as the ultimate female assassin, is better than Daredevil but that isn't saying much, says Lady Liberty
America's compassion in Iraq is self-destructive: Fighting a compassionate war is immoral; it is costing the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and emboldening our enemies throughout the Islamic world, writes Elan Journo
The malefactors of great wealth: Not quite a century ago Theodore Roosevelt blasted ultra-wealthy Americans for misusing their power. Bruce Walker wonders what he would think about the media elite today
Roe v. Wade impacts on Canada too: The landmark decision legalizing abortion in the United States has taken its toll in Canada as well, says Michael Moriarty
Art and the classical liberal: An interview with Roger Kimball: Bernard Chapin sits down down New Criterion manager editor Roger Kimball to discuss art and his new book Rape of the Masters: How Political Correctness Sabotages Art
Senator Kennedy's "Blueprint for America's Future": Last week Sen. Ted Kennedy laid out a vision for the Democrats and the United States. Robert S. Sargent Jr. says it's the same old vision the left has been pushing for decades
Skin deep: This weekend's snow fall reminded Lady Liberty of George W. Bush's upcoming inauguration: beautiful but hiding a dangerous reality
CBS Rathergate producer Mary Mapes wins first Duranty-Blair Award for Journalistic Infamy: Nicholas Stix is proud to award the first Duranty-Blair Award for Journalistic Infamy to a very deserving person
Whitewashing Rathergate: Carol Devine-Molin argues that not much resulted with CBS' investigation of 'Rathergate' other than some mid-level personnel were shown the door
Newt Gingrich in 2008?: Newt Gingrich was everywhere last week hinting he might for president in 2008. Was he serious? Vincent Fiore believes the former congressman won't take the plunge
Forestry for dummies: A recent announcement that national park managers have been allowed more leeway in approving logging is good news for both the forests and humanity, argues Alan Caruba
Is your church teaching pagan earth worship in Sunday school?: You'd think the last place the environmentalist movement got its tentacles into would be Sunday school but Tom DeWeese reports that your children may already be hugging trees
Skewed ethics on biotechnology: Anti-biotech campaigns perpetuate poverty, malnutrition and premature death, says Paul Driessen
Israel already held a referendum long ago: Ariel Natan Pasko isn't against referendums but he says any proposed referendum on the expulsion of Jews from Gaza was answered a long time ago
Communism for kids: They may not be reading Mao's Little Red Book but Trevor Bothwell says today's American school kids are being indoctrinated nonetheless
Who's looking out for campus conservatives?: Conservatives may be the minority in university faculties, writes John T. Plecnik, but that doesn't mean that conservative students don't have other resources available to them
Domestic violence law fuels big government: The Violence Against Women Act, a gift from the Clinton administration in 1994, expires this year and Wendy McElroy believes it shouldn't be renewed
To cut or not to cut -- the fiscal conservative's question: Tax code reform and the fate of Social Security promise to force economic conservatives to answer some difficult questions this year, says W. James Antle III
She's blinding me with science: It used to be that feminists were afraid of science confirming that men and women were different in many ways. Then, says Selwyn Duke, they discovered junk science and suddenly fell in love with differences
Love Canal revisited: Love Canal was labeled the most dangerous place in America in the late 1970s. The reality, writes Alan Caruba, is that it was all a fear campaign based on empty claims by the environmentalist movement
The November Battleground Poll and America: Bruce Walker argues that America's most consistently accurate poll, the Battleground Poll, demonstrates that the nation is moving to the right
From the Land of Odd, north of Eden: Michael Moriarty believes that something very big is going to happen in China this week, the same week Americans commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Day
Do you want Gonzales as Attorney General?: So far its been liberals that are opposed to Alberto Gonzalez being confirmed as Attorney General but Josh Rosen says conservatives should be against his nomination as well
Count me in: Everybody always says that voting is the most important right they have, but if that's true, argues Lady Liberty, why is at least one state unconcerned about the accuracy of its results
When impressions matter more than results: The problem with standardized tests isn't that they are unfair and discriminatory, argues Trevor Bothwell, it's that students aren't being taught properly
Is Hillary the real target of the feds?: Carol Devine-Molin says that Hillary Clinton has been off her political game in recent months. She wonders if it's because of potential legal problems
Less than the sum of its parts: Good cast, interesting idea. So what went wrong with suspense thriller White Noise? Lady Liberty explains why it's not a bad movie, merely an average one
Let Kofi spin!: There are plenty of people calling for Kofi Annan's head but Henry Lamb isn't one of them. He thinks Annan serves a greater purpose by staying right where he is
Committing malpractice on the world's poor: It is tragic enough that so many die in natural disasters but it is unforgivable when millions die because of public policy, writes Paul Driessen
One of many in the call of duty: Men like U.S. Army Captain Matthew Scalia embody the spirit of everyone who serves their nation, says Marion Edwyn Harrison
Getting a grip on runaway squealing pork: These days it might seem like Republicans are as free spending as their Democratic counterparts but some in the GOP still subscribe to the notion of fiscal restraint, says Paul M. Weyrich
What to do about daddy?: The sad story of Evan Parker Scott is a good example of what happens when government and the courts ignore the rights of the father, argues Wendy McElroy
Rumsfeld's war?: Nicholas Stix says that the war on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spans both sides of the ideological fence and that anything is being said and done in a bid to knock him off
ESR's Ninth Annual Person of the Year: The last few years have seen George W. Bush easily win our Person of the Year Award. Did Dubya four-peat this year?
Changing the climate: He would have preferred a little more plot and character development but Steve Martinovich still enjoyed Michael Crichton's latest novel State Of Fear
The war after the war: Steven Vincent explores post-war Iraq in In The Red Zone: A Journey into the Soul of Iraq and he's cautiously optimistic about that nation's future, reports Steve Martinovich
The Best Books of 2004: He could have easily picked twice as many but Steve Martinovich hails the twenty books he and the ESR staff were happy to read in 2004
The twilight of Italian fascism: Ray Moseley's Mussolini: The Last 600 Days of Il Duce had some problems but John W. Nelson thought it a great effort
The anti-male gimp factor: We're not sure if The Wimp Factor: Gender Gaps, Holy Wars, and the Politics of Anxious Masculinity is the worst book Bernard Chapin has ever read, but his review seems to suggest that
Happy New Year!: A Republican president and Congress doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of work left to do. The new year should be one of reform, writes Henry Lamb
The once and future superpower: Many are predicting that America's dominance will soon fade as new powers take their place on the world stage. Bruce Walker thinks the reports of America's death are greatly exaggerated
Remake crashes as badly as the the plane: Lady Liberty hasn't seen the original but the new version of Flight of the Phoenix didn't have a lot to recommend itself
Public relations issues and your shooting range: Across Canada shooting ranges are coming under fire from anti-firearms activists. James M. Hinter says if you want to save your local shooting range, you have to be proactive in its defense
Is that really necessary?: You can't change your family but you can change your political representatives. Lady Liberty urges you to remember that one fact
Federal control of education: Why is America's federal government so involved in education? Alan Caruba says that only the states and local municipalities should be concerning themselves with the education of the young
Religious 'neutrality' and the Lemon Test: Steve Farrell argues that anyone who believes America's founding fathers wanted religion and public life to be separate is just plain wrong
Last conversation with Coal Dawg No. 8: Goodbye buddy: Christmas this year at James Atticus Bowden's home was tinged with sadness after a member of his family, Coal Dawg, passed away
The immorality of government tsunami relief: Gennady Stolyarov II truly does feel for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami late last month but he doesn't believe that America's government should be in the business of providing relief
Creating a Palestinian apartheid state?: Ariel Natan Pasko wonders why any future Palestinian state has to be free of Jews
The free speech Congressman: Walter Jones v. Lyndon Johnson: John Plecnik lauds North Carolina Representative Walter Jones for his fight to bring back free speech to America's churches
Measure 37 to the rescue: In the war between property owners and government, the Davids of the world are still capable of winning battles. Peyton Knight reports on one victory in Oregon
When visions collide: Niger Innis and Paul Driessen argue that the Rainforest Action Network's real target is the Third World's poor
A sound retirement system: If Social Security is to survive, says Bob Costello, then Americans will have to move to a personal retirement account system. The problem? There isn't a lot of time left
Pregnancy murder needs study, not sensationalism: The recent murder of Bobbie Joe Stinnet has pregnant women across the United States worried about their safety. Wendy McElroy says the Washington Post tried to sensationalize their worries
North America through the eyes of its explorers - A review America Discovered: A Historical Atlas of Exploration
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

February 2005

Scrap the cap? The Social Security debate gets taxing: Read my lips! Is George W. Bush serious when he says he won't raise the payroll tax rate as part of his Social Security reforms? W. James Antle III wonders if the era of tax hikes is about to begin in an effort to get everyone on board
A filibuster proof Senate in 2006: Could it happen that the Republicans have a filibuster proof Senate in 2006? Bruce Walker says the early signs are quite positive -- all Americans have to do is replace aging Democrats with Republicans
The only French God: Thought itself: To understand why France and the United States are so different, Michael Moriarty argues you have to remember the two nations believe in different Gods
Denying spiritual man: The spiritual man has had a rough time in these modern days but Steve Farrell believes that he is beginning to make a comeback because ultimately we can't deny what we really are
Should Frist go "nuclear?": Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist has threatened to ask for a simple majority to end debate on judicial nominees, eliminating the threat of Democratic filibusters and Robert S. Sargent, Jr. supports the move
Some advice for Canadian conservatives: Without an intellectual infrastructure, social conservatism in Canada is likely to fade away, writes Mark Wegierski
The kids aren't alright: Are American middle-class teens receiving a raw deal from society? Steve Martinovich accepts that a good many are but he still had to pan The Road to Whatever: Middle-Class Culture and the Crisis of Adolescence
Life after Kyoto will be more expensive: Canadian environmentalists may be cheering the arrival of the Kyoto Protocol but Steve Martinovich predicts the average Canadian will soon realize the cost they'll be paying for the party
Constantine neither heavenly or hellish: Whoa! Keanu Reeves has moved from fighting viruses and computers to taking aim at the Devil himself. Lady Liberty reviews Constantine and gives her predictions for the Oscars
Is this art criticism?: Keith D. Cummings comes to the defense of a artist who was physically forced to stop by police while performing as a living sculpture
The tyranny of eminent domain: Tomorrow America's Supreme Court begins hearing arguments in Kelo v. New London, a case that may either end up protect property rights or eviscerating them, argue Larry Salzman and Alex Epstein
The new religion is global warming: The debate over global warming, charges Tom DeWeese, has become nothing more than environmentalist faith versus hard science
New Jersey's nutty CO2 notions: It's bad enough when national governments sign on to madness like the Kyoto Protocol but even your state can get in on the act. Alan Caruba argues New Jersey's plan to declare CO2 a contaminant is utter madness
Quisling, Gerhardsen, and historical "correctness": The war over text books and their versions of history isn't a North American phenomenon. J.K. Baltzersen chronicles a new debate in Norway over how a new text book has compared a post-war democratic government with its Nazi puppet predecessor
Real scary: Lady Liberty understands why some Americans are fans of the REAL ID Act of 2005 but she believes it's legislation that would do more bad than good
The unholy alliance between Iran and Syria: Syria's actions in Lebanon have the potential of destabilizing the entire region, writes Carol Devine-Molin
It's time to discourage the scoundrels: The last thing America needs, says Michael M. Bates, is more federal funding going to the political parties during election time and yet that's exactly what the head of the Federal Election Commission is calling for
How to keep government accountable: What's the secret in fighting government when they bring in environmentalist schemes to 'improve' people's lives? Henry Lamb says it's simple: Challenge them
Drug safety vs. the FDA: Alex Epstein argues that the assessment of a drug's risks requires individual judgment, something that the Food and Drug Administration prohibits
First Amendment restoration: There are a number of important issues for Congress to deal with this year and Steve Lilienthal argues that the First Amendment Restoration Act is one of them
The Chief Justice's Annual Report -- The "topsider's" empirical view of the federal judiciary: There isn't much that the government produces that's worthwhile reading but Marion Edwyn Harrison says William H. Rehnquist's Annual Report on the Federal Judiciary is always required reading
Spousal rape case sparks old debate: When it comes to the issue of spousal rape, writes Wendy McElroy, extreme care has to be taken when prosecuting these cases in the courts
So much for the consent of the governed: A majority of Americans may support the notion of term limits but that doesn't mean much when the desires of politicians and judges run contrary as a Florida ruling showed, says Frank Salvato
Amtrak – A dire need: Plans, talk and money: Paul M. Weyrich is tired of the political games that occur every year over Amtrak and believes the national passenger rail system needs to be adequately funded
Immigration pits GOP elites against conservative voters: The GOP has two paths it can take on immigration, argues W. James Antle III, and one the elite prefers leads away from the support of the grassroots
The winning Republican ticket in 2008: It's vitally important to elect a Republican as president in 2008 and Bruce Walker believes he has the ticket to do just that
Enemies of Tyranny: Faith, reason, and the First Amendment: Steve Farrell argues that tyranny is impossible when a people employ religion, their minds and free speech in the cause of defending freedom
The war on meat: Now here's a meaty issue! Don't listen to the naysayers who say that meat is bad for you, declares Alan Caruba, and enjoy that thick steak
Professor Hoppe against political correctness: UNLV economics professor Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe has been accused of being a bigot for making some remarks about gays during a class. Gennady Stolyarov II argues that the real bigots are those trying to shut the professor up
Beneath the learning curve: Remember the days when children were actually taught? Lady Liberty says big changes are needed in public education unless Americans are content with less than a first-rate system
Newt: The futurist: Carol Devine-Molin believes that Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America should be required reading for everyone
The end of an era: The death of playwright Arthur Miller, writes Michael Moriarty, marks the end of an era which saw prominent American artists proclaim their ingratitude to their nation through their art
Out of Africa: Paul Driessen and Cyril Boynes, Jr. charge that activists are dooming Africans to starvation and death by opposing biotechnology
East and West Palestine, and Israel?: If a new Palestinian nation is born of non-contiguous land, argues Ariel Natan Pasko, then it will likely be as successful an experiment as East and West Pakistan were
Hitch not the hottest of dates: Lady Liberty says that Will Smith's Hitch isn't without its charms but you can find more attractive ways of spending your time
Sometimes, where there's smoke, there's the fired: Howard Weyers has received some grief for his company's announcement he would fire anyone who smoked -- even away from work -- but Selwyn Duke supports him on constitutional grounds
On handcuffed and felonious children: Wendy McElroy is all for protecting children in schools but she wonders if society's anti-violence campaign has actually gone too far
Educators vs. students: "Balancing" phonics instruction and whole language is like "balancing" food and poison, says Onkar Ghate
Ritalin and Russian Roulette: Would you allow your child to take a drug that no one is sure what effects it has on children? If your child is on Ritalin then that's exactly what's happening, says Samuel L. Blumenfeld
An interview with a lethal man: If you're in a tough situation a man like Massad Ayoob is who you want on your side. Peter and Helen Evans interview the police officer who trains others on how to defend themselves
Let the NHL fold: A pox on the players and the owners, declares Trevor Bothwell. Not only does he not care whether any professional hockey is played this season, he doesn't even care if the league folds
The proliferation of polls: Where are the parameters?: A recent Zogby Poll underlines the reasons why Marion Edwyn Harrison isn't a fan of polls and the people who conduct them
Does our security require an international crusade for democracy?: Don Feder voted twice for George W. Bush but he argues that America's president isn't a conservative. As his inaugural proved last month, the man is actually a utopian
They've stopped thinking about tomorrow: It's official: The Democrats plan to add nothing to the debate over partial privatization of the Social Security system except obstructionism, writes Frank Salvato
Hatch's "Foreign-Born President" amendment: Paul M. Weyrich is of the opinion that there is no need to amend America's Constitution simply to allow people like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger a chance at the presidency
Don't blame me!: If you're not a big fan of Lady Liberty's essay on the American obsession with laying blame or disagree with her you've got only yourself to blame
Are conservatives re-fighting the last war?: In the run up to the Iraq War conservatives accused liberals of trying to re-fight the battle over the Vietnam conflict. W. James Antle III wonders if some conservatives are re-fighting a more recent war
The Schwarzenegger slam dunk: Expect to hear a lot of wailing by Democrats in California thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed electoral reforms, writes Bruce Walker
An open letter to the people of Iraq: Congratulations on the the hard work begins. In framing a new constitution, Iraqis should embrace the ideals of America's founding fathers, says C. Bradley Thompson
The black hole as a paradigm: Michael Moriarty argues that abortion is nothing more then a black hole which destroys everything that comes into contact with it
A cultural counter-revolution: Fan Shen's Gang of One: Memoirs of a Red Guard tells the story of a society that banned freedom and thought. Damian Penny reviews his efforts
When genocide is not genocide: Why is Steve Martinovich so hostile to the United Nations? A report last week by the organization that declared there was no genocide in Sudan is a good reason
Talented cast saves Finding Neverland: Finding Neverland is a movie with an average script but a fantastic cast, writes Lady Liberty, which is much more then she could say about In Good Company
Students vs. professors: Your average university faculty may be a nest of far leftists but that doesn't mean that the students share their beliefs, argues Hans Zeiger
Groucho Marx said it best: Today's Democrats are little different from Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff from the Marx Brothers classic Horse Feathers. Whatever the Republicans propose, says Carol Devine-Molin, the Democrats are against it
Of child molesters and hysteria: America has become a nation determined to make its children afraid of the world as possible. Why does Nicholas Stix say this? Because he smiled and made a child afraid for her safety
Scary happenings in Colorado: What happened to Taylor Ostergaard and Lindsey Jo Zellitte is a perfect example of why serious tort reform is needed, writes Keith D. Cummings
One way tolerance: Selwyn Duke isn't all that impressed by the outrage on the far left that was provoked when Ward Churchill's appearance at a panel was cancelled because of an essay he wrote comparing some 9/11 victims to Nazis
Freedom's erosion: What does prostitution and smoking have in common? Charles "Trey" Wickwire says that depending on where you live, they are being used to erode personal freedom
Do smokers have any rights?: The war against smokers may soon cost you money even if you don't light up. Alan Caruba says it's just the latest in the war against a personal habit
What makes us tick?: Tom DeWeese was recently asked by a liberal reader what motivates conservatives. It's pretty simple, he responds, it's freedom
A light at the end of the Iraqi tunnel?: The media refuses to declare it but Lisa Fabrizio will: recent events in Iraq and the Middle East are proving the rightness of George W. Bush's actions since 9/11
Did the Iraq elections meet American standards?: Hold on, responds Lee R. Shelton IV. He says there were serious issues with the way that the election was conducted even if you think the American standard is too lofty at this early stage in Iraq's renewal
It just keeps getting worse at the U.N.: The more things change, the more they stay the same at the United Nations. Henry Lamb argues that the body seems to exist just to exist
African-Americans in a free society: Pastor Keith A. Butler says its time for African-Americans should be encouraged by the wider community to participate in the Republican Party
Full steam ahead on Social Security reform!: Paul M. Weyrich won't benefit from George W. Bush's proposal to partially privatize Social Security but he's wholeheartedly in favour of the plan
The appeal of Ayn Rand: One hundred years ago this week Ayn Rand was born and her books are more popular today then ever before. Why? Onkar Ghate says it's because of the pro-human ideals that the Russian-born philosopher fought for
The day that changed the world: Steve Martinovich thought that The Fly in the Cathedral: How A Small Group of Cambridge Scientists Won The Race to Split the Atom was a...errrrr...smashing piece of work
Recipe of a life: As a chronicle of writer M.F.K. Fisher's life, Poet of the Appetites: The Lives and Loves of M.F.K. Fisher, did a decent job. Steve Martinovich just wishes it had been a bit more
The relevance to our constitution of foreign law: Although some justices on the U.S. Supreme Court would disagree, Robert S. Sargent Jr. joins Justice Antonin Scalia in arguing that foreign laws bear no relevance on how American constitutional cases should be resolved
America's left sets sail on a new Titanic: Not having learned much from Election 2004, the Democratic Party seems hell-bent on self-destruction. Michael Moriarty says they have someone in their ranks who can save them from themselves
Sideways a rare treat: Lady Liberty thought that Clint Eastwood's highly praised Million Dollar Baby didn't quite live up to its advance billing but she found Sideways to be an absolute jewel
And the winner is...not us: Lady Liberty has a confession to make: she actually enjoys award shows. How does that relate to politics? Ever been disappointed by something you know should have succeeded?
Reality check for the naysayers: This weekend's election in Iraq was yet another blow to all of George W. Bush's critics, argues Carol Devine-Molin
Wishes and horses for Africa: Not content with attempting to inflict wind power on the wealthy world, reports Paul Driessen, environmentalists are also trying to do the same to the developing world
Thwarting America's energy needs: Alan Caruba argues that Congress needs to get serious about meeting America's energy needs and that means ignoring the anti-energy agenda of environmentalists
Defanging regulatory bullies: Fighting City Hall is a difficult proposition but Thomas M. Sipos has an easy solution: Make government pay for any legitimate challenge to their attempts to be a busy-body
Evolution vs. Creationism: The two sides are gearing up for another fight, writes Steve Farrell, and you shouldn't be quick to declare a certain victory for those promoting evolution as the only educational path
Free market the key to school reform: Why doesn't the political left appreciate the benefits that the free market can provide education? Trevor Bothwell says it's because they just don't understand the market's transformative nature
To hell with Auschwitz, give me Israel: Ariel Natan Pasko has little patience for those who commemorated the liberation of Auschwitz last week but stand by while Jews today are driven off their land
HR 67: Appeasement in disguise: Don't be fooled, says Cheryl K. Chumley, recently introduced legislation designed to reform the United Nations wouldn't solve any problems that can't be solved right now
Senate Democrats prepare to block conservative judges: Why were Senate Democrats so eager for a fight over Condoleezza Rice? Just practice for the renewed fight over Bush administration judicial nominees, says John T. Plecnik
"Equal rights" for some, fewer rights for others: Michael M. Bates isn't terribly impressed by a bill signed last week by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich that's been described as a "gay rights" bill
Warning: LOST again: The Law of the Seas Treaty simply won't die and now we know that the Bush administration will support its ratification, says Henry Lamb
Judicial independence and tinkering with tenure: It's difficult enough to get good people for the federal judiciary, writes Marion Edwyn Harrison, without introducing term limits into the mix
Removing legal incentives to lie: Wendy McElroy says that the cynicism many feel when an accusation of sexual harassment or assault is made is the result of too many questionable cases going forward
CAIR intimidates Fox TV: Robert Spencer is less than impressed with Fox after the network bowed to the wishes of the Council on American Islamic Relations
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

March 2005

The heart of Terri Schiavo: The battle over Terri Schiavo's condition and who should decide whether she should be allowed to live has been marked by a debate concerning the state of her brain. Michael Moriarty decides instead to concentrate on what he believes is the heart of the matter
The Democratic Party exposed: The fight over Terri Schiavo has revealed many in the Democratic Party for what they really are, writes Steve Farrell. They represent death and moral insensibility
A principled and fundamental opposition to the savage murder of Terri Schiavo: If you need to know why should Terri Schiavo be allowed to live then Gennady Stolyarov II's essay is for you. He offers a sound philosophical basis supporting her right to life
Can a husband murder his wife?: Modern medical technology may have been keeping Terri Schiavo's body alive these past years but Samuel L. Blumenfeld argues she's also sustained by love
The war on Michael Schiavo and the war over life: Nicholas Stix has no love for Michael Schiavo but he argues that the man has received an unfair rap from those trying to save Terri Schiavo's life
The problem isn't libertarians or social conservatives – it's today's GOP: W. James Antle III argues that the feud between libertarians and social conservatives is the result of the Republican Party betraying both factions
Manipulating our sympathy: Will the UN and Oxfam continue their habits of deception?: That there continues to be poverty and hunger in the world is beyond question but Jeremy Carl argues some international organizations refuse to admit the situation is improving
Even more possible decisions for a conservative activist court: A while back Bruce Walker blue-skyed about what decisions he'd like to see an activist Supreme Court make. This week he returns with some more
The war of the wrong: There are plenty of wars going on at the moment but Lady Liberty urges you to remember that there is still a war on firearms in the United States
Destroying the economy one lawsuit at a time: Did you know that Americans file 70,000 lawsuits every single day? Alan Caruba says that imposes a massive cost on the economy...and you
ANWR: Dump Lamar's billion-dollar-boondoggle: Lamar Alexander's plan to fund the environmentalist movement out of proceeds from Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil drilling must be stopped, argues Henry Lamb
Protesting as performance art: Another year, another anti-Iraq War protest. Bernard Chapin was at one in Chicago and says the left's heart doesn't seem to be in it anymore
Only half right: Sandra Bullock's character may be armed but Lady Liberty says there is very little fabulous about Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Social Security change is for the young: Forget about politics, Heather Bachman urges both sides in the debate, and remember why Social Security reform is so badly needed
It's decision time for J.P. Morgan Chase's CEO: Steven Milloy urges J.P. Morgan Chase CEO William Harrison to stand fast against the protest of a radical environmental movement
Death to "diplomacy" with Iran: Elan Journo charges that European "diplomacy" with Iran -- now supported by Washington -- is self-destructive
Military dads denied father's rights: It's an outrage that an American soldier can fight for his nation overseas only to find out when he comes back that he's not even allowed to see his children, writes Wendy McElroy
Senator Sarbanes: Low-key competence: Marion Edwyn Harrison hasn't agreed on many issues with liberal Democrat Sen. Paul Sarbanes but he respects him and wishes more senators were like him
US infrastructure: Increasingly unsafe: When most people think of America's failing infrastructure they think of bad roads and bumpy bridges. The future, argues Alan Caruba, is going to be much worse than that if serious money isn't spent
Another look at the No Child Left Behind Act: The war between Utah and the federal government over the No Child Left Behind Act is continuing to heat up, reports Robert S. Sargent, Jr.
A conservative case for capital punishment: Steve Farrell believes there are plenty of good reasons for conservatives to support the death penalty -- eleven in his essay alone
The Democrats' French idea of "demos": In 2008, writes Michael Moriarty, Americans will be asked to choose between their nation's legacy or the importation of an old philosophy
By definition: At the risk of sounding trite, the first casualty of war really is the truth. Lady Liberty says these days anyone can be labeled a terrorist
The establishment media vs. conservatives: If the mainstream press is losing the respect of the people, writes Steve Lillienthal, the reason may be found in the 2005 edition of The State of the News Media
Ring sequel a disappointment: Considering how well-crafted its predecessor was Lady Liberty was disappointed that The Ring 2 was fairly pedestrian
A declaration of war: Tom DeWeese is declaring war with a new conservative-based business and he wants one million of you to join his new army
Freedom awakening: Henry Lamb adds his voice to the growing chorus urging you to take a stand for freedom by getting involved. The people of Iraq dodged bombs to vote...can't you take a few minutes every day to fight for your freedom?
X-ing out Dowd: Bernard Chapin didn't think he's have to react to another Maureen Dowd essay but the bitter New York Times columnist is providing too much material to ignore
Mexico's Fox is not going to force-feed us his workers: Carol Devine-Molin has a message for Mexican President Vincente Fox: the free ride on immigration will soon end
Muslim woman's courage sets example: Wendy McElroy hails a Pakistani court decision which lifted a death sentence from Mukhtar Mai, a woman sentenced for another's transgression
The Endangered Species Act: Thirty years of endangering people and animals is enough!: The price that the Endangered Species Act carries for the little that it's done, writes Peyton Knight, means that it's time for it to go
Sustainable development = sustained poverty: Keeping developing countries cute, indigenous, electricity-poor – and impoverished: Paul Driessen responds to attacks by environmentalists who say that he's misrepresenting their views. The proof of what the movement wants, he argues, is fairly evident in the things they say
Courthouse tragic murders reflect long history of Fulton DA failures: Denise A. Sorino lays much of the blame for the Atlanta shootings at the feet of her former boss Fulton District Attorney Paul Howard
Conservative indecisiveness: A life identify crisis?: Could a future GOP presidential candidate be a pro-choicer? Paul M. Weyrich says that's possible and something to be avoided at all costs
It's the bottom of the ninth and America steps to the plate: Frank Salvato wasn't impressed either by the committee members at the Capitol Hill hearing concerning the use of steroids in baseball or the players who use the dangerous drugs
The case against Chavez: Ryan Thompson urges people not to forget the other unstable authoritarian regime on which the United States depends for much of its oil
The Latino face of America: Alan Caruba has a message for those who live in fear of America's changing face: Get used to it and give a hearty welcome to your fellow Americans
Replying to an atheist: Michael Moriarty responds to a letter writer who took issue with a recent piece where he used Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to explain the impending final victory of freedom over tyranny
Pro-life Democrats live?: Are Democrats willing to support candidates who are opposed to abortion? W. James Antle III says Sen. Rick Santorum may find out in 2006
Liberty's most able foot soldier: Whether you're a libertarian or not, argues Steven Martinovich, there's plenty in the compilation Choice: The Best of Reason to get you thinking
Les hommes de l'empire: France has long been blasted for its colonial record and the men responsible for it but Steve Martinovich says that Cultured Force: Makers and Defenders of the French Colonial Empire goes a long way in resuscitating their reputations
Wealth that is not leaving America: Bruce Walker isn't threatened by the moving of factories to foreign nations or the off-shoring of jobs. He believes what makes America wealthy can never be exported
Uncommon sense: Common sense may be a valued commodity but Lady Liberty says there has been an absolute dearth of it recently as some recent news stories have shown
Bastiat's Christian defense of morality in the law: It's long been argued that Frederic Bastiat's The Law is a secular document but Steve Farrell urges you to take another look
Those sexy Republican men: Carol Devine-Molin isn't surprised that the editor of Playgirl magazine thinks that Republican men are much more sexy than their liberal counterparts
What is the color of the sky in a liberal ideologue's world?: About the only person left in the world that hasn't realized things are changing in the Middle East is billionaire George Soros. Frank Salvato urges him to greet reality
Nice to look at but not much there: Robots is a visual tour de force but unfortunately it's hamstrung by a weak script. Lady Liberty reviews that movie and Bruce Willis' latest, Hostage
How to stop the flood of illegal aliens: Although he isn't expecting much action out of George W. Bush, Tom DeWeese says that solving the problem of illegal immigration isn't that hard
Use the nuclear option: If Democrats want a war over George W. Bush's second term judicial nominees then that's exactly what Republicans should give them, argues Henry Lamb
The conscience of a campus conservative: John T. Plecnik got a lot of grief over his column exposing anti-conservative bias on American campuses but he argues the movement is proving its growing strength in many ways
Sexing up Maryland public schools: Trevor Bothwell would rather that Maryland's students get a decent education then how to put condoms on cucumbers and what the "new family" looks like
Hillary and the race for '08: Will Hillary Clinton seek the Democratic nomination in 2008 and who will run against her? God only knows, responds Lisa Fabrizio
A conservative woman analyzes Larry Summers' remarks about women: Harvard University President Lawrence Summers' recent remarks on gender differences earns a response from Rachel Alexander, who debates some of his chief arguments
Why can't we reform our criminals?: That's a question that society has been asking for centuries. Peter and Helen Evans respond that even experts don't see to agree on what actually works
Jail: The best treatment for mental illness?: Paul M. Weyrich argues that far too many of the mentally ill who need treatment are ending up in jail because there's no other place for them
"Sperm theft" ruling a step forward for men's reproductive rights: Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks laud a recent court ruling which went in favour of a man who claimed that an ex-lover stole his semen and used it to get pregnant
Cosby case shows media's muckraking mania: It's a pathetic state of affairs, writes Wendy McElroy, that The National Enquirer came out the cleanest in its reporting of the recent Bill Cosby scandal
What a state we're in!: Towns and cities all across the United States are failing as businesses and residents flee tax-loving, high-spending municipal governments. Lady Liberty got a first hand taste of why this is happening after attending her community's recent State of the City speech
Sweeping aside the heteronormative -- and marriage?: The war over same-sex marriage is a war against the shared cultural norms that have sustained civilization, says W. James Antle III. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith learned that lesson last week the hard way
A republic, not a democracy: Steve Farrell responds to a reader who took issue with his argument last week that a "me first … anything goes" democracy inevitably leads to a tyranny
American dominocracy: Democracy may have experienced reverses over the past few centuries but her greatest example continues to be an beacon to the rest of the world, says Bruce Walker
No Child Left Behind Act: An intrusion on state's rights?: There are a few states, such as Utah, that believe the No Child Left Behind Act interferes with their constitutional responsibilities, writes Robert S. Sargent, Jr.
Little comedy in The Pacifier: Lady Liberty didn't think much of the weekend's top grossing movie The Pacifier but thought The Jacket has a lot going for it
Facts versus fears on biotechnology: Paul Driessen responds to Dr. Brian John's recent letter criticizing an article that declared anti-biotechnology activists are dooming Africa to starvation and death
North Korea is China's borrowed knife: The West may not be sure how to deal with North Korea but Alan Caruba argues that the Chinese may eventually make that decision for us
Iraqis protest terrorism and no one reports it: Did you hear about the huge protest against terrorism last week in Iraq? Yeah, we're shocked as well that almost no one covered it. It's enough for Frank Salvato to tear another a strip out of the media elite
Reversing the Islamic revolution in Iraq: The world may be cheering Iraq's elections but David T. Pyne argues that the results may have undone all the work of the coalition and delivered the country into the hands of Iran
Why Europe is soft on terror: Why does Europe continue to take a soft hands approach to countries as dangerous as Iran? Justin Darr says it's all a matter of money
Pan-Syrian ambitions can't justify occupation of Lebanon: Syria's unrealistic and historical dream of creating a Greater Syria isn't cause enough to continue destablizing the entire Middle East, writes Carol Devine-Molin
An interview with Harry Stein: Writer Harry Stein shares with Bernard Chapin his thoughts on what kind of people make up the political left, the state of journalism today and who he enjoys reading
Global warming: 21st century eugenics: Doubtless some will find it objectionable to compare the eugenics movement to environmentalists fighting for things like the Kyoto Protocol but Henry Lamb argues that the shoe fits
The dark tower of judicial tyranny: The recent decision banning the juvenile death penalty is the latest example why Congress is needed to act against judicial activism, writes Lisa Fabrizio
Hate speech laws: A new cross for Christians to bear: Whenever hate crimes legislation is passed politicians are quick to declare that religious speech will be protected. Paul M. Weyrich says even people who rely on faith don't believe that sort of hogwash
A buck-passing quest for reading, writing and 'rithmetic': The American education system is in serious need of fixing but Marion Edwyn Harrison argues no one seems interested in rolling up their sleeves and getting to work
Gates' education action plan needs momentum: Nancy Salvato agrees with Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates that there is plenty wrong with American high schools but she thinks his ideas to solve the problems wouldn't do so
Small government conservatism in big government America: Why is America's government growing? Even Republicans and some conservatives are promoting their proposals with statist rhetoric. Changing that will take a lot of work, argues W. James Antle III
Blessed tolerance: The 'virtue' of a republic in decline: What happens when tolerance is held to be the highest virtue? Society may be arguing that question but Steve Farrell points out that it was answered two-and-a-half millennia ago
Politics trumps security: Canada's decision last week not to participate in the proposed American missile defence system was nothing but base politics, argues Steve Martinovich
Why we shouldn't fear the bear and the dragon: China and Russia may appear to be future threats to the United States but Bruce Walker believes that with planning both nations can be contained
A profile in courage: Steve Martinovich thinks the word "hero" is used a bit too often these days but he has no problems with calling U.S. Army Captain David Rozelle one after reading Back in Action: An American Soldier's Story of Courage, Faith and Fortitude
A Darwinian interpretation of the Book of Revelations: Michael Moriarty has never been afraid of making predictions before but he acknowledges he's going out on a limb with some of the ones he makes this week
This U.S. Marine needs your help: The U.S. Marine Corps have defended the United States for two centuries. Now it's time to defend one of her champions, says Alan Caruba
For me, but not for thee: Lady Liberty argues that Christians are right to protest the increasing marginalization of their faith. She just wishes that some Christians would show as much respect for the opinions of others as they demand for their own
When academic snobs attack: Frank Salvato hasn't an ounce of sympathy for either Harvard University president Lawrence Summers or University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill
Madrid and democracy on the first anniversary: One year after the Madrid terrorist attack that killed 200 Spaniards J.K. Baltzersen looks at its after effects
Syria: Unofficial member of the "Axis of Evil": We hear there's a vacancy in the Axis of Evil. Carol Devine-Molin says that Syria is a good candidate to replace Iraq
Can the Democratic Party survive?: Probably not, responds Scott Shore, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily doomed to the ash heap of history. He offers a number of suggestions to avoid that fate
Attack of the movie haters: Political hacks converge on Million Dollar Baby: Nicholas Stix is mad dog angry at critics who decided to reveal the ending of Million Dollar Baby so they could make a political point. Warning, this essay contains spoilers about the movie.
All hail the king!: Lady Liberty has nothing to praise for the extended DVD version of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, last year's winner for the best picture Oscar
Terri Schiavo and the soul of America: Terri Schiavo may have won a three-week stay of execution but the struggle to keep human life sacrosanct continues, writes Lisa Fabrizio
The human personality, just laws, and laissez faire: When it comes to governments attempting to change human behavior, says Gennady Stolyarov II, a little Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ayn Rand would be a good thing
Because government should have accountability: Paul M. Weyrich says there are tools -- such as the Freedom of Information Act -- to help ensure government is accountable and more are on the way
Why men earn more: Though she disagrees with some of his prescriptions, Wendy McElroy says Warren Farrell's explanation as to why men earn more than women is entirely logical
Of acres and bears: Land and bears go a long way in explaining the environmentalist agenda and its ultimate goal, writes Alan Caruba
The Democrats' Frenchified idea of "demos"
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

April 2005

Worrying about "W": Is George W. Bush destroying the American conservative movement with his domestic and foreign policies? Alan Caruba argues that many on the right have had enough of Dubya, potentially handing the White House back to the Democrats in 2008
Judicial restraint depends on conservative self-restraint: Fighting Democratic obstruction over George W. Bush's judicial nominees is a worthy goal, says W. James Antle III, but conservatives have to avoid overheated actions and words
Viva la South Park revolucion!: America's liberals are nervous because a new breed of conservatives have risen. The new right is mad as hell and they won't &$#@)!% take it anymore. Bernard Chapin reviews South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias
Equal opportunity: A fact of life in California government agencies: It took nearly a decade but California's government agencies are finally free of granting preferences based on race, gender or ethnicity, say Dr. Glynn Custred and Dr. Thomas Wood, authors of Proposition 209
Pope Adenauer I: Pope Benedict XVI was chosen because at 78 he likely won't lead a terribly long term but Bruce Walker believes that the elderly pontiff could have a career similar to that of his countryman Konrad Adenauer
The left's discontent with Pope Benedict XVI: It didn't take long for the knives to come out for the newest earthly leader of the Catholic Church, writes Carol Devine-Molin
The politics of faith: Everything else is political so why shouldn't someone's religious beliefs be open to political judgment? Lisa Fabrizio says there is a clear double standard when it comes to the judging
There's good news and there's bad news: There's good news and there's bad news, writes Lady Liberty, but in today's world it's never quite easy to categorize which is which
Find your way home, Reverend Jackson: Was Jesse Jackson's recent support of Terri Schiavo's right to live a signal that he's returning to beliefs of old? Michael Moriarty would like to hope so
Open letter to Duke Law: Respect Richard Nixon and restore his portrait: Whether you love him or hate him, argues John T. Plecnik, Richard M. Nixon deserves to have his portrait hung at the Duke University School of Law
Terri Schiavo, political prisoner: Terri Schiavo may be dead but that doesn't mean her memory isn't being kept alive by political activists determined to use her to advance their political agendas, writes Nicholas Stix
How to "improve" the Endangered Species Act: If, and its a big if, someone wanted to keep the Endangered Species Act but wanted to make it more palatable to landowners, says Henry Lamb, they could follow Oregon's lead
The NEA cries wolf again: The National Education Association's latest attack on No Child Left Behind shows why the NEA long ago outlived its usefulness, opines Nancy Salvato
The lack of ethics in the Ethics Committee: Innocent or otherwise, argues Frank Salvato, Rep. Tom DeLay has been receiving a raw deal from the Democrats on the House Ethics Committee
The candor of judicial obstruction -- Straight from a significant source: If you want to learn the logic behind leftist activism against George W. Bush's judicial nominees, writes Marion Edwyn Harrison, Nan Aron's recent appearance on the Hugh Hewitt Show provided the lesson
False rape claim hurts real victims: False accusations of rape, as a recent case is showing, only make it harder for the real victims of rape to have their traumas taken seriously, writes Wendy McElroy
What are you afraid of?: Lady Liberty spent a day last week running some simple errands and being afraid of a government that intruded into each and every item on her to-do list
Citizen and scholar of the world: An interview with Dr. Theodore Dalrymple: The only thing better than reading Dr. Theodore Dalrymple is interviewing him, a task that Bernard Chapin thoroughly enjoyed
Georgia on my mind – on Tax Day, at least: Whether you support the notion of a flat tax or not, argues W. James Antle III, the fact that former Soviet republics have easy to understand tax systems should be a prompt for tax reform in the United States
In Washington, working folk need not apply: Politicians have long been accused of being too distant from the realities of the average citizen so Michael M. Bates is curious why the Senate has launched a campaign to stop Sen. Tom Coburn from delivering a few babies
Nobody here but us Christian extremists!: New York Times columnist Paul Krugman blasted Christians in a recent op-ed so Steve Farrell returns the favour
The New York Times and its Catholic crusade: Not content with bashing Christians in general, the Old Gray Lady is also continuing its war on Catholics, as a recent story illustrated, writes Lisa Fabrizio
The running of the blood: Michael Moriarty ruminates on the connections between the statists of today -- led by men like Bill Clinton -- and their philosophical father Maximilian Robespierre
Bolton is the right man for the UN job: Considering the problems at the United Nations, says Carol Devine-Molin, a man like John Bolton will be a breath of fresh air
Marching for wisdom with Marian Wright Edelman and Halley Suitt: Has the blogging revolution created individualistic thinkers or an army of like-minded diarists? That's the question vexing Nicholas Stix
Canada's newest tax: Last week Canadians finally learned how much the Kyoto Protocol will directly cost them. Steve Martinovich argues they will learn the indirect costs in the coming years
A new revolution is in the air: Did you know that the American federal government owns more than half the land west of Denver? Henry Lamb says it's time to do something about that
An elusive Palestinian peace: Is peace in the Middle East possible? Everyone seems to want it...well, almost everyone. Alan Caruba believes that the Palestinians have yet to take some big steps toward that goal
An incredible opportunity for Congress and America: Frank Salvato argues that the FAIR Tax Bill is a wonderful opportunity to replace America's regressive tax structure with a consumption based tax
The bitter wilderness of Jim Jeffords: Remember Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords? After becoming an Independent and enjoying a brief moment of celebrity he's since languished in obscurity, says Vincent Fiore
Editing destroys remake: Given that the only new movie opening up was a remake of The Amityville Horror, Lady Liberty decided instead to watch the latest remake of The Four Feathers
Disability must be defined before debated: The controversy surrounding Janeal Lee's loss of her Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin title illustrates that the debate over what it means to be disabled is far from settled, writes Wendy McElroy
Wanted: CEOs with courage and true ethics: When environmentalists launch their campaigns Niger Innis and Paul Driessen would like corporate CEOs to be a little more Winston Churchill and a little less Neville Chamberlain
On Earth Day, remember: If environmentalism succeeds, it will make human life impossible: To save mankind requires the wholesale rejection of environmentalism as hatred of science, technology, progress, and human life, says Michael S. Berliner
Domestic violence series substitutes emotion for facts: Glenn Sacks takes issue with a recent series by the San Francisco Chronicle which painted men as completely responsible for domestic violence
The soaring debt: Sam Brownback's proposed Commission on the Accountability and Review of Federal Agencies wouldn't solve all problems but it would be a step in reforming government and cutting spending, argues Paul M. Weyrich
The next domino: In one month's time, writes Bruce Walker, the worldwide conservative movement could win a huge victory -- potentially the first of several such victories -- if Michael Howard defeats Tony Blair and becomes the next British prime minister
Interview with Brooke Allen: Bernard Chapin chats with justly famed literary critic Brooke Allen and finds out whether the novel is dead and the worth of political art
The Black Plague and its descendents: There is a good chance you are alive today because of the work throughout the ages of the pest control industry, says Alan Caruba
The Oracle at EI: Paul Driessen argues that today's latest and greatest climate change computer models aren't much better than ancient oracles
The two true faces of North American liberalism: Liberalism in North America is embodied by two men no longer holding the levers of power, says Michael Moriarty. They are Jean Chretien and Bill Clinton
Blogosphere 1, Liberals 0: Canadians should thank the internet for learning about the revelations of alleged Liberal Party corruption, writes Mark J. Fournier
The danger from the east: Jerome R. Corsi's Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians paints a terrible picture of a violent and radical Iran armed with nuclear weapons, says Carol Devine-Molin
Adventure and romance fuel pleasant escapes: Who would have thought it? The weekend offered two escapist movies -- one starring Jimmy Fallon -- and Lady Liberty enjoyed both Sahara and Fever Pitch
Teacher certification won't ensure quality instruction: There is wailing in Washington, D.C. after it was learned many teachers aren't certified but Trevor Bothwell says the key to fixing education isn't simply to certify existing teachers
Constitution backlash: Teaching American students about the constitution is one of the most important things that public schools can do if the country is to appreciate what makes it special, argues Henry Lamb
Is the Pope Catholic?: You could tell just by watching and reading that the media didn't have a clue about the real power and authority that Pope John Paul II had right up until his death, says Lisa Fabrizio
Dead wrong: Now that the debate over the Terri Schiavo case has cooled off, Lady Liberty shares her thoughts on various aspects of the controversy
Fonda Jane: There remains a great deal of hatred of Jane Fonda -- almost all of it legitimate -- but Karen H. Pittman has come to the point where she has forgiven the actress...and even admires her a little
Latin America: A vigil of suspense: Just a few short years ago the world watched as several South American nations stood on the brink of freedom. Today, writes Paul M. Weyrich, they're worth watching for another reason
On campus, free speech at odds with tax funding: The days that universities were an oasis of free speech died a long time ago, argues Wendy McElroy. Today's students get to pay for the privilege of being told to shut up
Health care on April 15: How taxes and government damage your health: When you write a check out to the IRS this week, says Richard E. Ralston, just remember how much you're already paying for health care
Who's crazy now?: People are asking many questions and making accusations in the wake of the tragic shootings in Red Lake but Lady Liberty is more interested what we actually know
A deadly coincidence: School shootings and drugged students: Alan Caruba wonders why no one ever investigates the potential link between medicated students and the rash of school shootings in the United States
John Paul II, R.I.P: Regardless of your faith, writes W. James Antle III, the passing of the remarkable Pope John Paul II is a momentous event
The struggle for Latin American liberty: Although it had some problems Steve Martinovich still found Alvaro Vargas Llosa's Liberty for Latin America: How to Undo Five Hundred Years of State Oppression a valuable effort
George Soros and how power beats money every time: George Soros has built a fabulous fortune betting on international currency but Michael Moriarty says the house may have finally caught up with the billionaire
Justice Scalia on constitutional interpretation: If Americans wish to avoid being ruled by committee, writes Robert S. Sargent, Jr., they would best be served by men like Antonin Scalia
Beginning to remember the other holocaust: When you mark Holocaust Remembrance Day next month, says Bruce Walker, make sure to also spare a thought for the victims of the other holocaust of the 20th Century
A groundbreaking achievement: Sin City had its problems -- notably an over reliance on comic book dialogue -- but Lady Liberty says it's a revolutionary effort
U.N. reform: The road to global governance: A recently released report that promotes reform of the United Nations is actually a call for more global governance, argues Henry Lamb
Terri Schiavo: The first shot in the battle against judicial activism: If the death of Terri Schiavo has any effect on society, writes Frank Salvato, it may be that it finally focuses attention on the failures of the justice system
A culture of living death: Human life is indeed sacred, argues Alex Epstein, but he believes the fight to save Terri Schiavo's life was about creating a culture of living death
It takes a 9th Circuit Court to raise a child: Recent court decisions have made it a potentially muddled mess out of raising your children, says Nancy Salvato
Mother sues cops for failing to protect kids: A case that the U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments on may force many police officers to take restraining orders more seriously, writes Wendy McElroy
An unlikely group of patriots: Paul M. Weyrich reports on a new group composed of the political left and right that is seeking the end of the most egregious sections of the USA Patriot Act
An effort to calm the villains of vilification: It's not likely to happen but Marion Edwyn Harrison hopes that the recently formed National Committee to Unite a Divided America lowers the temperature when it comes to debate
Support ANWR drilling -- Save wildlife habitats: If people are actually interested in saving wildlife habitats, writes Paul Driessen, then they would support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge over alternate sources like wind power
The attack of the invasive species: If you listen to some people in the U.S. government the greatest danger facing America is the specter of invasive species, reports Cheryl K. Chumley
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

May 2005

Constitutionalism in exile: Democrats have charged that if Republicans use the 'nuclear' option and approve all of Bush's judicial nominees that tomorrow's world will look radically different from today's. Were that to actually be the case, laments W. James Antle III
Granholm v. Heald: Good policy, bad law: Last week's Supreme Court decision allowing inter-state deliveries of wine is fantastic news for consumers but Robert S. Sargent, Jr. was less pleased that the courts had to resolve the issue
Wake up, America!: The passage of the REAL ID Act, argues Lady Liberty, is the nail in the coffin that civil libertarians have been dreading for decades and one that Americans should be fighting
Is America an empire?: Is America an empire and it is slowly collapsing? Alan Caruba argues that the United States is indeed an empire but also a friend to the free world
The truth about the world's favorite murderer: If you're tired of Fidel Castro's international fan club Steve Martinovich says you'll love Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant
Who really violated the Geneva Conventions?: Taking pictures of Saddam Hussein in his underpants was probably an ill-advised move but Frank Salvato argues that the real crime was committed by The Sun
Third Star Wars prequel finally delivers: The first two Star Wars prequels were difficult to watch but with Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith Lady Liberty says George Lucas has a winner
Showdown week in the Senate: The U.S. Senate will be hit with a perfect storm this week, says Lisa Fabrizio, when the institution will tackle the nomination of John Bolton and the debate over the 'nuclear' option
A twin blessing for a party in dire need: The Republican Party couldn't find its own head with two hands and a mirror, writes Michael Bates. They're lucky that Harry Reid and Howard Dean are their most formidable opponents
Putin as Heydrich: Most consider Vladimir Putin to be a sophisticated and intelligent world leader. Bruce Walker argues that isn't enough to make the Russian president a good man
Barack Obama: The African-American Mikhail Gorbachev: How do you tie Sen. Barack Obama with the talks Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev held in the 1980s? Only Michael Moriarty could draw the line that connects the two seemingly disparate items
Newsweek and the Qur'an controversy: The Newsweek story detailing disrespect to the Qur'an proves why journalists are so despised by ordinary Americans, says Carol Devine-Molin
Caught in government's vise: making a "willing seller": When the government wants your property and is threatening to take it via eminent domain, writes Henry Lamb, there really isn't anything voluntary about your sale
Separating the wheat from the chafe in education: Nancy Salvato can understand the frustration that many teachers are feeling these days but she argues that blaming George W. Bush for the education system's problems is misguided
Father's rights movement to get English invasion: The English group Fathers 4 Justice -- a father's rights group -- is crossing the pond and gaining an American chapter, reports Wendy McElroy
Transportation: Texas style: Paul M. Weyrich believes that public transportation is marvelous way to solve many community and family problems
The Republican Revolution is dead: It seems to be finally and sadly true. The Republican Revolution that the GOP ran on a little more than a decade ago is dead, argues Alan Caruba
The Peter Pan Generation: Although many of Bill Cosby's critical comments have concentrated on the African-American community, Lisa Fabrizio says the problems he identified are widespread across every group in the United States
Taking it on faith: It's easier to believe that there is life on other planets then politicians really knowing what's best for the American people, argues Lady Liberty
Single male alone…and on fire: If single men have cause to rant, writes Bernard Chapin, then Thomas Ellis' The Rantings of a Single Male: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness, and Basically Everything explains why
Harvard Law's schism over free speech: Harvard may be home of America's preeminent law school but it also one of the nation's leaders in squelching free speech. Rachel Alexander reviews The People V. Harvard Law: How America's Oldest Law School Turned Its Back on Free Speech
Stop worrying -- You can still have Elvis on your driver's license: The REAL ID Act has prompted outrage from civil libertarians on the grounds that it creates what amounts to a national ID card for Americans. Frank Salvato responds that fear is overblown
The dying days of power hungry leftists in Germany and Canada: The next few weeks, says Bruce Walker, may see an end to liberal rule in both Canada and Germany. That can only be good news for the United States
Is this a hate crime?: After over four years of writing for ESR Michael Moriarty has received his first hate letter. The letter writer doesn't deserve it but the actor has decided to respond
Fonda and Sykes shine in Monster-in-Law: Jane Fonda and Wanda Sykes made Monster-in-Law, an otherwise mediocre movie, a comic gem, writes Lady Liberty. Will Ferrell and Kicking and Screaming on the other hand...
The great pillars of American liberty: Arguments that the United States was founded without a Christian basis doesn't stand up to serious scrutiny, writes Steve Farrell
This is your brain on the New York Times: A recent Times editorial attacking motherhood written by Katherine Ellison made remarkably little sense, says Nicholas Stix
A bridge too far for Senate Democrats: The Senate Democrat threat to filibuster judicial nominees will end poorly for them, writes Carol Devine-Molin
Kyoto heat waves hammer the poor: Environmentalists are employing a new weapon in their war against society: Claims that global warming will disproportionately harm the poor. Paul Driessen responds that their analysis is based on fantasy
Texas style elections: Only a few months ago it seemed that Rick Perry had an unopposed path to re-election as governor of Texas. Today, writes Paul M. Weyrich, he may face a challenge from fellow Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison
Showdown at the U.N. corral: The fight between the U.N. and the U.S. over the Oil-for-Food investigation proves why America has to withdraw from the international body, argues Henry Lamb
Betraying the real freedom fighters: It is a gross injustice that America endorses a sovereign Palestinian state -- but shuns Taiwan's claim to independence, says Elan Journo
Barney Frank and the law of unintended consequences: The ability for terrorists to sneak inside the United States and launch the 9/11 attacks was due in part, charges Charles Morse, to legislation pushed for by Representative Barney Franks (D-MA) over two decades ago
Demonizing Doe Run: If you've ever even heard of The Doe Run Co. it's probably been via unflattering charges hurled by environmentalists. Alan Caruba responds that the company has done what the environmentalists never have: made poor people's lives better
The Post-Nintendo editor: An interview with James Panero: Bernard Chapin chats with James Panero, Associate Editor of The New Criterion, about the importance of a Classics education and what it's like being a conservative at Darthmouth and Brown
The phony Fortas filibuster: More than a few Senate Democrats have justified their filibusters of Bush judicial nominees with the controversy surrounding LBJ chief justice nominee Abe Fortas but Bruce Walker says the comparison is very flawed
Crash is a triumph: Avoid Ridley Scott's epic Kingdom of Heaven, advises Lady Liberty, but make sure to catch Crash, a movie with perfect casting and one of the best scripts of the year
Thank you for not sharing: Man of few words Bernard Chapin hails One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture is Eroding Self-Reliance by Christina Hoff Sommers and Sally Satel
Do they think we're idiots?: With one press release concerning a poll on Tom DeLay, Sacred Heart University managed to produce lies, damned lies and statistics, says Trevor Bothwell
Forlornness in the Fatherland: Churchill once remarked that "The Hun is either at your throat or at your feet." Why are Germans depressed these days? Greg Strange says you can blame it on the society they've created
Jon Stewart's "moderate" humor: That Jon Stewart is funny, writes A. M. Siriano, is without question. The problem, however, is that once you strip away the jokes you're left with the same tired old liberalism you've been hearing for four decades
Letting the radical Islamist cat out of the bag: The news that everyone reported last week was an obscure terrorist's letter bemoaning the dropping moral of Iraq's terrorists. Frank Salvato argues something far more important was announced last week
Strange days: Hot nukes and cold feet: These are strange days if Carol Devine-Molin is writing about the spread of nuclear weapons and Jennifer Wilbanks in the same piece
Blair - with not too many votes to spare: British Prime Minister Tony Blair's government was re-elected last week with a greatly reduced majority but Paul Weyrich says Blair should still be happy with the results
Someone is planning your future: Increasingly planners are taking the lead in governing the communities Americans live in...perhaps even your own, writes Henry Lamb
Utah: the rogue state: The fight between Utah and the federal government over No Child Left Behind continues unabated, reports Robert S. Sargent, Jr.
Follow the money: The key to control of the education system is simple: money. Nancy Salvato believes it's time for parents to use the muscle they don't know they have
GOP whispers to black voters: The Democrats may have spoken for African-Americans for decades but a growing number realize that there is a difference between words and action, writes Lisa Fabrizio
Time to declare our independence from the United Nations: The United Nations is an organization that has failed and is beyond reform. For those reasons alone, argues Tom DeWeese, the United States should leave the international organization
Pulling the rug out: Regardless of how Americans eventually decide to fix their Social Security system, argues Lady Liberty, the solution shouldn't create the same problems the system was designed to eliminate
Shock and surprise: Scholarship supports empiricism – academe is liberal!: Anyone whose gone to college or university in the last thirty years already knows it but Marion Edwyn Harrison says a new study supports the contention that academics tend to skew liberal
Obesity is personal, not public health problem: Being obese is a good way to end your life early but Wendy McElroy wonders why is it necessary for government to become involved
Creating a new federal court: If America needs federal judges to protect itself, Bruce Walker says a logical conclusion is that Congress should create a new federal court to interpret the Constitution
Conservatives against spending cuts?: It's obvious these days that many conservatives and Republicans are more interested in holding power then actually reforming the system, charges W. James Antle III
Interview with Brian Anderson: Bernard Chapin chats with City Journal senior editor Brian C. Anderson about his new book South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias and the conservative movement
Hitchhikers a mixed effort: xXx: State of the Union wasn't much to speak of but Lady Liberty thought the flawed The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was a bit more successful
For the GOP, a warning: The only group that doesn't know that the Republicans control Washington, D.C. apparently seems to be the Republicans themselves, says Vincent Fiore
Wrong address, please return to sender!: Michael Moriarty is a fan of U.S. President George W. Bush but he wonders why America is paying the bill for democracy in Iraq
Oil now and oil tomorrow: Why are gas prices skyrocketing? Part of the reason is the war on energy that has been declared by environmentalists and government, argues Alan Caruba
I'm ready for my close-up!: During her visit to Washington, D.C. last week, Lady Liberty truly felt like she was the center of the universe thanks to the thousands of cameras that kept track of her every movement
Is science sexist?: If a recent conference was hoping to answer the question, Are women being held back in science?, it failed abysmally, reports attendee Nicholas Stix
Under God: Jack J. Woehr isn't one for religion but he believes, for three different reasons, that the words "under God" should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance
Ann Coulter and Time Magazine: Ann Coulter was reportedly displeased by her cover photo for her Time profile last week but Samuel L. Blumenfeld argues John Cloud's story was nothing but flattering to the conservative pundit
Firearms rights activist speaks at Coquitlam gun show: Although Western Canada leads the way in its opposition to the Canadian government's gun registration law, Christopher di Armani reports that a couple from eastern Ontario know well how savage the battle is
Hidden Kyotos, discreet protocols: America may have rejected the Kyoto Protocol but that doesn't mean some aren't eager to craft a Made in America version, says Cheryl K. Chumley
From sci-fi to sci-fact: Panel releases new embryonic stem cell research guidelines: New guidelines issued by the National Academies has Sharon Hughes concerned that human life will be furthered devalued by human embryonic stem cell research
A plan, a plan, their kingdom for a plan: The fact that Democrats are opposed to partially privatizing a Social Security system in shambles is bad enough, argues Frank Salvato, but he wants to know why they don't have any plan to fix the system
End Social Security: Forget plans and fixing it, responds Alex Epstein. Social Security is a philosophically immoral concept to begin with and should just be killed off
Filibustering the judicial nominees: The war over George W. Bush's judicial nominees has turned into chess match, says Paul M. Weyrich, in which both sides are angling to look as kind as possible to the other side
Acceptable risk vs. phantom fear: Minimizing risk is a rational goal but these days we're more afraid of false risk then anything that could actually harm us, writes E. Ralph Hostetter
Transparency crucial for accountability: A controversy in New York City which saw children injected with experimental AIDS drugs demands that authorities need to be more open with what really happened, argues Wendy McElroy
Transportation: Texas style
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

June 2005

Not applicable?: Is the United States gradually turning into a police state? When you're being strip searched and photographed nude before getting on a plane, writes Lady Liberty, just be sure to remember that you have nothing to hide
Second state of Schwarzenegger political reforms: Unless you live in California you might not be aware that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is undertaking some powerful political reforms, says Bruce Walker
Man of faith: John Grant's John Adams: Party of One tells the true story of John Adams, a man who stood alone but was also armed with the power of his faith, writes Steve Farrell
Characters fail debut novelist: Actually Steve Martinovich found that plenty of things failed The Coast of Akron, the debut novel by Adrienne Miller, but he also sees a bright future for her
The God who would make us perfect insects: Society: Society is rapidly turning into the most dangerous invention humanity has ever come up with, argues Michael Moriarty. And beware of the number 1.618!
Supreme Court deals blow to property rights: Steve Martinovich says that last week the United States Supreme Court told Americans that they do not have a right to their private property if someone else wants it
In praise of the silver bullet: How do you make a connection between Watergate and the world's greatest cocktail, the martini? We needed some politics to justify Robert S. Sargent, Jr.'s writing about the drink born at the Knickerbocker Hotel
No magic in Bewitched: Only a lack of air-conditioning in her home caused Lady Liberty to sit through both Bewitched and Herbie: Fully Loaded
The life of Beulah: Indie rock band Beulah is gone but Bernard Chapin argues that the DVD A Good Band Is Easy to Kill proves they won't be forgotten
Mad cows don't scare me!: A growing number of news stories are urging Americans to be careful of the beef they eat but Alan Caruba believes that the danger of mad cow is being overstated
Flag flap flies in the face of freedom: Lee R. Shelton IV doesn't doubt the patriotism of those who want to ban flag burning but he argues that such a constitutional amendment is anti-freedom
Forget the books and tabloid garbage, attack Hillary on her job as senator: Carol Devine-Molin urges Republicans to avoid re-fighting the distant battles of the 1990s and concentrate on Sen. Hillary Clinton's record while in elected office
Israel: The Jewish affirmative action state: No matter how you cut it, argues Ariel Natan Pasko, Israel was meant to be a Jewish state in perpetuity
10,000 homes to be demolished in the U.K.: If you want to know what "sustainable development" really means, says Henry Lamb, look to the United Kingdom
Corporate social responsibility in Peru: How do you know that the environmentalist movement is out of touch? When poor Peruvians are demonstrating in favour of a corporation, responds Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore
Is anyone on Capitol Hill looking out for the voters?: Is there anyone in Washington, D.C. who actually cares what the average American thinks? Frank Salvato doesn't think so
Parents must assert rights over school authorities: If you're offended by the notion that your children in elementary school may be asked about their sexual experiences, writes Wendy McElroy, you should raise a stink
Not the era of the deadbeat dad but the era of the hero father: You don't need to hit NEXIS to know that the media seems intent on portraying fathers in the worst possible way. Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks argue that they should be hailed as heroes these days
The unwritten Sousa march – "Bankruptcy Forever": If only John Philip Sousa were alive today. Marion Edwyn Harrison writes that the great American composer could have written quite a stirring march documenting the spendthrift nature of those in Washington, D.C.
Bay state civil unions debate: The war over same-sex marriages in Massachusetts isn't over yet. W. James Antle III reports on the latest moves to try and restore a traditional definition of the institution of marriage and what Gov. Mitt Romney is up to
Bad choices: The conviction of Gerardo Flores on charges that he murdered an unborn fetus by stomping on his girlfriend's stomach, argues Lady Liberty, is the result of bad choices by both the couple and lawmakers
Global warming is more scare than science: We've said it before and Alan Caruba will say it again: The science simply does not support what environmentalists are arguing when it comes to global warming
Keeping the Twin Towers down: It's bad enough that the World Trade Center was destroyed by America-haters, says Lisa Fabrizio. Do Americans also have to put up with the International Freedom Center?
Porn nation: Bernard Chapin is sympathetic to Ben Shapiro's concerns but he thinks Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism is Corrupting our Future went way over the top
The medical world's Howard Roark: Gen LeGreca's Noble Vision -- a story about the battle over government provided health care -- is a novel that Ayn Rand could have written, writes Gennady Stolyarov II
The Batman we've all been waiting for: The Perfect Man, which stars Hilary Duff and Heather Locklear, is better than one would expect. Batman Begins? Lady Liberty says it's a triumph
The American left: Edmund Wilson's new breed of fellow traveler: One must know who their enemies are and Michael Moriarty argues that America's enemies are those who follow the flag of the late Edmund Wilson
Decision time for U.S. - U.N. relations: Henry Lamb says there has never been a better time for the United States to reevaluate its relationship with the United Nations
The UN in the throes of crisis: If you don't know why the U.S. should be displeased with the U.N., Carol Devine-Molin lays out a fairly persuasive case
Missing: Males on college campuses: All across America's campuses there are far fewer men today then just a few decades ago. Wendy McElroy argues that many aren't even prepared to admit that much
History does repeat itself: What happens when you knock of a prominent Democratic incumbant? Paul Weyrich believes that Sen. John Thune is learning what it felt like to be Roger W. Jepsen
Capitalism is the cure for Africa's problems: A good dose of Adam Smith would solve a lot more of Africa's problems then billions more in aid, writes Andrew Bernstein
HIV/AIDS: A primer for our youth: Phyllis E. Hughes hails steps to teach American children about the global catastrophy that HIV and AIDS have wrought
Prescription drug advertising is good for us all: Richard E. Ralston argues that banning drug advertising would be a mistake. Warning: Possible side effects from reading this article may be disagreement with its premise
US Codex delegation poised to betray the will of the American people: Act now, warns Dr. Carolyn Dean, or be faced with the prospect that an international body will be able to regulate how Americans maintain their health
Commerce Clause or escape clause?: Last week's U.S. Supreme Court decision in Gonazeles v. Raich proves that liberals and conservatives alike will ignore the constitution in order to achieve their policy goals., says W. James Antle III
Gonzales v. Raich: Another state's rights retreat: Regardless of what you think of medical marijuana, writes Robert S. Sargent, Jr., the Gonazeles v. Raich decision last week is another defeat for the rights of states to make their own policies
Exploring Muhammad's legacy: Everyone thinks they know what Islam is about. Steve Martinovich says that reading No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam will straighten out the wrongheaded beliefs of many of those people
Our unmasterable past: The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History earned the ire of many cultural commentators but Bernard Chapin says we need more books like it
The third way to metaphysical treason: Michael Moriarty believes that election 2008 will present American voters with one of two paths: the American Way or the Third Way
Congressional districts and true democracy: Republican sponsored redistricting, argues Bruce Walker, has resulted in a better functioning democracy. The numbers, he says, prove it
An entertaining couple: Mr. & Mrs. Smith may not have the deepest story in cinematic history but Lady Liberty says it's an entertaining movie thanks to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
The "do anything, say anything" Conservative Party: John Williamson reports that Canada's Conservative Party is busy these days saying and doing anything they can to gain support, even supporting policies that should be an anathema to a conservative party
Too much pain, no gain: Political change is like getting a tattoo, says Lady Liberty. Before you go ahead you should make sure what you end up with is something you can live with
A nation of assimilated immigrants: The answer to both sides in the immigration debate is an old one, argues Thomas M. Sipos. Immigrants must assimilate to American culture
Can patriots survive the PATRIOT Act?: George W. Bush may be stumping on behalf of the USA PATRIOT Act but Alan Caruba believes that conservatives should be united against it
Modern day Hitler-Stalin Pact: It may not be a formal pact but those who hate what America represents seem to share some of the same goals, writes Carol Devine-Molin
Dietary supplements under attack - again: Did you know there is an international body trying to takeover regulation of dietary supplements? Henry Lamb says it's the truth and they'll be meeting next month
Mainstream Dean: Howard Dean is proof that Democrats are disconnected from a majority of Americans, writes Dustin Hawkins
On the "to do" list for Democrats: Impeach Bush: Can't beat him so impeach him! The left has failed completely when it comes to knocking off George W. Bush during election season so now they're hinting at trying to impeach him, says Vincent Fiore
That pot of green gold at the end of the rainbow: Paul Driessen argues that many proposals to regulate bio-resources will impede progress and minimize benefits
No amnesty for the disingenuous: Last week Amnesty International backtracked -- somewhat -- from their charge that the U.S. was operating gulags around the world but Frank Salvato isn't placated
Privacy rights eroding down slippery slope: All across the United States, writes Wendy McElroy, privacy rights are increasingly taking a backseat to whatever they're put up against
Hyde's vision for the UN: Paul M. Weyrich hopes that the U.S. Senate will follow with a similar version of a House of Representatives bill that would force the U.N. to launch major reforms if it wants continued American funding
America's jobs are disappearing: Alan Caruba says the American middle-class is learning what blue collar workers learned back in the 1980s: The American job market is changing for the worse as competition for employment turns global
Lawrence of Africa: Steve Martinovich will admit some bias: Richard Zacks is one of his favourite writers. Despite that, you can trust his opinion that The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, The First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 is a rousing success
A brother's questions: Novelist Uwe Timm wrote In My Brother's Shadow: A Life and Death in the SS to try and understand a brother he never knew and a nation that went mad. Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
The good guys keep winning: About one year ago Bruce Walker predicted that pro-American conservatism would win some major victories. The past few months seem to have proven him mostly right
Metaphysical treason: Last week Michael Moriarty announced his intention to run for the presidency. This week he begins a series of essays that explains why he's making the jump
Crowe scores a knockout: Lady Liberty finds that Cinderella Man lives up to the hype thanks to an outstanding story and great acting. She also has kind words for Lords of Dogtown
A question of loyalty: The Newsweek Koran caper: Newsweek's phony story claiming that Gitmo interrogators had flushed a Koran down a toilet is just the most recent in a history of left wing media dirty tricks, stretching back to the Vietnam War, according to Nicholas Stix
The descent of Kansas: Creationists have been attempting to debate evolutionists in a battle to determine what is to be taught in America's schools but John W. Nelson isn't impressed by their tactics or arguments
All the wrong answers: Memorial Day has come and gone but Lady Liberty is still left with a lot of answers that don't jibe with the questions that many are asking
Yet another remnant of the Clinton legacy: Would it surprise you to know that the roots of criminals receiving Medicaid paid for Viagra is yet another thing we can thank Bill Clinton for? Michael M. Bates explains why
The left cares about power, not America: The political left would love to pull another Watergate and knock off a Republican president, writes Carol Devine-Molin, and they're working overtime in trying to achieve their goal
UN's Agenda 21 targets your mayor: Do you know where your mayor was last week? There's a possibility he or she was in San Francisco selling out your freedom, says Tom DeWeese
Controlling the cost of cost control: You can thank government for making health care so expensive, argues Richard E. Ralston, because its efforts to control costs
"Compromise" always positions to the left: On Capitol Hill, says Frank Salvato, if you hear the word 'compromise' you can be sure that conservatives are somehow being sold out
Conservatism: Criteria for consideration: Is Pat Buchanan right, that the conservative movement has "broken up, crumbled, dismantled"? Paul Weyrich admires Buchanan but he believes he's incorrect
"To form a more perfect union": An educated populace is usually a free one. Henry Lamb argues that it's time for Americans to re-learn why their nation's constitution is so important
Animal "rights" versus human rights: Animal rights activists aren't trying to stop drug testing on animals just because they love animals, writes Edwin A. Locke. It's because they also hate humanity
Fathers' rights victory in Massachusetts: It finally happened! Wendy McElroy reports that the fathers' rights movement won a significant victory in the state of Massachusetts
Idle voters: Voting is one of the cherished institutions of the United States but if people vote as if an election were an episode of American Idol, argues Lady Liberty, then the right is meaningless
I'm running for president in 2008: It's not every day a writer for ESR announces their intention to run for the presidency. Michael Moriarty has decided to throw his hat into the ring for 2008
France speaks: Sovereignty oui, EU constitution non: Are we supposed to like the French now? W. James Antle III argues that France's voters deserve praise for rejecting the proposed EU constitution
Mexico's coming collapse: Mexico's economy is already tottering, writes Alan Caruba, but it's going to get a lot worse because of changes occurring in the United States and across the world
To liberalize or to perish: Europe's political and economic future: Gennady Stolyarov II argues that Europe is faced with a clear decision: It either continues on the road of welfare-statism or it begins to liberalize
New life for the oldest hatred: It's not perfect but Damian Penny says that Those Who Forget the Past: The Question of Anti-Semitism is a worthy exploration of the ages-old problem of anti-Semitism
Madagascar fails to live up to expectations: There are a lot of stellar animated movies out there. Unfortunately, says Lady Liberty, Madagascar isn't one of them
Why a win : Bruce Walker believes that last week's Senate deal over the Bush administration's judicial nominees is actually a victory in the long run
The judicial god-squad: The deal to break the filibuster over several of George W. Bush's judicial nominees, writes Henry Lamb, is yet another trashing of the American constitution
Senate moderates deal: A house of cards: Conservatives have been screaming over the Senate deal but Lisa Fabrizio urges them to relax. The deal isn't worth much more than the paper it was written on
Liberals think democracy has a reset button: There seems to be little point in having the people decide for themselves, writes Justin Darr, if their decisions can be ignored at the convenience of the elite
Remembering the meaning of Memorial Day: Memorial Day deserves more than simply being for many the dividing line between when you're allowed to wear white shoes, says Michael M. Bates
A future Memorial Day in an American theocracy: James Atticus Bowden imagines what Memorial Day could be like in a radically changed America sometime in the near future
The embryonic thinking of liberals: How do Christian conservatives square the contradiction of generally supporting the death penalty and opposing stem-cell research? A. M. Siriano argues there is no contradiction
Case could freeze sperm donation: The case of Ferguson v. McKiernan, says Wendy McElroy, could create problems for people who have problems conceiving children the traditional way
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

July 2005

John Roberts moves toward the Supreme Court – carefully: It's likely that John Roberts won't be a Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas but neither will he be a David Souter. Outside of that, says W. James Antle III, we'll have to wait to learn in the years to come what kind of justice he will be
A winning pick: Bruce Walker has nothing but praise for George W. Bush's selection of John Roberts to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court
The perfect nominee: David G. Leitch may be biased -- he's a long-time friend of John Roberts -- but in his opinion his nomination to the Supreme Court was just what the country needed
Bush nominates puppy: Dustin Hawkins, on the other hand, isn't quite as impressed. He believes John Roberts may be the second coming of Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter?
Liberty vs. security: The tug of war between security and liberty continues unabated, says Charles Bloomer, and every American needs to get into the debate
The Lebanese dilemma: Despite a recent illustrious past Lebanon remains a basket case which reels from one crisis to another. Alan Caruba hopes that can change some day soon
Mao's minions: Why is Michael Moriarty running for president? Because he wants to be the man to haul America's enemies to "court"
Not equal to equal treatment: We all like to believe we live in a society which promises equal outcomes but Lady Liberty argues that reality promises differently
The Island a solid effort: Not even Billy Bob Thornton could save the remake of the Bad News Bears but Lady Liberty was happy with Michael Bay's The Island
CBS/Infinity Radio: Saving us from the truth: Frank Salvato is disappointed that CBS and Infinity Radio have refused to air ads for an upcoming symposium on the subject of terrorism
ESA debate heats up: Henry Lamb says the fight against the Endangered Species Act must be won by human beings and their right to private property
Should we ban chemotherapy too?: In order to eliminate the ravages of malaria, writes Paul Driessen, DDT must be part of a wide ranging strategy
You must remember this, a kiss isn't just a kiss: Michael M. Bates is not afraid to admit it: He's a prude who is tired of seeing people -- gay or straight -- going on extended make-out sections in public
Premises and practices of an effective rational orator: There's a right way and a wrong way to make an effective speech. Gennady Stolyarov II offers some suggestions if you want to be known as an orator
Bad research leads to bad law: A recent study which showed one-third of studies were seriously flawed explains in part why so many bad laws are passed, argues Wendy McElroy
VAWA renewal provides opportunity to stop destruction of innocent cops' careers: The Senate should use the opportunity for the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act to make sure men like Eric Washington don't suffer because of false accusations of domestic violence, says Glenn Sacks
An opportunity for conservative senators: It's not just George W. Bush who has become a big spending Republican. W. James Antle III says that conservative senators have a tremendous opportunity to make their mark
Democrat partisanship disguised as moral outrage: Charles Bloomer is not at all impressed by the manufactured Democratic outrage to allegations that Karl Rove leaked the name of a former undercover CIA operative to several reporters
The end of cheap gas: Steve Martinovich found Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy to be one heck of a wake-up call
The anti-nuclear option: Want to avoid a massive fight in the Senate over George W. Bush's Supreme Court nominee? Bruce Walker says he has just the solution
Thune's misplaced anger: Sen. John Thune's war to keep Ellsworth Air Force Base off the closure list has diminished the South Dakotan in Trevor Bothwell's eyes
Say "I do" to Wedding Crashers: Lady Liberty had a marvelous time at both Wedding Crashers and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
G-8 failure on a global scale: The results of the recent G-8 conference in England proved, writes Alan Caruba, that the world's leaders just don't get it
The "illuminated" scientific revolution: Michael Moriarty examines a scientific revolution which he charges has been trying to place humanity above the divine
Who's afraid of freedom?: As predictably as the sun rising every morning, the day after a terrorist attack usually sees a diminishing of liberty, says Lady Liberty
The forbidden book: Steve Farrell says that war for our souls depends on honouring a book that seems to have been forbidden in these modern days
Giuliani: The new Nixon?: Nicholas Stix think that Rudy Giuliani was a fine mayor but not a man he wants to see on the Republican ticket in 2008 -- even if people like David Brooks are hoping for such a thing
Lest we forget the "confusion" of Joseph Wilson: Joseph Wilson is in a weak position if he's criticizing the credibility of others, says Vincent Fiore
Originalism above all else: Steven Geoffrey Gieseler doesn't care much for labels just as long as the next Supreme Court justice is described as an "originalist"
A guide to liberal Supreme Court-speak: Lisa Fabrizio says that you're going to hear a lot of phrases over the coming weeks that will define the battle over the next Supreme Court nominee
Let the battle begin: If Republicans have to change the rules of the Senate to have George W. Bush's Supreme Court nominee confirmed, argues Henry Lamb, so be it
Are white Republicans ready for black Republicans?: Though he occasionally bumps into an idiot or two, Nelson "Joseph" Taylor says the Republican Party is the natural home of African-Americans
Joe Yellowcake's fifteen minutes of Plame-fame are finished: Joseph Plame better enjoy his time in the spotlight, writes Carol Devine-Molin, because it will all be over very soon
The mainstream media's selective terror: Journalism's currency -- words -- is being used to subvert the war on terrorism, charges Frank Salvato
The right to self-defense: A recent Supreme Court decision essentially stated that the police have no obligation to protect you. Wendy McElroy responds that means its time to make sure you can protect yourself
A somewhat less adversarial view of abortion: It's been reported recently that Democrats are beginning to relent on the issue of abortion. Paul M. Weyrich says it just isn't so...for the most part
Response to London: Bruce Walker argues that British Prime Minister Tony Blair should look to relatively recent history when deciding what his long-term response to last week's terrorist attacks in London will be
Supreme Court slugfest: Everybody has advice for George W. Bush when it comes to picking the next Supreme Court justice and W. James Antle III is no different...though his actually makes sense
Recognition of consequences: David Horowitz's latest book, The End of Time, isn't a heated polemic but rather a meditation on life, death and what it all means, says Bernard Chapin
The price of black money: Steve Martinovich had some problems with The Washing Machine: How Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Soils Us but he feels it's still an interesting introduction to the subject matter
The high cost of labor: Steve Martinovich found Giles Milton's White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam's One Million White Slaves to be a fascinating introduction to a nearly forgotten episode in history
The black sun of "society": The socialist United Nations: Why is Michael Moriarty running for president? He says it's time to unveil what socialism and its proponents are promising to the American people
Care for some tea?: The way liberty has been taking a beating over the years, writes Lady Liberty, it might be time for another tea party. Remember, lift with your back, not your knees
Bring on those .XXX internet domains: Conservatives are up in arms over plans to have an internet domain dedicated to porn web sites but Nathan Tabor says the idea has some merit
O'Connor's legacy: What is Sandra Day O'Connor's legacy? Robert S. Sargent, Jr. argues that even when she was on the right side of an issue -- such as in Kelo v. New London -- it was for the wrong reasons
Fantastic Fourlives up to its name: The critics may be lambasting Fantastic Four but Lady Liberty says it's a fun movie. Unfortunately Dark Water, starring Jennifer Connelly, isn't as successful when it comes to the horror factor
God and country in 1941: An NEA 'coming out' party: It's hard to believe, writes Steve Farrell, but the National Education Association once actually defended the cherished ideas of the United States
Conservatives fed up with 'out of touch' left: Many are focusing on the battle over the next Supreme Court justice but Carol Devine-Molin says an older war is still grinding on
Is your community being transformed?: If anyone comes around your city and tells people they want to "transform" it, says Henry Lamb, be afraid. Very afraid
Locke's illogical attack on animal rights: Last month ESR ran an essay by Dr. Edwin A. Locke attacking the animal rights movement. Dr. Robert H. Bass responds that Locke's piece was filled with "undocumented and unelaborated charges"
Animal rights and animal nuts: Alan Caruba argues that a little common sense when it comes to dealing with endangered species would go a long way to solving many problems
Who wants a nuclear Iran?: Regardless of who had won the recent Iranian elections, says Greg Strange, the results were bad news for everyone involved
Is Ariel Sharon the Charles de Gaulle of Israel?: The parallels between Charles de Gaulle's actions in Algeria and Ariel Sharon's in Gaza are remarkable, writes Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Shifting and shifty standards for court appointments: Michael M. Bates doesn't think much of Democratic demands that George W. Bush consult with them before he names someone to replace Sandra Day O'Connor
Take me out to the ball game where my home once stood: If Americans are expecting Congress to do something about outrageous decisions like Kelo v. New London they'll be waiting for a long time, writes Paul M. Weyrich
Up from Sandra Day O'Connor?: Let's get it on! Forget about the earlier judicial nominee battles, this is the fight that Senate liberals and conservatives have been preparing themselves for and W. James Antle III weighs in with some thoughts on the matter
Hail! hail! The gang's all here!: Suddenly that deal crafted by the Senate GOP on George W. Bush's judicial nominees looks a lot worse, doesn't it? Paul M. Weyrich says the fight over Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement will be much harder than it had to be
The silver linings in socialist leanings: Lady Liberty was happy with the result in Kelo v. New London because perhaps it will finally rouse John and Jane America off the couch and into the fight for liberty
Judicial activists ignore the big picture: Charles Bloomer argues that the Supreme Court once again ignored the Constitution when it ruled against hanging the Ten Commandments in a Tennessee courtroom
The "post-modern" epoch: The literary wing of the political left has declared this the post-modernist epoch of history but Michael Moriarty believes that this chapter will likely soon come to an end
War, peace and paleoconservatives: A new book puts forward a convincing argument that by staying out of foreign wars, America could enjoy a safer world. Bruce Walker finds the argument compelling but ultimately not convincing
Stem cell research: Progress and PR: Alan Caruba doesn't believe that embryonic stem cell research should be halted but he does wish that the truth about research utilizing stem cells from adults be given a fair hearing
Script dooms Spielberg's latest: Steven Spielberg is the master of the sci-fi epic, right? Not with War of the Worlds, responds Lady Liberty
The futility of throwing money at Africa: Live 8 may be over but that doesn't mean the pressure for more aid will disappear. Samuel L. Blumenfeld argues that aid is the last thing that Africa needs
Reject environmentalism, not DDT: Environmental ideology demands opposition to DDT despite the millions of malaria deaths its use could prevent, says Keith Lockitch
Oh Madison, Where art thou?: The recent beatings that the right to private property took in America's highest court makes J. David Breemer wish James Madison were alive today
Sustainable development, smart growth and Kelo: Organized theft by any name: Tom DeWeese wonders if the decision in Kelo v. New London was one of those that was influenced by international law and treaty
Happy birthday, Thomas Sowell: Legendary columnist Thomas Sowell celebrated his 75 birthday last week and Trevor Bothwell looks forward to many more years of writing by the Hoover Institute fellow
Put the "independence" back in Independence Day: Thomas Jefferson and George Washington fought a war for the principle of independence, meaning the moral right of an individual to live his own life as he sees fit, writes Michael S. Berliner
Health care independence on the Fourth of July: As you celebrate Independence Day Richard E. Ralston would like to remind you that the battle for liberty -- particularly when it comes to health care -- is never over
Congress should kill discriminatory domestic violence act: The Violence Against Women Act comes up for renewal this September and Wendy McElroy argues that Congress should take the opportunity to rid America of this Clinton-era attempt at social experimentation
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

August 2005

The listing ship of state: Lady Liberty loves lists -- she certainly makes enough of them -- and she understands why governments love them as well. Problems result, however, when citizens are the subjects of those lists
Is Bolton on a fool's errand?: Conservatives are expecting that John Bolton will launch a drive for reform of the United Nations. Alan Caruba believes there is only one way for the U.S. to send a message about what it thinks of the international body
If Iraq is so bad, why aren't we pulling out of Detroit?: More Americans will be killed on the streets of America's largest cities this year than in Iraq and yet, points out Justin Darr, no one is marching to protest that fact
The 20th century's greatest courtier: Henry A. Kissinger: Say what you will about the man, says Michael Moriarty, Henry Kissinger for all of his faults is the most skilled practitioner at the art of the courtier
Carrell's Virgin a delightful surprise: Neither is destined to be a classic but Lady Liberty enjoyed both The 40 Year-Old Virgin, starring The Office's Steve Carrell, and thriller Red Eye
Israel extends an olive branch, Hamas shoots at it: Once again Israel has made a significant concession -- perhaps the biggest it has ever made -- and once again it is being rewarded with new threats. Frank Salvato calls upon militants to rethink their strategy
Extremism versus fanaticism: Tony Blair's war on ideological "extremism" -- that is anyone who diverges from what's considered the mainstream -- is really a war against Britain's citizens, argues Gennady Stolyarov II
Singin' the Crawford blues: There weren't any high profile shark attacks this summer so the press had to concentrate on something. What was it this year? What it is most years, responds Lisa Fabrizio, how much time a Republican president spent on vacation
Cindy Sheehan: victim of liberal-left: Cindy Sheehan may believe herself to be doing something important but Henry Lamb argues that she's merely another tool of the anti-war left
It's official: The Dems are losing: The Democrats have finally figured out why they keep losing elections: the average American just doesn't understand the party. Doug Patton can only shake his head in response
Heaven sent: The court gets it right, but the activist doesn't: R.A. Hawkins offers some praise for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and a recent ruling which declared atheism to be a religion
The rest of the world: Jim Rogers proves that the best way to learn about the world -- particularly about those bits you never hear about on the news -- is to go out and actually experience it, writes Scott D. Gillette
The shell game of publicly funded education: The debate over education funding has concentrated on what level of government should be paying the tab. Nancy Salvato wonders why the government needs to be involved at all
FDR proposed private accounts: August marks the 70th anniversary of America's Social Security system and Rod D. Martin believes it's time to remember what Franklin D. Roosevelt originally planned for it
Parents promoting propriety: Hollywood may be producing a torrent of anti-family films but that doesn't mean that parents don't have resources to find family fare. Steve Lilienthal reports on one such tool, PauseParentPlay
John Roberts: A supreme property rights disaster in the making: Add one more thing conservatives can debate about Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. James S. Burling argues that Roberts' history more than suggests that he won't be very friendly to property rights if he makes it to America's highest bench
The benefits of Borking: The left is going after John Roberts with a passion and many conservatives are steamed. Bruce Walker argues, however, that their attempted borking may be a good thing in the long run
The forgotten immigration priority: Making new Americans: Immigration policy isn't simply about economics -- W. James Antle believes that welcoming people into the United States includes teaching them what it means to be an American
The Skeleton Key fails to scare: Lady Liberty says that The Skeleton Key fails thanks to a weak script, plot twists that are telegraphed in advance and poor direction
The comrade-assisted suicide of North American liberalism: What will kill the Third Way liberalism that has enraptured North America, argues Michael Moriarty, is the movement itself
Defending Pope Pius XII: Most won't believe it but Alan Caruba says that the example of Pope Pius XII proves that Jews and Catholics -- including all Christians -- ought to be steadfast allies
America at work: America's courts may not be on the side of property right but that doesn't mean that ordinary Americans have given up the battle, writes Henry Lamb
In theory: There are conspiracy theories to explain every major event in recent American history, says Lady Liberty, but no theories are needed to understand that liberty is slowly disappearing
Jeanine Pirro officially declares Senate candidacy: Hillary Clinton shouldn't think it will be a cakewalk to hold on to her Senate seat. The entry of Jeanine Pirro into the race will give her a run for her money, writes Carol Devine-Molin
Cindy Sheehan, go home: That Cindy Sheehan lost a son in Iraq is a tragedy for her family. That she's using his death to promote her anti-war politics is wrong, says Vincent Fiore
McMansions, real estate wars, and media tricks: Ever wonder who those "average Americans" are that the media quotes in their stories? Nicholas Stix did and he found out that some of them aren't so average
The war on our own citizens: Airport security: A recent encounter with airport security after returning from Europe as Gennady Stolyarov II in a philosophic mood...well, and an angry mood as well
A picture prevents a thousand votes: The state of Georgia's effort to require photo ID before being allowed to vote has nothing to do with attempting to disenfranchise anyone, argues Frank Salvato
The danger to the state: Many conservatives love to rail against the state and while Paul M. Weyrich agrees that is a worthwhile pursuit, they must also remember to defend the legitimacy of the state
Parental rights vs. public schools: Wendy McElroy argues that David Parker is a hero for fighting for the right to decide when his son is informed about human sexuality
A fee for free speech?: The logical end-result of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law may have been reached in Washington state recently, says Steve Lilienthal, ushering in an era where there truly is no such thing as free speech
On its 70th birthday, put Social Security out of our misery: End it, don't mend it. Alex Epstein writes that it's time to put an end to a morally reprehensible government program that loots Americans to exist
Shoving government health care down your throat: If you live in California and love Health Savings Accounts -- and more than a million Californians apparently do -- be prepared to join the fight against John Garamendi, declares Richard E. Ralston
Down with democracy!: There are those who worship at its altar, believing it to be the highest form of political community, but Lady Liberty argues that Americans often have as much to fear from democracy as it does outright tyranny
I went back to Ohio and my party was gone: Democrats should be less pleased about losing a race but W. James Antle III warns Republicans not to be sanguine about Jean Schmidt's victory in Ohio's Second Congressional District last week
The perfect storm: Bruce Walker, on the other hand, says Jean Schmidt's victory is the latest indication that the Democrats can't win even when the stars are aligned in their favor
Ignorance? Or dishonesty?: Whether it was the result of sheer ignorance or outright dishonesty, Charles Bloomer wasn't impressed with the hysterical reaction from the left when John Bolton was appointed U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
The 2008 elections: Newt vs. Hillary?: Alan Caruba hasn't changed his mind about Newt Gingrich: The man is simply too smart to be elected president of the United States
Where death lives: Kang Chol-Hwan's The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag is a powerful indictment of a nation that has essentially made the concept of shared humanity illegal
A berry-berry ballistic missile: The United States is facing unprecedented threats that will begin to materialize in only a few years time -- if not sooner -- and yet there are people like Ben Cohen, says Frank Salvato
A journey down the River Stix: The flirtatious dances of fascism: Michael Moriarty responds to a recent essay by another ESR writer about former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and potential future presidential candidate
Rational argumentation in text: A few weeks ago Gennady Stolyarov II tackled how to be a rational orator. This week he provides tips on how to manage that feat with the written word
Abetting North Korea's nuclear ambition: By continuing to pursue diplomacy with North Korea's tyrant, argues Elan Journo, the world is strengthening the Stalinist nation, not aiding the cause of peace and stability
The penguins are the real heroes: Sky High was a pleasant enough movie -- and one worth seeing -- but Lady Liberty thought that March of the Penguins was utterly fantastic
Roman Polanski: Crime pays!: Pedophile Roman Polanski got away with rape, and with thumbing his nose at the American criminal justice system. Nicholas Stix is outraged that he has now gotten away with a frivolous lawsuit from his French sanctuary
Kinder-transport of Israel, 2005: Masked soldiers forcing Jews onto the backs of trucks to create a Jew-free zone. Germany in the 1930s? Try Israel in August 2005, replies Ariel Natan Pasko
Next, the FTAA: Whether you're a supporter of free trade agreements or not, writes Henry Lamb, the Free Trade of the Americas Agreement is bad news for the United States
The original intent behind good government: Nancy Salvato believes that the "Fair Tax" would promote much better government, both at the state and federal level
Listening to Africans for a change: Live 8 and the recent G8 conference was all about the Western world telling Africa how to fix its mess. David Rothbard and Craig Rucker respond that perhaps the developed world should be quiet for a minute
A commendable bipartisan Congress: Paul M. Weyrich believes that Congress is being unfairly slagged. The institution actually did a lot of great work this session -- thanks to both parties
Is the Boy Scouts of America public or private?: Wendy McElroy argues that the Boy Scouts leave themselves more open to attack because they continue to accept public money
Judge Roberts and pro bono – Sincere but misplaced concern from some good people: Conservatives have nothing to fear because John Roberts once argued a pro bono case on the liberal side, argues Marion Edwyn Harrison
Populist potential: Have you heard conservative politicians talking about the power of free markets and small government lately? W. James Antle III says that people like Bernie Sanders -- a socialist who will likely be elected to the Senate -- are the only ones talking economics these days
All war all the time: The war against groups like al-Qaida is already beginning to flag thanks to the weariness of many in the West. Alan Caruba urges you to remember the other side isn't giving up anytime soon
Oh, grow up!: Growing up Lady Liberty was told by her parents that the bad kids in school were rebels. As an adult she's proud to be one of those "bad kids"
The American light: The only defense against the tyranny that seems to be threatening the free world, says Michael Moriarty, is the beacon of light emanating from the United States
The need for an active Supreme Court justice: Democrats and Republicans are united in disclaiming activist judges -- when it suits them -- but Tara Smith believes America desperately needs an activist Supreme Court justice
The Machinist offers intelligent horror: If you missed The Machinist when it briefly appeared in theatres last year, writes Lady Liberty, catch it now on DVD. Avoid, however, Must Love Dogs in any format
NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO: When it comes to free trade, argues Henry Lamb, everyone is a winner. Well, only when "everyone" doesn't include the United States
Why Lance Armstrong is important: Lance Armstrong may "only" be an athlete, writes Steven Martinovich, but he also served an important role in society
Politics is breaking up that old gang of whine: Michael M. Bates isn't shedding any tears over the difficulties that organized labour is experiencing these days
London: Suicide decoys and humanitarian terrorists?: People like Caoimhe Butterly and their helpers in the media, charges Nicholas Stix, are no less dangerous than the terrorists they advocate for
Scratch another Republican off the 2008 list: Sen. Bill Frist's flip flop on the issue of embryonic stem cell research has killed his chances in 2008, argues Doug Patton
Social responsibility doubletalk: Paul Driessen says activists attack ExxonMobil but have abominable ethical standards for themselves
The Democratic Party: Hypocrisy and revisionism: Frank Salvato isn't impressed by the efforts of several Democrats to derail the nomination of John Roberts, efforts which include outright dishonesty
Our rites of passage: There are few students who don't look forward to a school trip but Nancy Salvato believes that many teachers have their own reasons for enjoying field trips
A little Senate history from the 1960s: Paul M. Weyrich says that Senate Democrats should learn from the example of the 1960s or they'll find themselves out in the wilderness once again in 2008
On campus, only some free speech protected: As Jihad Daniel learned, writes Wendy McElroy, on campuses there is speech that people will fight to defend and speech that has no such privilege
Citizens and senatorial advice and consent - some pragmatic steps: Contacting a senator is no longer as simple of sending an email or writing a letter, says Marion Edwyn Harrison, especially if you want your opinion to actually count
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

September 2005

Rebuilding Republican credibility: Last week Charles Bloomer argued that the Republican Party was out of touch and in danger of marginalizing itself. This week he proposes some simple fixes to avoid that ugly future
Rediscovering government's limits: Sooner or later the spend-happy Republicans on Capitol Hill will learn that all parties come to an end. W. James Antle III argues the taxpayer must inevitably get tired of footing the bill
American conservatism's family stories: Steve Martinovich found Priscilla Buckley's Living It Up with National Review: A Memoir to be a charming remembrance of her time at the National Review and frequent travels around the world
Fabian normalism: Leftists rely on incremental change to advance their agenda but Bruce Walker says they're fooling themselves if they think they're winning the wider conflict
In defense of freedom: These days the right to defend oneself needs defending. Lady Liberty says some recent court decisions have placed self-defense in an increasingly precarious position
Shake, rattle and poll: George W. Bush's polling numbers may be down but Lisa Fabrizio believes you should pay the polls no mind. Despite the left's best efforts, the president wins most of the contests that really matter
Marriage, European style: Greg Strange can only shake his head at the news that the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Britain's ban against marriages between parents-in-law and their children-in-law is a breach of human rights
The fall of Da Vinci's Troy: What do Paris, The Da Vinci Code and the Trojan Horse have in common? Read Michael Moriarty's latest editorial and find out why he believes the City of Light is playing the role of the Trojan Horse today
Those New Jersey bears!: The bears in New Jersey aren't stealing picnic baskets from campers, they're walking down New Jersey's main streets. The state's response? To put up signs warnings bears to stay away from humans, says Alan Caruba
Two in a row: Charles "Trey" Wickwire lives in Houston and spent the weekend waiting for a tempestuous girl named Rita to arrive. He shares his thoughts on Katrina, Rita and the aftermath
Flightplan is a must-see: If you love suspense and drama -- not to mention the incredibly talented Jodie Foster -- Lady Liberty says get yourself a ticket to Flightplan
Socialist war on God continues: Forget about the Pledge of Allegiance, writes Steve Farrell. The American left's war against Christianity has been going on far longer
Constitution Day: America recently celebrated Constitution Day, a day when many schools are required to offer courses on the constitution, a day that Robert S. Sargent, Jr. believes is unconstitutional
Is the SCO a military confederacy?: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization holds the potential to be a powerful influence through politics and military might and needs to be watched carefully, argues Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr.
Tony Blair backs away from Kyoto: You didn't even have to blink to miss it. Earlier this month British Prime Minister Tony Blair all but buried the Kyoto Protocol and no one seemed to have noticed, says Henry Lamb
Forgiveness: Forgiveness may be the province of the Divine but Selwyn Duke argues that forgiving those who have wronged you is the finest thing that a human being can do
Raising Boys Without Men: Lesbian parents good, dads bad: These days, writes Glenn Sacks, just about anybody is judged to be a good parent. Well, anybody but men, as a new book about lesbian parents all but argues
Faith based initiative stirs debate: Earlier this month a Canadian province barred the use of the Shariah to mediate private disputes. Wendy McElroy isn't convinced that the government had the right to decide for Ontario's Muslims how they resolved issues for themselves
It takes a conservative – If only we could agree what that means: Defining what a modern conservative is has been a matter for debate for decades but these days, charges W. James Antle III, the definition seems to include big spending
Laying the bricks of blame: Now that New Orleans is to be rebuilt, says Lady Liberty, she'd like to build a huge wall around the city and lock in those she holds responsible for the death and destruction the city experienced
Heartless, hopeless Africa: Only one thing can solve the problems of Africa, writes Alan Caruba, and it's something that's in shorter supply than food
Will GOP leaders ever wake up?: Charles Bloomer argues that the Republican leadership is sleepwalking its way straight into a loss of both the presidency and Congress
Illegal immigration solution must focus on costs: Many experts focus on the law enforcement angle of illegal immigration but Rachel Alexander urges you to remember the costs it inflicts to you as a taxpayer
Risks for U.S. banks investing in China: American banks are falling over themselves to dump money into China but Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr. wonders if they fully appreciate the risks they are taking
Canada's confounding protocol minuet: Canada's new governor general -- Queen Elizabeth II's official representative to Canada -- carries quite an intellectual legacy, writes Michael Moriarty
More reasons why the Governator will win: It's official: Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for reelection. This week Bruce Walker has even more reasons why he believes the governor of California will win the next election
Cage succeeds in Lord of War: Lady Liberty was prepared to avoid Lord of War but was won over by Nicholas Cage and a fine script. She also enjoyed the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven, which stars Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo
Finally, a Democrat comes out of the wilderness: Hurricane Katrina has served as a valuable political tool for Democrats to attack George W. Bush with but there's at least one Democrat -- Donna Brazile -- who rose above petty politics, says Vincent Fiore
Illegal immigration...surely contributing to America's downfall: Felicia Benamon believes that illegal immigration poses the ultimate danger to the future of the United States and it's time to take action
Get out your bed nets: We must let Africans fight mosquitoes and disease the same way Americans are doing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina: with pesticides, argues Paul Driessen
Making a nation: The foundation of the U.S. Constitution: This past Saturday marked Constitution Day, a celebration of one of the humanity's greatest achievements. Henry Lamb urges you to remember the legacy of America's Founding Fathers
Will science trump politics in resolving abortion debate?: Is advancing technology threatening to make today's debate over abortion irrelevant? Wendy McElroy argues that the two sides may end up meeting in the middle in the not too distant future
Drowned out by Katrina, Berger gets away with it: Did you hear the news about Sandy Berger? Of course you didn't, writes Frank Salvato, because the media either wasn't looking or buried the story
NEA, the labor union for teachers: The National Education Association may portray itself as an advocate for education but Stephen M. Lilienthal says it's just another liberal union that only looks out for its members
The Great Society, America's ownership society and wars: Proving yet again that history repeats itself, Paul M. Weyrich writes that George W. Bush is learning the same lesson today that Lyndon B. Johnson learned in 1967-68: Unpopularity breeds rebellion
Can you guess the senator?: Last week John Roberts underwent extensive questioning during his Senate confirmation hearing. Marion Edwyn Harrison asks if you can figure out who the bright light was asking the questions
The flood of sympathy: Everyone is blaming government for not being adequately prepared for Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Lady Liberty wonders why the people who were affected weren't prepared for something everyone knew was going to happen sooner or later
A letter from New Orleans: It's trite to say it but out of tragedy often inspires humanity to its best moments. Robert S. Sargent, Jr. says an email written by Air Force pilot James O'Brien proves that to be entirely true
The real lessons from Katrina: Her article last week on the Hurricane Katrina blame-game provoked angry emails. This week Linda Prussen-Razzano tackles disaster preparedness
The passive-aggressive superpower: Will Europe dominate the 21st century? Mark Leonard's Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century says yes. Steven Martinovich isn't so convinced
Men of ideas: Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson: The Politics of Enlightenment and the American Founding covers ground that has been trod many times but it's a total failure, writes Steven Martinovich
Wake up, America: The alarming realities of today's reverse brain drain: The United States once attracted the best and brightest from across the world. Today, it is an exporter of human talent. David Heenan says America must act immediately to change that
Schwarzenegger's coming victory: The media may be counting Arnold Schwarzenegger out for the count but Bruce Walker believes the Austrian Oak is cruising to another victory
Kitsch from the French "Enlightenment": What does I.M. Pei's pyramid at the Louvre have to do with the cultural war between freedom and tyranny? Michael Moriarty explains all
The Man is tired and predictable: Lady Liberty loves Samuel L. Jackson and Eugene Levy but their first cinematic pair-up, The Man, is simply awful
We all lose when entitlement wins: If Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath teaches Americans anything, hopes Trevor Bothwell, it's that you can't rely on the government for everything
9-11 past, present and future: The United States hasn't suffered another terrorist attack since September 11, 2001 but Alan Caruba wonders if the government is creating new blind spots for terrorists to sneak through
Energy bringing Beijing and Tehran closer together: China's ever increasing thirst for energy, argues Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr., means that it's going to get closer to Iran politically and economically whether the West likes it or not
Upheaval at the U.N.: Everyone's eyes are focused on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina but Henry Lamb says that we should be aware that some big things are happening at the U.N.
The tyranny of the ESA and the threat of Kelo 2: The Endangered Species Act continues to wreak havoc on innocent Americans and a proposed fix by Richard Pombo will do little to solve the problem, writes Tom DeWeese
Their dirty little secrets: Democrats say they are a party that has lost its way -- that's why they continue to lose elections -- but Sara Pentz says their agenda has always remained the same
Paternity case marks progress for defrauded fathers: American men -- in New Jersey at least -- have finally won the right not to be lied to when a woman tells them that the child she has given birth to is theirs, says Wendy McElroy
Help in Katrina's aftermath: Much ink has been spilled on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina but that's not stopping Paul M. Weyrich from adding his own comments
Bush legacy now hinges on Supreme Court: Most of George W. Bush's grand ideas for his second term have evaporated but Doug Patton says the president still has one way to cement his legacy for posterity
America as a Third World nation: The near collapse of society in New Orleans is the result of the false promises that government has been making to Americans for decades, says Alan Caruba
Closer scrutiny reveals the lies surrounding Katrina evacuation and recovery: There is plenty of blame to go around over the tragedy caused by Hurricane Katrina but Linda Prussen-Razzano says the Bush administration is taking far too much flack
Can extremists shelve the politics long enough to help the country?: It was barely hours after the first reports out of New Orleans chronicled the destruction that Frank Salvato received an email that signaled how politicized the story would become
Did NAFTA damage the prospects of free trade?: NAFTA supporters promised huge benefits from the trade treaty but the outcome has been less than remarkable. W. James Antle III wonders if free trade itself has taken a hit as a result
A very good investment (and a very bad idea): Withdrawing American soldiers from Iraq would save blood and treasure, writes Bruce Walker, but it would also be a case of being penny wise and dollar foolish
The war on America: Gary Schneider writes that The ACLU vs America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values builds a strong case against the left's leading civil rights advocate
Hollywood and the media: Liberals' last resort: Christian Hartsock says that Hollywood Nation: Left Coast Lies, Old Media Spin and the New Media Revolution is a successful expose of a corrupted Hollywood culture
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: Wife and witness to a presidential high crime?: If Sen. Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency in 2008, writes Michael Moriarty, he wants to know what she knew about Janet Reno's decisions at Waco
Forty-six of 47 U.S. biosphere reserves fail to meet U.N. requirements: News that nearly all of America's biosphere reserves are failures should be cause enough for Americans to once again reject a UN program they never supported, says Henry Lamb
Katrina blows Sheehan, gay marriage off the screen: The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina is deservedly the top story but Sharon Hughes says that doesn't mean that politics as usual has stopped
China and the concept of Global Strategic Positioning: China's rapid rise isn't an accident but the result of a carefully thought out process that sees relationship building as a cornerstone of its foreign policy, writes Frederick W. Stakelbeck, Jr.
Latinos call for reform: Social Security reform won't just shore up the system, says Ursula Williams, but it will also allow Latinos to take control of their own investments and promote wealth creation
On old-fashioned progress: The political left is often described as society's chief agent of change but Gennady Stolyarov II responds that simply isn't the case
D-Day for the death tax: On Tuesday the "death tax" -- which has battered Americans for nearly a century -- may itself finally expire, says Rod D. Martin
The food police finally get their smoking gun: A study claims that eating French fries may cause you to develop cancer. Does it matter that the study has already been disputed by newer studies? Not to the food police, says Tom DeWeese
Governor says we're forced to live in a democracy: Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has never been mistaken for a rocket scientist but recent comments he made about living in a democracy were idiotic by any measure, says Michael M. Bates
Portside assault on the USS Iowa: San Francisco's refusal to be the home port for the retired USS Iowa makes a mockery of the left's claims to support the military, writes Lisa Fabrizio
Time to celebrate man's mind: On Labor Day, We should honor man's mind, not men's muscles, as the real source of wealth and progress, argues Fredric Hamber
Reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act: The battle moves to conference: The battle over the USA PATRIOT Act is far from over, writes Stephen M. Lilienthal, and Americans still have a chance to have their voices heard
Gender bias in domestic violence treatment: A home for battered women considered hiring a man to run the institution and that got feminists -- who ostensibly work to eradicate gender bias -- angry, reports Wendy McElroy
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

October 2005

Negotiating with our murderers: Someone was bound to suggest it sooner or later. Alan Caruba responds to one academic's musing that perhaps the U.S. should offer to sign a truce with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida -- enemies sworn to only to destroy
It's about judicial philosophy, not personal views: W. James Antle III is less interested in what Harriet Miers personally believes than if she is the constitutionalist that George W. Bush maintains she is
The fall of government: Those in government may be on a relentless drive to expand their power but Lady Liberty says they don't have to act unopposed. Get involved
Dressing like a man: Despite no excuse for doing so, men continue to dress appallingly. Steve Martinovich says Men's Style: The Thinking Man's Guide to Dress is one way to fix that problem
A handheld civics lesson: It isn't perfect but in this age of shoddy civics classes, writes Steven Martinovich, The Pocket Book of Patriotism is a good educational aid about the basics of the United States
A year after election, Obama is still a superstar: He has a voting record not much less liberal than Ted Kennedy but even Republicans in Illinois love him, writes Michael M. Bates
The UNternet: Having nations like China and Cuba with a voice in Internet governance is as bad an idea as Libya on the UN Human Rights Commission, argues Keith D. Cummings
China and Mexico: Improved relations raise questions: As with other nations in the region, reports Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr., China is developing a closer relationship with Mexico and that means nothing good for the United States
A defense of the right: Gennady Stolyarov II argues that the right -- which doesn't necessarily mean conservatism -- still stands for the same things that it did hundreds of years ago: reason, progress, liberty, and free markets
The American Catholic Enlightenment: Although he's busy with acting and running for president, that's not stopping Michael Moriarty from reorganizing the Catholic Church
The oracle of Delphi: GM's pension disaster and what it means for social security: The collapse of Delphi provides a valuable example why Social Security needs to be reformed, says Rod D. Martin
Anti-military, anti-recruitment and our youth: The propaganda doesn't change, just the players: Anti-war activists are working overtime to try and block the recruitment of Americans into the U.S. military. Sharon Hughes wonders what supporters of the military are going to do about it
A conservative house, divided against itself, cannot stand: The Bush administration may not be perfect -- far from it -- but the conservative movement's drive to punish the president for his choice of Harriet Miers will also destroy the movement itself, argues Frank Salvato
Sustainable development vs. private property rights: Henry Lamb argues that sustainable development is nothing less than an attack on property rights. What's scarier? Most Americans don't seem to mind
Cultural competence: Coming to a school near you?: What is cultural competence? No one is quite sure but Wendy McElroy says that your child may soon have a new politically correct hurdle to jump
Press, politics and public persuasion: Paul M. Weyrich remembers the days -- and believe it or not they actually existed -- when journalists kept their personal opinions out of news stories
Pin the note on the student: Two bills were introduced last week to aid the student victims of Hurricane Katrina. One of them helps solve their problems, the other is a sop to teachers' unions, writes Nancy Salvato
The U.N.'s "virtue" is its vice: The United Nations' greatest virtue -- it's alleged neutrality -- is also the same reason why the organization should be dismanted, argues Elan Journo
Preventing the next firestorm: Preventing the catastrophic effects of hurricanes is beyond America's power but Thomas M. Bonnicksen and Chadwick D. Oliver say there is no reason to not be prepared for large wildfires
PBS declares war on dads: Last week PBS ran a documentary which Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks say portrays divorced dads as batterers and child molesters who steal children from their mothers
The debate over the Miers nomination: Some fear for the future of the Republican Party and conservatism in general as the internecine battle over the Harriet Miers nomination reaches a fevered pitch but Charles Bloomer says that questioning leadership is never a bad thing
Did Bush have no choice but to pick Miers?: Some Republicans are arguing that George W. Bush had no choice but to pick a person like Harriet Miers due to his party's weakness but W. James Antle III isn't buying it
Bush moves the Supreme Court to the left: When George W. Bush was elected in 2000, writes David T. Pyne, no one in the conservative movement could have expected that his nominees would actually move the High Court to the left
The mutating virus of militant Islamism: Steve Martinovich rarely describes a book as a "must read" but he does so with Fawaz Gerges' The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global, an exploration into why militant Islam switched targets and attacked the West
Creating freedom in Iraq: Regardless of what happens with Iraq's vote on its proposed constitution, argues Henry Lamb, the people of that nation are creating a government for themselves, not having it imposed on them
The advent of freedom?: Onkar Ghate believes that freedom won't come to Iraq if the proposed constitution is approved because the document grants virtually unlimited power to the state
Hearts and minds of the ummah: America's war on terrorism is working, says Alan Caruba, and if you want proof of that, just ask al-Qaida's Ayman al-Zawahiri
The Marxist confessional: Worldwide psychiatry: Michael Moriarty was recent profiled in the pages of Canadian conservative magazine Western Standard, a story he considers little more than a hatchet job
Storm warning: Lady Liberty discusses the warning signs of a police state, and how we deserve what we get if we don't make some advance preparations for what is to come
Patience and thanks: It may be a theme of the times but everyone expects instant results. Bruce Walker reminds us that significant change can take time. Remember what the world looked like just 25 years ago?
Less than the some of its parts: In Her Shoes is a muddled mess, writes Lady Liberty, and ended up being predictable and very boring
Who is President Bush?: The nomination of Harriet Miers -- and his actions since 2000 -- argues Keith D. Cummings, proves that George W. Bush may be many things but a conservative he is not
Marshall vs Miers: One of the chief criticisms of Harriet Miers is her lack of experience on the bench but Thomas E. Brewton points out that one famous Chief Justice of the past was also attacked for being unqualified
Washington's adventures in advertising: It's not enough that Washington, D.C. takes your money to provide programs you may not want, says Michael M. Bates, they'll also take your money to sell those programs to you
Austrian School arguments on the free market origin of money: Gennady Stolyarov II doesn't buy the orthodox argument that money was created by king, committee or state. It's obvious, he writes, that money came into being because of free markets
In defense of David Dreier: Despite the outcry in some quarters, Rep. David Dreier brings much to the table as part of the House GOP leadership team, says Chris Kinnan
Bush and the "New Environmentalism": A. M. Siriano urges George W. Bush to ignore the calls from people like Dick Morris to embrace the "coming green revolution"
Speculation about selecting the next Congress: Mid-term congressional elections are traditionally ugly for the party in power and it doesn't look very pretty for the Republican hold on the Senate, writes Paul M. Weyrich
Victims versus victimhood: The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina prompted Wendy McElroy to consider the differences between victims and the politically charged concept of victimhood
A cure for hate crimes: Stephen M. Lilienthal says that an amendment to the proposed Children's Safety Act opens Americans to the possibility of being brought up for speaking politically incorrect thoughts
Beyond Bush: Sooner than expected George W. Bush's presidency has fallen into lame duck status. Republicans may be displeased but W. James Antle III argues that the wider conservative movement should look at this as an opportunity to figure out what happens after Dubya has left the stage
Speak now, or forever hold your peace: Americans may believe their right to free speech is inviolate but Lady Liberty says the First Amendment has been taking a bit of a beating recently
A good choice: Many conservatives are unhappy about the nomination of Harriet Miers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor but Bruce Walker fully supports the decision
Conservatives should cut Miers some slack: Conservatives have plenty of reasons to be angry at George W. Bush but when it comes to his judicial nominees, says Lisa Fabrizio, he's been flawless to date
With Miers Dubya disappointed: Michael Bates, on the other hand, believes that George W. Bush missed an opportunity to place another solid and reliable conservative on the bench -- will Harriet Miers be his David Souter?
Is it time for conservatives to leave the Republican Party?: The nomination of Harriet Miers is the last straw for Keith D. Cummings. He wonders if its time for conservatives to ditch the party that claims to represent them
Horace Mann's balanced vision for public education: Steve Farrell believes that America's education system would better serve the nation if it followed the words and teachings of education pioneer Horace Mann
Just as you suspected: The doctor at the government hospital is Dr. Bureaucrat: Daniel M. Ryan recently learned the hard way what it's like when the government -- such as what occurs in Canada -- runs a country's health care system
The population problem: If you thought the debate over the "population bomb" was long over, writes Robert S. Sargent, Jr., then you've missed the work of Dr. Neal G. Lineback -- an expert who creatively ignores the facts
If Dan Brown is right...: Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code was an example of grossly inaccurate Christian history but what if the basic story is essentially correct? Michael Moriarty explores that theme this week
All the jihadi news fit to distort: Greg Strange could little but laugh at the absurdity presented by al-Qaida with their new news service, one that actually makes al-Jazeera look like a credible and professional outlet
Pre-occupied with Miers, America misses that terrorists get nukes: Once again the mainstream media -- busy covering relatively minor issues -- missed a major story about Iran's nuclear weapons program, charges Frank Salvato
I nominate Jimmy Carter: Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a president and he's still managing to be out of the loop on issues, says Alan Caruba
Pacino's latest is a push: Outside of Al Pacino, who isn't given that much to work with, Lady Liberty says Two for the Money isn't a winning bet if you're looking for a good movie
Don't blame the devil this Halloween: Everyone wants maximum freedom, says Thomas M. Sipos, but no one seems to want to take responsibility for the media they consume and their resulting actions
Does federal spending meet "The Tenth Amendment Challenge?": How big would America's federal government be if it were forced to only fulfill its constitutional responsibilities? Stephen M. Lilienthal would love to find out
A white oppressor? Who me?: Only in times like these, writes Wendy McElroy, can a university bar discrimination on the basis of race and hold a seminar that white women are barred from attending
English fluency: The foundation of success: You probably could live your entire life in the United States without having to speak English but be prepared to be poor, says Nancy Salvato
Sovereignty or subjugation: Tacking on an international tax: Unless you want to grant even more power to the international constellation of alphabet agencies working towards world government, writes Paul M. Weyrich, working against an international tax should be your highest priority
The indictment of Tom DeLay and Jeb Eddy: Frank Salvato could do little but shake his head last week with the indictment of Rep. Tom DeLay and the fake Republican from California who claimed to be ashamed of his own party
Decisions, decisions: Many people make decisions for what they honestly believe are the best and noble reasons but Lady Liberty says that those decisions are often very bad choices
Republicans hit rock bottom: An optimist could say that there's nowhere to go but up. W. James Antle III, however, sees little reason to be anything but cynical as the Republican Party collapses
Listening to losers: Alan Caruba wonders why anyone is paying any attention to either Gary Hart or Cindy Sheehan when it comes to the war in Iraq
Serenity now!: Lady Liberty was a little disappointed by the widely praised A History of Violence but thought that Serenity was an enjoyable extension of the departed Firefly television series
Sell federal land: It's the best idea to come out of Washington, D.C. in years. Henry Lamb thinks Rep. Tom Tancredo's idea to sell federal land to pay for Hurricane Katrina reconstruction is a marvelous one
Our next president: Rudy Giuliani: This past weekend Rudy Giuliani announced he will take the next year to decide whether he wants to run for president. Michael Moriarty responds that it's a fait accompli if he throws his hat into the ring
Arnold does the right thing for the wrong reason: Doug Patton agreed with Arnold Schwarzenegger's vetoing of a gay marriage bill but he believes the governor's announced justification doesn't pass muster
China experiments with body parts: Chinese cosmetics made from the skin of executed criminals and aborted babies? Nathan Tabor wonders where the outrage is -- or are people too busy trying to be beautiful?
Cosmetics from human skin and other uses of organic robots: News that a Chinese cosmetics company is selling beauty products made from human skin doesn't shock Selwyn Duke. He argues that many Americans are supporting something that isn't that much different
The iron fist inside the velvet glove of labour law: Just down the road from the home of Enter Stage Right up in northern Canada, says Steve Martinovich, a group of employees are being forced to join an organization they do not support
The peace movement? Same old song and dance: Outside of operating through front organizations communists have kept a low profile concerning the War on Terror. Not any more, writes Lisa Fabrizio
Disasters drive home basic truths: In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and other recent tragedies, writes Michael M. Bates, it is important to remember what really counts in the world
Intelligent design is back again: If you thought the whole evolution vs. creation debate was finally settled, says Daniel M. Ryan, it's back again with the rise of intelligent design
And the next nominee to the High Court?: Now that John Roberts has been installed as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Paul M. Weyrich can't help but wonder what drama will solve the next selection to replace Sandra Day O'Connor
The hunter (and hunted) at rest: The media was full of praise on the news of Simon Wiesenthal's death last month. A. M. Siriano wonders why the Nazi hunter wasn't shown more respect while he was living
The culture war's Battle of Lexington: David Parker represents the next big battle between conservatives and liberals -- and not even America's kindergarten children will be spared from the fight, says Wendy McElroy
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

November 2005

Who's afraid of Osama bin Laden?: More than a little over four years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which earned him America's full attention, Osama bin Laden is little more than a boogeyman who has become irrelevant, writes Alan Caruba
Republican John Murthas needed to rethink Iraq: Republicans may be attacking Rep. John Murtha for his comments advocating the immediate withdrawal of soldiers from Iraq but W. James Antle III argues the GOP needs a few Murthas of its own
Abandoning the Democrats' timeline idea, that's a good thing: The rejection of the Democrats' artificial timeline for leaving Iraq was a welcome development, argues Frank Salvato
Is this Iraq's Walter Cronkite moment?: Steve Martinovich isn't questioning whether Rep. John Murtha is an honourable man but he believes the congressman's comments may end up destroying the war effort
How to win the war in Iraq: David T. Pyne argues that declaring victory in Iraq requires a rethinking of American goals
Overheard (or not) on Election Day: There's plenty of talk every election day, says Lady Liberty, but she never hears anyone question the "popular wisdom" that most seem to take for granted
Next to perfect: Seeing Walk the Line is almost as good as seeing Johnny Cash live in person, writes Lady Liberty. She also reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Catholics versus the Thanatics: Michael Moriarty believes that the next major war will see Catholics lined up against those who worship nothing but death
Don't blame Bush: George W. Bush has been feeling some heat over Republican losses in the recent elections but Charles Bloomer argues that when it comes to Virginia, the president had little to do with the outcome
Left turn ahead?: Henry Lamb wonders if Republicans and conservatives are setting the stage for a country-wide swing to the left with their constant attacks on George W. Bush
Tactical maneuvers: The Republicans may not be doing great, says Lisa Fabrizio, but the Democrats don't have much to crow about either
Recycled lunacy: Did you know that last Tuesday marked America Recycles Day? Trevor Bothwell did and he celebrated the only way he knew how: by not sorting his paper and plastic
United Nations reform: In a recent speech to the Bloomfield, Michigan's Republican Women's Club Tom DeWeese outlines what he believes is the only realistically possible reform of the United Nations
ShopGirl vs. ShopBoy: Men can't shop as well as women? Kerry L. Marsala believes that the hairier and sweatier sex is just as capable of blowing way too many hours at the mall
Girls, get your guns: The issue of firearms rights has been overshadowed lately but Wendy McElroy says it's time for women (and men) to stand up for their constitutional right to bear arms
Murrow, McCarthy and the media: Good Night, and Good Luck may have garnered critical praise but Michael M. Bates says that history records a different version of events surrounding Edward R. Murrow
Thanksgiving: The producer's holiday: This holiday is designed to celebrate, not faith and charity, but thought and production, says Gary Hull
Environmental degradation and evangelicals: The National Association of Evangelicals used to be about moral issues but like some evangelical organizations, writes Paul M. Weyrich, it's been sidetracked by unrelated issues
Assimilation breakdown: France's ethnic riots, writes W. James Antle III, should be an instructive lesson to those in the United States who believe that assimilating vast numbers of immigrants is a relatively simple matter
The European intifada: Though it likely won't, Alan Caruba hopes that the rioting in France will wake Europe from its centuries long slumber when it comes to the issue of militant Islam
Unions divided: The reasons why labour unions and America's government are losing the popular support of the people are remarkably similar, notes Lady Liberty
Antonin Scalia's book review of Law's Quandary: Robert S. Sargent, Jr. hails a new book review of Steven D. Smith's Law's Quandary written by none other than U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
An idea whose time has come: Although it's been decried as a destabilizing process in the past, Bruce Walker argues that balkanization can actually be a cure for many current geopolitical problems
Ravishing light: America's greatness can continue, writes Michael Moriarty, if she maintains the faith in the "ravishing light" that revolutionary and president John Adams once referred to
Zathura fun and exciting: While Lady Liberty was pleased by the thriller Derailed, she particularly enjoyed the more fiction than science movie Zathura
When politics has no time for government: Democrats, and more than a few Republicans, seem more interested in playing the game of politics than actually governing, writes Frank Salvato
Leadership lip service: Although the Republican Party talks a good talk about reaching out to the African-American community, says Paul M. Weyrich, when given the chance they never miss an opportunity to do the wrong thing
Bush is back: Since being re-elected last year, argues Christian Hartsock, George W. Bush has been adrift and ignoring his conservative base. The past month or so, he says, Dubya may have regained his form
Objectivism still raises that ire: An explanation why: Despite its notable contributions to political, ethical and economic philosophy, Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy still raises hackles among many -- including conservatives. Daniel Ryan explains why
"Retiring" to Israel like Abraham: These days Israel is actively courting young Jews to come and make a life in Israel. Ariel Natan Pasko proposes that older Jews also receive enticements
It takes a village (to corrupt a child): Alisa Craddock argues that the battle to forcibly teach your child about sex in all its variety has some powerful forces arrayed against parents
The education of our children should not be left to the state: Lee R. Shelton IV doesn't feel much sympathy for parents whose authority is being threatened by the public education system. What did they expect when they turned their children over to a government-run education system?
The Ninth Circuit: Out of control judicially and otherwise?: The decision that got Lee R. Shelton IV steamed was courtesy of the Ninth Circuit, a federal circuit court that Marion Edwyn Harrison argues needs to be reformed
Joe Biden does Kentucky: Sen. Joe Biden, during a recent road trip through Kentucky, showed exactly why Democrats continue not to get religion, writes Lisa Fabrizio
PBS film ignites fathers' rights debate: The firestorm over PBS' airing of Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories continues as accusations of inaccuracy dog the documentary, reports Wendy McElroy
Getting serious about the Supreme Court: The war over failed Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers -- and the coming storm surrounding new nominee Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. -- may finally prompt the Republicans to get serious about Supreme Court nominees, says W. James Antle III
The devaluation of freedom: War is indeed a nasty, brutish business but sometimes it's absolutely necessary to shoulder a pack and carry a rifle to defend your nation's values, writes Lady Liberty
It's getting colder, not warmer: Forget about global warming, says Alan Caruba, as much of the available evidence seems to suggest that we're in for a new ice age, not a life of drought and rising seas
William Jefferson Davis Clinton's very own Eugenics, Inc.: Michael Moriarty's run for president is all about reversing Roe v. Wade and stopping the worldwide murder industry
Infidelity chic: Undressing Infidelity: Why More Wives are Unfaithful is the latest in a series of books that promotes infidelity and it couldn't even do that skillfully, says Bernard Chapin
The trenches of Iraq and Minnesota: You can skip the horrid The Legend of Zorro, writes Lady Liberty, but Jarhead and North Country are two must sees
Thucydides and Plato on Iraq and the United States: Will a future historian on the order of Thucydides look back at the United States and its weakening on the issue of Iraq and cast a poor judgment on its people, asks Thomas E. Brewton
China and e-banking: China's growing economic power is also translating into an increasing influence in banking -- particularly electronic banking, reports Frederick Stakelbeck, Jr.
Reid fires the first shot of what should be a nuclear confrontation: If Henry Reid really wants a fight over the truth behind the Iraq war, writes Frank Salvato, then Republicans should give it to him
Preserving culture, or curtailing freedom?: Wendy McElroy argues that the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, approved by UNESCO last month, is an attack on free speech and expression
Are religion and morality the same thing?: Alisa Craddock believes that religion does indeed have a role to play in modern political discourse and decision making
It takes a village to destroy a child: Ritalin is one of the most prescribed drugs in the United States and its full effects -- particularly negative ones -- still aren't fully known, writes Tom DeWeese
Giving real meaning to Veterans Day: Honoring our past soldiers requires that we ask our future ones not to sacrifice their values, but to uphold them, says Edwin A. Locke
Eleanor Smeal: The Supreme Court and the rebirth of anti-Catholicism?: Did you know that if Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. takes a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court that there will be five Catholics on the High Court? You probably didn't but Marion Edwyn Harrison noted that Eleanor Smeal certainly did
Halloween and Javier: Illegal immigrants are celebrated in Hollywood: The rest of America may be getting more serious about illegal immigration but that doesn't mean Hollywood is, as Nancy Salvato recently learned while watching television with her son
An invasion of the right to a personal opinion: Stephen M. Lilienthal warns that the Conyers Admendment -- one designed to tackle hate crime -- is little more than an attack on the belief that all people are equal before the law
Put Medicare prescription drugs on hold: Quite frankly, argues Richard E. Ralston, the United States cannot afford the Medicare prescription drug program that is due to launch in a few months time
Saluting the streetcars: After decades of slowly phasing them out -- over the objections of their loyal riders -- many cities are now bringing back streetcars, reports Paul M. Weyrich
Dobson's choice: Values voting or evangelical identity politics: Harriet Miers not only revealed the deep divisions within the conservative movement, writes W. James Antle III, it also showed that the Christian right -- long held to be united thanks to religion is hardly a hegemonic entity
Quag-Miers: When choosing the next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, Keith D. Cummings hopes that George W. Bush doesn't succumb to the belief that he needs to follow some artificial quota
Conservatives rebuked Bush, not Miers: Trevor Bothwell argues that the conservative movement's anger over the Miers nomination wasn't about Harriet Miers herself, but rather George W. Bush's poor relations with his conservative base
The Harriet Miers nomination: Ideology over process: Frank Salvato blames what he terms as the "far right" for defeating the Miers nomination and seriously weakening the Bush administration
Clooney's Good Night is brilliant: Lady Liberty enjoyed The Weather Man, which stars the always quirky Nicholas Cage, but she has nothing but lavish praise for George Clooney's Good Night, and Good Luck
We will prevail: An interview with David Horowitz: Bernard Chapin chats with FrontPageMagazine publisher and conservative activist David Horowitz
Treacherous journalism: Alan Caruba felt nothing but disgust at the media's ignorant coverage of the fact that American fatalities in Iraq have reached 2 000 killed soldiers
Two thousand!: The loss of a single American soldier -- much less 2 000 -- is a somber fact but Greg Strange says that those fatalities need to be placed in proper context
Ignorance is strength: Knowledge used to equal power but these days, Bruce Walker notes, that ignorance -- whether in the worlds of political, academic or media -- truly is strength
An actual Joseph McCarthy: The left may preach about the evils of McCarthyism but Dustin Hawkins believes that recent events have proved that the Democrats are the only true McCarthyites today
The grinch who stole my Halloween: Kerry L. Marsala had fond memories of Halloween from her childhood but a brush with the modern version has her pining for the old days
Eco-imperialism and the drive to destroy the free market: Tom DeWeese reports on Max Keiser, a new breed of environmentalist activist who uses the stock market to push their demands of "corporate social responsibility" onto companies
Is your private property in jeopardy?: Your right to private property used to be inviolate, writes Henry Lamb, but these days it's subject to a series of conditions
The second term curse: Why have American presidents over the past half century traditionally had a difficult time during their second terms? Justin Darr says you can blame it all on the 22nd Amendment
Lame duck blues: Doug Patton has some advice for George W. Bush if he wants to survive the next two years: ignore the political left and get himself a real friend
We're not in Kansas anymore: Dispelling the myths about school choice once and for all: Myths and distortions are responsible for the failure of the Family Education Reimbursement Act to pass in Congress, writes Nancy Salvato
Death to "diplomacy" with Iran: European "diplomacy" with Iran -- now supported by Washington -- is self-destructive, argues Elan Journo
Miracle cure, or murky research?: The media -- not to mention women -- have been going wild over Herceptin, a therapeutic drug for breast cancer, but Wendy McElroy isn't entirely sold thanks to studies which cast some doubt on its efficacy
Fitting in with fools - Callie Woodlief
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

December 2005

Politics without mavericks: Eugene McCarthy and William Proxmire, who both passed away earlier this month, were two rogues unafraid of taking a principled stand. Who are their successors? W. James Antle III can't find any
Ding-dong, global warming is dead!: Supporters of the traditional cant on global warming may not know or believe it, writes Alan Caruba, but their pet cause is stumbling to its grave
Special effects drive King Kong: Story-wise it didn't have much going for it but Peter Jackson's first movie since the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a special effects masterpiece, says Lady Liberty of King Kong
Are we not men?: If Michael Moriarty is elected president in 2008 he will declare war on those who would turn men into nothing more than insects
Mr. President, stay the course: Let the Democrats and the media carp about Iraq all they want, argues Henry Lamb, as long as George W. Bush continues America's work in bringing freedom to that nation
Tehran's plan for Iraq: The greatest fear of many -- growing Iranian influence over the newly liberated nation of Iraq -- seems to be coming to pass and it's the Iraqis who are working towards it, report Frederick Stakelbeck, Jr. and Erick Stakelbeck
Mappy Christmukuhstice, everybody!: Lady Liberty argues that at the hear of the Merry Christmas! vs. Happy Holidays! war is that everyone seems eager to be offended
It’s time to support ANWR drilling: Efforts to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are slowly moving forward but it's not a given that America will one day unlock those energy reserves, says Paul Driessen
Utopian solutions versus real corporate social responsibility: It's been a difficult year for The Doe Run Company due to attacks by advocates for so-called corporate responsibility but Father Philip DeVous says the company should be proud of its actions
The ACLU and what war on Christmas?: After weeks of news stories proclaiming a war on Christmas it shouldn't be surprising that the ACLU and its supporters would respond. Michael M. Bates states that they were less than truthful about their role in the conflict
Poll watching: Every day a new poll appears that suggests Americans are displeased with the Bush administration and yet most prominent Democrats seem to act contrary to their conclusions. That should tell you something, writes Lisa Fabrizio
Arming our students with knowledge: Students who achieve academically have few forums in which to promote themselves but Nancy Salvato says a competition she recently judged at fills an important niche
A congressional calamity: Mired in allegations: It's difficult to have an effective Congress when the institution seems to be mired in scandal, notes Paul M. Weyrich
Don't jail domestic violence victims: Women who have already suffered brutality are now being thrown in jail if they refuse to testify against their abusers, writes Wendy McElroy
Gambling on risk allocation: Four years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, America's ports are poorly secured while money is being spent on protecting low priority targets, charges Stephen M. Lilienthal
The "windfall profits" smear: Alex Epstein argues that American oil companies have earned their tremendous profits by doing what consumers want them to do: keep the gas flowing
Why "guest workers" won't work: George W. Bush's recently revived guest worker program proposal attempts to straddle both sides of the immigration debate, argues W. James Antle III, which is why it is doomed to fail
Big Brother is getting bigger: 1984 used to just be a novel but these days the technologies and tactics George Orwell described and feared six decades ago are being translated into reality today, writes Lady Liberty
They just don't get it: Alan Caruba has to be honest: He just doesn't understand how today's anti-war protesters think. They defend tyranny overseas while demanding their constitutional freedoms in America
An excellent executive order option: Anti-war protesters shout that they want the boys back home from Iraq. Bruce Walker argues that George W. Bush should give them the chance to see if the soldiers themselves want to come home
Defining victory in Iraq: Despite what the naysayers chant, writes Henry Lamb, ultimate victory in Iraq is not only achievable but it's vitally necessary
Justice done for Lewis masterpiece: C.S. Lewis was always afraid of his masterpiece The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe receiving the big screen treatment but Lady Liberty says the first book was translated brilliantly
Part of JFK's legacy lingers in Baghdad: If it wasn't for a foolish decision that John F. Kennedy made four decades ago, writes Michael M. Bates, the world never would have heard the name Ramsey Clark
My very own long march: Every hero needs a nemesis and for Michael Moriarty that is none other than ex-president Bill Clinton
Politics, 2005: Observations from the cheap seats: The end of the year draws near and that means it's time for Vincent Fiore to hand out his Vincent Awards
I want to be a Democrat: No word of a lie, A. M. Siriano wants to be a Democrat. Why? So he can help destroy the party just like other Democrats like Howard Dean and Michael Moore are doing
The AMT must be destroyed: Delenda est AMT. The Alternative Minimum Tax harms both Americans and the businesses they own and it's time for its death, argues Rod D. Martin
IRS proceeding of a different nature: The IRS is attempting to strip a church of its tax-free status because a priest used a sermon to endorse John Kerry last year and Paul Weyrich says the federal agency is in the wrong
PBS continues probe into biased film: Will PBS pay a price for its blatantly biased documentary about children being sent to live with allegedly abusive fathers? Wendy McElroy says the wheels are in motion
Silencing Silent Night: E. Ralph Hostetter argues that Christians should answer those attempting to drive religion out of Christmas with nothing more than song
"Holiday Wars" highlight need for school choice: The Christmas vs. Happy Holiday battle is being fought in America's schools as well but Thomas M. Sipos has a solution for that battleground
Who is accusing whom of having an agenda?: Nancy Salvato says that a recent attack on the popular We The People: The Citizen And The Constitution series of textbooks on civics is misguided
Why we need the Freedom In Education Act: Tom DeWeese responds those textbooks and others being used in American schools teach school children to be globalists instead of Americans
Big mother: The worst kind of tyranny may not be the murderous totalitarian state of communism or fascism but the ostensibly democratic state that is determined to protect you from yourself, writes Lady Liberty
Getting the religious right wrong: The religious right is the big bad boogeyman of American politics. W. James Antle III argues that the movement is hardly terrifying given how few successes it enjoys
The perfidy of ex-presidents: It used to be that an ex-president wrote a memoir and disappeared quietly. These days, writes Alan Caruba, the ghosts of presidents past refuse to go away
Thanking American oilmen: Hated by many the American oilman has saved the world and made our lives better. For that, argues Bruce Walker, he should be thanked daily
The warrior soul: George S. Patton was a complicated man and one of the greatest generals in the history of warfare. John W. Nelson says that Trevor Royle's Patton: Old Blood and Guts is a worthy exploration of the man
Skin deep: That Charlize Theron looks great in skin tight outfits is undeniable but Lady Liberty says there isn't much else going for Aeon Flux
South Asian spying eyes: Is China planning on eventually RFID tagging every single one of its citizens? Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr. says that the communist giant has all but announced its intention to lead the world in the use of the tracking technology
A nation worthy of its army: The secret to Iraq's future as a peaceful and democratic nation may not be elections but the character of her soldiers, writes James Atticus Bowden
The culture war knows no season: It's the Christmas season and that only means one thing, writes Michael M. Bates: the war between Christians and those who say "Happy Holidays!"
Judicial activism no better from the right: Trevor Bothwell argues that conservatives have plenty of reasons to be steamed by judicial activism but should choose public activism to counter them
The battle on campus: The latest generation of conservatives on campus are ready to do battle, explains Brendan Steinhauser in an excerpt from his new book The Conservative Revolution: How to Win the Battle for College Campuses
A conservative teacher in a Blue State: Nancy Salvato is hardly surprised that more conservatives don't enter the teaching profession. The system is practically designed to eliminate them from getting into the classroom
The unlearned lesson of Enron -- 4 years later: It's been four years since the collapse of Enron but Alex Epstein believes that business leaders have yet to learn the chief lesson that emerged
Will universal preschool give all kids a head start?: Californians next year may endorse universal preschool but Wendy McElroy says that studies suggest sending your children to school earlier doesn't provide many extra benefits
It's time for a fireside chat: Republicans may not be fans of Franklin D. Roosevelt but E. Ralph Hostetter argues that George W. Bush should adopt FDR's fireside chat approach to answer his critics on the War on Terrorism
All aboard: Aggravation for Amtrak: As predictable as the sun rising Amtrak is once again in a state of turmoil. Paul M. Weyrich wants the Bush administration to take the rail system more seriously
From reckless to absurd -- Criteria for judicial nominees: The attacks on Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito are moving into the outrageous, charges Marion Edwyn Harrison, with made up ethical breaches the latest tool
Greenhouse gasbags gather in Montreal: Not surprisingly, says Henry Lamb, the climate change conference taking place in Montreal features only one side of the debate
Partisan treachery: Plenty of myths surround Iraq -- the existence of WMDs, the terrorist activity, the number of deaths since 2003, connections between Saddam Hussein and groups like al-Qaida -- myths that Alan Caruba tackles
Failed policy in Iraq? Prove it!: Frank Salvato says that an objective review of the facts shows that tremendous progress is being made in Iraq. If critics want to argue otherwise they'd better bring some facts of their own to the table
Compromised messages: If you've read Lady Liberty for any length of time, her libertarian-leanings are fairly evident. That fact has resulted in a pile of letters decrying her as too libertarian, not libertarian enough and everything in between
Norman Mailer: The Pontius Pilate genius of hand-wringing Democrats: Many consider novelist Norman Mailer the literary arm of modern American liberalism but Michael Moriarty argues he plays a fouler role
Fighting the war: Jim Burho tackles anti-Iraq war opponents in Hello America! An International Debate on the Events Leading to the War in Iraq and Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
Off the mark: Regardless of how you feel about pornography, writes Bernard Chapin, Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families is little more than a poorly written feminist screed
Declare war on Iran: We suspect this will enjoy little support from Americans but Bruce Walker argues that the U.S. -- with forces in the region -- should take the opportunity to overthrow Iran's theocratic dictatorship
Pride & Prejudice is beautiful and funny: The latest in a long series of Jane Austen film adaptations is marvelous, writes Lady Liberty, but avoid the "dark comedy" The Ice Harvest
Hypocrisy on steroids: The reality in Iraq continues to prove Democratic criticism of the war and its aftermath to be groundless, charges Henry Lamb
Liberal wartime confusion: The media is doing a fine job of muddling the truth about Iraq but it's the liberal elite that's leading the disinformation battle, says Lisa Fabrizio
China's hypocritical energy stance: As global competition for energy intensifies, China's actions are increasingly coming under scrutiny. That's something that's entirely justified, writes Frederick W. Stakelbeck Jr.
Keeping John Lennon in perspective: December 8 marks the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's murder but Michael M. Bates believes that overheated praise of the singer-songwriter needs to be toned down
A leadership lacking spirit: Paul M. Weyrich argues that it's time the Republican leadership take its liberal Republican congressional members out to the woodshed and send a clear message on what's expected
PBS film controversy continues: The brouhaha over a recent PBS film about abusive husbands continues to draw fire, reports Wendy McElroy
Left confuses good guys and bad guys: There is an unfortunate tendency among many liberals, writes Doug Patton to help the bad guys and handcuff the good guys
Letters to the Editor


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