In celebration of twenty-two years at Enter Stage Right -- Bionote of Mark Wegierski (Part Four) By Mark Wegierski Mark Wegierski has been published in the scholarly journals Review of Metaphysics (Washington, D.C.), Telos (New York), This World: Religion and Politics, and Politeja (Krakow: Jagiellonian University), among others. He has appeared in Polish in the scholarly collection, Literatura polska w Kanadzie (Polish literature in Canada) (Katowice: University of Silesia, 2010). In Canada, he has appeared in the popular publications Alberta Report, Books in Canada, Catholic Insight (Toronto), Convivium, The Interim, and The Next City, among others, as well as in the mass-circulation newspapers, Calgary Herald, Ottawa Citizen, The Hill Times (Ottawa), Saint John Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick Reader), and Windsor Star. He has also appeared in the French-language, Quebec-based journal, Égards (Considerations). In the United States, he has appeared in the popular magazines, The American Conservative (online only), American Enterprise, American Outlook, Chronicles, The World & I, and World Magazine, among others, and in the mass-circulation newspaper Providence Journal (RI). His article about Canada from the Washington, D.C.-based The World & I monthly was reprinted in Annual Editions: World Politics, 1998-99 (Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 1998), a major college/university reader. It was chosen by the Editorial Board of Annual Editions: World Politics from hundreds of leading American magazines and journals. Mark Wegierski has extensively appeared in Polish-Canadian and Polish-American publications – including Goniec (Polish Messenger), Polonez: Canadian-Polish News, Nowy Kurier (New Courier), Gazeta (Gazette), Glos Polski (Polish Voice), Zwiazkowiec (The Alliancer), and Polish American Journal. He also appeared once in a Polish-Australian newspaper, and frequently in popular magazines, mass-circulation newspapers, and some e-zines in Poland – including Arcana (Krakow), Gazeta Polska (Polish Gazette), Miedzynarodowy Przeglad Polityczny (International Political Review), Mysl Polska (Polish Thought), Najwyzszy Czas (The Time is Now), Nowe Panstwo (The New State), Nowe Sprawy Polityczne (New Political Affairs), Obywatel (The Citizen) (Lodz), Opcja na Prawo (The Option on the Right) (Wroclaw), and Zielone Brygady: Pismo Ekologow (Green Brigades: Ecologists' Journal). He published two special author's issues of Zielone Brygady. He has also appeared in the British publications, Salisbury Review, Right Now, and the revived Quarterly Review, as well as in the German weekly, Junge Freiheit (Young Freedom). In 2017, his poem was published in the collection Full Stop (Warsaw, Poland: IRF [Interdisciplinary Research Foundation] Press), pp. 37-39. Mark Wegierski has the following manuscripts-in-progress (among others): -- book of social and cultural commentary inspired by George Parkin Grant; -- book of social and cultural commentary relating to Polish-Canadian and Polish issues; -- SF future-history epic spanning millennia-long conflict between rootedness and technology; -- alternative-history/fantasy set in Baroque-era Poland-Lithuania; -- alternative-history ('Hitler thwarted earlier') novella; -- semi-dystopian novella of near-future U.S. Presidential politics. In 2019, Mark Wegierski was nominated for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) George Jonas Freedom Award. Since April 2002, Mark Wegierski has continuously appeared in various recognized webzines, posting on the Internet approximately once every 7 days since that time (except for 2005-2006). Some more recent academic conferences where his paper was delivered include: "Transatlantic Encounters" (University of Lodz) 2008; Sir Thomas More Colloquium (Polonia University in Czestochowa) 2010; "Conservatism: Made in USA" (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) 2010; American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting 2010 (Washington, D.C.); Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE): 2010 (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan – Kalisz Campus), 2011 (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun); "Poisoned Cornucopia" Conference (University of Opole) 2012; Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS) 2013 (University of Wroclaw); Fantastic Literature Conference (University of Lodz): 2012, 2014, 2016; "Media in America" (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin) 2017; Telos Conference: 2012 (L'Aquila, Italy), 2017 (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia); "Shapes of Futures" (University of Bielsko-Biala) 2019; Polish Association for Canadian Studies (PACS) Congress: 2013 (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan), 2019 (University of Lodz), 2022 (University of Bialystok). Some other recent academic and association conferences (attendance only) include the APSA Annual Meeting 2009 (Toronto); Canadian Creative Writers and Writing Programs (CCWWP) 2012 (Humber College – Lakeshore Campus, Toronto); Freedom Press Canada Symposium: Spring 2013 (Toronto), Spring 2014 (Toronto); Canadian Constitution Foundation (Toronto Conference): 2008, 2009, 2017; the Canadian Writers' Summit (CCWWP and other writers' and publishers' associations) (Harbourfront Centre, Toronto): 2016, 2018; Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA) (Harbourfront Centre, Toronto) 2018; Civitas Canada: 2009 (Toronto), 2014 (Toronto), 2019 (Toronto); and the George Jonas Freedom Award Dinner 2019 (Toronto). Mark Wegierski is a long-time board wargames/conflict simulations enthusiast. He has designed several board wargames/conflict simulations (historical; near-future; alternative-history; science fiction; fantasy) since 1973. He also developed wargame variants and scenarios of games published by other companies, to various stages of completion (original designs remain unpublished; some variants/scenarios have appeared in gaming 'zines). He has also carried out role-playing game (RPG) background/setting (world) design, including various fantasy, alternative-history, near-future, and future-history/science fiction scenarios (also incorporated these into fiction writing). (Some comments on world-design have appeared in gaming 'zines.) He also plays Chess and Go recreationally, and has had a life-long interest in Chess. He also has a strong interest in the popular music, fashion, and media trends of the 1980s – one of his favourite decades. His main physical activities have been lane swimming (which he does frequently, mostly in indoor pools, for most of the year) and walking. Some decades ago, he also enjoyed bicycle riding, table tennis, badminton, skating, cross-country skiing, tobogganing, and kayaking, as well as occasional friendly soccer, volleyball, basketball, floor-hockey, ball-hockey, baseball, softball, and touch football, games. He also went on numerous camping trips with his parents, during which he hiked through forest, and swam in various lakes. In 1972-1973, he briefly took up martial arts, earning a yellow belt. Mark Wegierski is a Canadian writer and historical researcher.