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Enter Stage Gabbing

A year for history

By Steven Martinovich

(December 24, 2001) Last year at about this time for my traditional Christmas editorial, the world looked on with a mixture of bemusement and worry about the continuing battle as to who would be the next president of the United States. It's funny to think about a story that gripped many people as practically faded into a non-event. Two thousand and one turned out to be a year that at first was dominated by questions of the legitimacy of the presidency of George W. Bush and ended with a world still recovering from the mass murders of September 11.

I hope that Enter Stage Right helped you make sense of the world in 2001, or at least provided you with some small insights. I'm proud of what we managed to do this year and I hope that 2002 will be just as good for us. We added some great new writers to the revolving crew that works every week to bring you their opinions about the world and I know that trend will continue.

I know I usually lay out an agenda for the coming year, what ESR plans on introducing or what direction I'd like to take it, but I've decided not to do that this year. It's not likely that ESR will be moving towards a more rapid publishing schedule, something I've been talking about since December 1999, simply because of financial and time constraints so I won't make that promise. Of course, you never know right? That said, I have some ideas that I hope become reality in the next couple of months.

I'd like to extend my thanks to all the people who have generously contributed articles to Enter Stage Right in 2001. Without you, ESR wouldn't exist. In absolutely no order, thank you to:

Alan Caruba, Paul Weyrich, Tom DeWeese, Jamie Glazov, Charles A. Morse, Dr. Frank Shostak, Bruce Walker, David Hackworth, David Kendrick, W. James Antle III, Leo K. O'Drudy, III, John K. Carlisle, Charles Bloomer, Gerard Jackson, Linda A. Prussen-Razzano, Dr. Michael S. Brown, Mark Trapp, Timothy Rollins, Lisa S. Dean, Diane Alden, Thomas L. Jipping, Shelley McKinney, Reed Larson, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Isabel Lyman, Eric Miller, Roger Banks, Nicholas Sanchez, Andrei Kreptul, Vin Suprynowicz, John Nowacki, Lawrence W. Reed, George S. Kulas, Jim Wilson, Walter Robinson, David Bardallis, Steve Farrell, Gary Johnson, Notra Trulock, S. Leon Felkins, Aaron Lukas, J. Bradley Keena, Dr. Jeremy D. Blanks, Cliff Kincaid, Bill Hengst, Jack J. Woehr, Karen De Coster, Kevin Baker, Scott Carpenter, Henry Lamb, Jeremy Lott, John Burke, Lawrence Henry, Peyton Knight, J. Bradley Jansen, Richard A. Viguerie, Steve J. Allen, David Holcberg, Patrick J. Reilly, Star Parker, Andy Walsh, James Hall, Terry Dunford, Frederick B. Meekins, Dr. Michael R. Bowen, Clay Waters, Barton Wong, Gregory J. Hand, David M. Budge, Carl Teichrib, Jay Bergman, Michael Moriarty, E. Ralph Hostetter, Kimberley Jane Wilson, Alberto Mingardi, James K. Glassman, Brian Carnell, Amy Ridenour, Phillip J. Hubbell, Gregory Pomeroy, Adam Daifallah, Thomas D. Cox, Gary Aldrich, Tom Randall, A.C. Kleinheider, Doug Patton, Jeremy Reynalds, Steve Lilienthal, Guy Smith, Karl Brooks, Seamus Heffernan, Steve Montgomery, Adam Schorsch, Wayne Dunn, John Gallagher, Daniel J. Jennings, William Westmiller, George F. Smith, Daniel M. Ryan, Stuart Buck, Patrick O'Hannigan, Michael Dokupil, Susanna Dokupil, Amy L. Fletcher, Edwin A. Locke, Wendy McElroy, Gerald E. Marsh, George S. Stanford, Conrad Black, Angie Wheeler, Ron Capshaw, Joseph Kellard, Anna Zetchus Raetz, Larry Kelley, Connie Marshner, Linda Lebrun, Rachel Alexander, Jeff Snyder, Nancie G. Marzulla and Roger F. Gay

I'd also like to thank Jeffery Anderson with FSB Associates for being the man mostly responsible for ESR's book reviews section, Michael Miller for continuing to tolerate my unrelenting stream of questions, Steve Lendt for far too many suggestions that I need to implement and you for coming back week after week. Like I always say, it wouldn't be worth doing without the best readers reading and debating what the group behind ESR does every week.

Thanks for reading,

Steven Martinovich



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